Guy AE v.2012 Changes Thread

Super Combo from a lot of combo setups, last hit would miss, they made the hit box bigger.

For example, crossup into corner, bushin chain throw, HK tatsu > Super, depending on their char and timing, often the last hit would miss. It looks like they fixed some funky properties when using it as AA too.

I agree on standing lk being chainable, that’s how it was in Zero 3. Could do lp, lk, bushin chain etc.

oh, the vertical increase in his forward/back jump HK hitbox is nice, it means shotos can’t use cr. mk all day vs elbow or jumps in. Obviously vert jump MP and HP are very useful for his safe jumps. Especially HP since you can walk forward after and looking for counter hits from attempted throws etc. More time to buffer OS etc etc.

ah, also, I didn’t get to test this but EX Tatsu has been improved too, I wanted to test vs Juri cr. mk but no Juri players :frowning: It definitely ‘locks’ them in more used as AA. Often vs Dive Kicks 1 hit (the first one) would miss for some reason so they’ve probably made the 1st hit box larger at least.

Guy will always be mid tier… I tried fellas I really did :smiley: In fact most of the Guy players there wrote on the survey they’d like to see Guys UC1 fixed up a bit. I’m not sure how many chars there are that can ONLY landed their ultra (well UC1) in the corner but Guy is one of them… and that’s usually after a long chain or after blowing a crap load of gauge on EX Hozanto FADC ;D I asked for 2 things actually, either 10F (12F now) startup (possibly) or have the first hit lock them in (unlikely), even with the latter it would mean you need to land a bushin chain FADC (hozan etc won’t reach), so the damage would be scaled back anyway. Meh :smiley:

I’m struggling to get to Master in the arcades since the majority of my matchups are people like frickin CANTONA (number 1 ranked Zangi), Sorikin (Number 1 ranked Rufus), 50 Yen (1 Ranked Elf, though this is winnable), err Wao, Haitani, Arai and Tamyuu Balrog, 2nd place Viper (dath), meh, it’s all fun. Most of the Osaka Guy players are inactive now too.

Well if they won’t improve the start up properties they could atleast make his ulta a lot safer on block. Shit is stupid punishable by the slowest shit.

Edit: And his ex-tatsu NEEDS to hit behind him atleast once for a knock down so you don’t feel like an asshole. So you are telling me that akuma can’t just jump in when you do this without getting hit at all like usual.

I lol’d but I get it, man. There are ways to deal with crossup hurricanes etc but if Tatsu hit behind or self corrected properly it wouldn’t be a problem. I don’t think any UC is that safe on block so Guy’s is no exception. Meh. Guy will always have to work hard ;D

I swear that niggas recovery is comparable to Ryu’s fireball ultra. Shit is silly for what it does and doesn’t do. LP Headbutt has 13 start frames, if its back to super then that means it has 1-14 f invincibility upper body and lower I think its both. anyways, I think you can Safe jump OS it with EX tatsu but very delayed, actually maybe depending on the range you can OS U1 :o, i completely forgot that it moves forward now, So probably against most of the casts reversals he can snag them with U1. :smiley:

Safe jumps are all good IF you can knock him down… all the Master Honda’s I play are turtle fucks! :smiley:

Yeah DB charge characters can give Guy hell, thankfully Honda doesnt have a projectile, learning to beat Headbutt and buttslam is a nice thing to learn. especially since on reset you can dash under them maybe or jump to cross up and break their charge, or runslide maybe?

af0: I did actually add to my survey to make tatsu FADC’able. I think after landing non-CH elbow on standing chars should give more stun since it’s so hard to time cr. lk. Plus blocked isn’t a true block string etc.

Still, Guy has a few more tools in the bag to use… I wish they’d give him some Kunai though :smiley:

I know it might be too late but, they need to do something with close lk, it seems like it has no use at all.
I think he’s getting better but they seem to be just adding things he should already have anyway.

That’s good to hear man. Lately I’ve been using empty jump into ex tatsu after the run/slide combo. It catches crouch techs and throws. This is very danegrous in the corner if guy can FADC the tatsu into Ultra 1.


Me to! That Ex Tatsu catch’s everybody, because there thinking you’ll going for a throw. It will teach them to block and setup Ultra 2 or a Throw setup.

Hey Capcom: I want to combo more:


Take notes.

Today I just wrote a comment again at the developers blog in Japanese.
As always, I asked cancel FADC in BSK, better hitbox for elbow, more safety for round house and the correction of the whiffing target combo in some characters. also, I said that the aerial HK didnt get buffered enough, since I got ducked a lot at the locket test.
This is the third time I send them a message. Lets see if they take something into consideration.

I’ve been thinking about releasing a character change log for the soon-to-be-released SSFIV AE Ver. 2012 on November 30th! I know there must be a lot of people who want to see what the final changes are, but please wait just a little while longer!

Quote from Ono, here’s to hoping we get what we asked for.

So i was just playing around with yebs 2012 mod on the PC… and he seems to have completely removed the bushin flip recovery once its on the ground like stated in the list… have you guys tried it out , seems pretty broken to me O_o… i think capcom were just trolling about the “NO recovery bit”…i bet it still has the same amount as elbow atleast…

Well come November 30th or so, we’ll find out all the changes hopefully.

How can having no recovery be broken (and I recall them saying it’s less recovery)? The flip has such slow start up, and what’s guy gonna do even if he lands next to them - command grab them with a 2 frame SPD? Not even a modified Guy can be broken.

Idk Error’s Guy was awfully broken in some of the mechanics, such as cancelling specials into other special without the use of FADC, chain normals, air grab can be used in combos. though I think the speed of his bushin flip mod was over the top.

But it was less recovery its not completely without recovery, and as af0 said, what can Guy do. The only benefits i see there is the possibility to bait 3 frame reversals, its not much of a threat, less recovery just makes it easier to use as an escape tool and if you manage to land behind the opponent if they whiff a srk, you can punish faster.

Its not like i din know about the change >__> … I was expecting more of a flip elbow recovery…

am just saying when i actually played it , It seemed pretty darn good… Which is why i wanted to ask if someone who has played 2012 if thats how the move is gonna be…

and no yebs mod is just based of the change list capcom gave…basically he just set the flip recovery to 0 i think … And yea its not really broken , but seems pretty darn good … in escape and his overall mobility … you guys should just try it out and see how it feels… or maybe its coz am soo used to that huuge chunk of recovery o_O … I see a lot of potential for this if it is truly “0” recovery …

there are a few who played the beta version and have reported that empty bushin is pretty limited. It’s not even as good as people first guessed, at least for how much we know. Don’t worry about Guy getting broken moves, not gonna happen. Worry about him getting something decent cause we’d be lucky to get that much.