When Wong said adon sucked at the time it was at PAX east and in that build you were able to focus adons ground jaguar kicks… same build where deejays dread kick left you in a crumpled state
I still would have liked j.f.mk to have hit a little lower. Whether you’re supposed to jump or not, it brings a tear to my soul when I bait out a focus attack or turtling crouch and I whiff even though I land right next to my opponent. This can sometimes happen on opponents who walk forward slightly because they are pressing cross-up block before you go over the; mk can miss and yet you’re still in range of a Juri grab.
Even the look of it when it whiff gives the impression Guy is sliding down the back of the enemy as the game shifts you to one side when you’re falling on top of them. I wouldn’t even have pushed for it to be increased downwards, just move the hit box lower down in the hurt box. As long as it’s technically inside the hurtbox, Guy would still get bopped by AA pokes as usual. It wouldn’t make the timing to punish him any more tricky as you’ll still enter his hurtbox before the hit box as long as your aa is active before Guy is in a space the opponent’s hurtbox and hitbox can reach.In times where opponents aa late I would imagine the lowered hit box would give more trades… but it’s a Guy jump. Why are you hitting aa late anyway?
Stupid as in how it looks. she’s lifting you up to the peak of your jump. It just look so off to me. I believe it works mid screen to for combos? So that gives her an even better corner push.
It’s basically completely useless, I can’t think of any situation where I’d use it…but then other characters have similar moves. I guess you could argue that such moves are in need of buffs, but surely it’s more worthwhile buffing moves that people actually use instead of attempting to make already useless attacks viable? I’d rather take a far st. LK and far st. HK buff over making close st. LK at all useful.
I was kind of hoping we’d have something close to Vipers cl LK to tick throw with. But Guy has great close mediums in exchange. Still wouldve been nice to let standing LP chain from it.
I’m writing from a friend’s profile:
Guys, i think a good and not an overpowered buff would be a buff to cr.mk. Expand it a little horizontally and make it always hit twice.
What do u think? And how can I suggest this change to Combofiend if it is not too late.= D
I would do jumping mk first. Lower the hit box inside the hurt box, mabye extend it back inside the hurt box as well, which I think is the main concern.
Or make mk BSK low invincible frame frame one. I should not be seeing the word reversal and still hit by crouching lks.
That’s an online only problem, not a fault with the game itself. I’ve lost count of how many WTF moments I’ve had playing online. Trust me, MK tatsu is both low and projectile invincible from frame 1. But anything can happen online. I’ve got a replay saved of a Gief doing empty safe jump > ultra 1 and I did reversal LK tatsu (during the ultra freeze you can clearly see Guy in the tatsu pose) and he caught me. Tested same situation offline in the lab, Gief eats LK tatsu to the face…
That’s just the thing, why is his close standing lk so useless, it should work just like his standing jab like it does in alpha. Why not just give him 5 buttons to use if you are gonna make one not matter capcom…
I remember reading that a few months ago. I do what I can in the face of bad internet - mines not horrendous by any means, but I get the odd dead frame, sometimes one too many. Combos into light HZO and super comes out a couple of frames late. Ex BSK reversals during untrue blockstrings that come out as a st.hk (that gets counter hit) into a Ex.BSK after the opponent stops poking me with lights. Sometimes I’ve even had frame skips, things like shotos instance recovering from DPs or Giefs that have gone from block string into SPD. One guy played me and did that all day. No lariats or focus, just blockstring, SPD. Holding up couldn’t get me out of the way in time.
Ask for :mk:.BSK and :3k:.BSK to hit from further away or far standing mk to combo.
You shouldn’t be able to mash cr.lights on Guy and not be punished. Definitely goddamn tired of :mk:.BSK going over the head of low profiles. That the fucking point of the move.