Guy Combo thread: Make em say Hya!

found easy cancels to super a little while ago…

cr.LP > super
cr.MP> super
cr.LP > cr.MP > super

not corners only either… can do it anywhere…

my best bnb is probably cr.lp x2 or x2 (i tend to prefer to do only one cr.light cause x2 seems to miss links alot to > > st.hp > ex hozanto (if i have it )

favorite punish is > > Bushin Target combo > > super or ultra or hurricane or hozanto…

j.RH > ninja sickle > ex hozanto >FADC > Ultra 1 - 577 Damage 560 Stun

Corner only obviously.

Cross up combo on crouching opponent.
j.MK>cl.HP>qcb.PP 266 damage 460 stun
j.MK>cl.HP>qcb.LP 236 damage 412 stun
j.MK>cl.HP>qcb.LP>FADC>qcb.PP 318 damage 552 stun

Neutral jump combo on crouching opponent
j.LP>cl.HP>qcb.PP 246 damage 410 stun
j.LP>cl.HP>qcb.LP 214 damage 362 stun
j.LP>cl.HP>qcb.LP>FADC>qcb.PP 298 damage 502 stun

Focus Attack combos
FA>cl.HK>s.LP-s.MP-s.HP-s.HK>qcb.PP 386 damage 562 stun

In corner
FA>cl.HK>s.LP-s.MP-s.HP-s.HK>qcb.KK 395 damage 547 stun
FA>cl.HK>s.LP-s.MP-s.HP-s.HK>qcb.HK 317 damage 497 stun

Jump ins on crouching opponents
j.RH>cl.HP>qcb.PP - 296 damage 560 stun
j.RH>cl.HP>qcb.LP - 264 damage 512 stun
j.RH>cl.HP>qcb.LP>FADC>qcb.PP 348 damage 652 stun

In corner
j.RH>cl.HP>qcb.KK - 336 damage 560 stun
j.RH>cl.HP>qcb.MK - 320 damage 560 stun
j.RH>cl.HP>qcb.PP>qcb.KK - 401 damage 665 stun

Jump ins on Standing opponents.
j.RH>cl.RH>s.LP-s.MP-s.HP-s.HK>qcb.PP - 404 damage 650 stun

In corner:
j.RH>cl.RH>s.LP-s.MP-s.HP-s.HK>qcb.HK - 392 damage 630 stun
j.RH>cl.RH>s.LP-s.MP-s.HP-s.HK>qcb.KK - 416 damage 630 stun

In the corner is it possible to do j.RH > cl.RH > s.LP-s.MP-s.HP-s.HK > qcb KK > ex hozanto ?

I don’t believe so. It just doesn’t let it hit.

Could someone recommend something reliable and relatively easy to input I can use as an all-purpose follow up after an elbow drop?

And for elbow drop combos, does the timing change depending on whether it was an elbow drop after Izuna or simply a down + MP elbow drop?

Nice, most damaging ultra combo anyone’s posted yet.

down + mp seems to have better hit stun, for the life of me I can not link anything off of a bushin flip elbow drop. Down+mp links pretty easily into target combo

Great thread

I need some help with input for c.lp into target combo ( two hit ver ) and bunshin chain… Yeah yeah, I could figure it out myself but I hate all plinking stuff.

For c.lp into target combo instead of pressing it really fast like you would a chain, pause for a brief second then do mp, hp. It’s really easy to get after awhile.

For the into bunshin chain, you can’t really plink that at all due to it starting from jab, so don’t worry about that. You’ll just have to practice the timing.

i find it f’d up that this works and j.RH > s.RH> Bushin Combo > ex hozanto >FADC > Ultra 1 doesn’t… its 400 dmg before the ultra… it would’ve been epic

ninja edit … ha ninja… anyway… super works after the combo i explained but the dmg is 490ish…

Am i missing something here because i dont see how you get the second s.RK after the busin ,but beyond that why are you posting training mode only combos when you say you can super after that?

I don’t know if anyone mentioned this yet, but I managed to link from his Overhead Run finally, but the conditions are kinda strict, i’ve managed to do it off of a CH one hit overhead, and I managed to do it on both Hakan, Cody and Cammy (the 3 characters i tried it against)

Anyways, I managed Run - CH Overhead - Cr Lp - Target Combo - Low Hozanto/Ex Hozanto

yea i got caught up in the moment sry… and i thought bushin combo was up to s.fp… not s.RH… that’s why i said bushin > s.RH

sry fixed original post :shake:

No problem,i’ll blame it on the wizard of booze but i was trying for the kick for like 10 mins,then i did the super from it a few times till a friend laughed at me for doing training mode combos.

Also from what i am seeing from playing around with it is his mid air elbow the is easily his best pressuring tool and it beats cleaning like everything,i have stuffed several ultras,dps ect and if it stuffs and they are standing you and easily chain right into bushin if they duck chain d lp into target combo and resume shennagians,but aside from his godlike focus that elbow is a real killer.

Also Lol at lp Hozanto beating Breathless clean:P

just sux that don’t combo to ultra though… idk why it doesn’t… guess the dmg might break 600 probably since combo pre-ultra is 404

btw you should add me xbl … we can do some private endless and share tips.

Also if your just messing around anyway,after the J RH s RH,s lp into the target combo~lp Hozanto into the ultra,i’ll try for lp hozanto into ex hozanto into ultra but i dont think that will hit either though.

It looks like most combos have been mentioned, but i didnt see this so i thought id add it.

Guy can combo his ultra 1 anywhere on the screen off a jump in. deep jump in fierce and roundhouse both allow guy to combo ultra 1 off of the hit stun.

Are you saying you can do the target combo off the deep jump in and then the ultra? Or just the two roundhouses off the jumpin into the ultra?

No, he means you can jump in with roundhouse and that’s it.
