I talked about tiers as a suggestive statement, If Guy was Mid tier or high mid tier everyone would be fine with that, because then he would have more potential as a tournament character. Guy’s only nerf coming into AE was the Bushin Flip being reduced to 180 damage from 200… which is not much to complain about at all, The move is hard enough to catch someone and shouldn’t be something to rely on, on top of that if you do manage to get it can lead into a safe jump against 4 frame reversals if I remember correctly and probably has a way for ambiguous cross up.
Guy would still need few more fixes for him to be completely solid, and those would be for an aerial move to hit low profile moves, elbow to have a deeper hitbox and more hit/blockstun, his st mp and cr mp to have more hit/block stun so Lp will be a true combo or blockstring that or lp hozanto starts up faster, and Run/stop to at least across the board be safer with at least have one setup being even or -1 and at worse -3. and for his TC to have slightly more range as it still misses on some characters,
Guy literally doesn’t have many safe approaches without the use of FADC.
(using Fwd dash)
TC xx LP HOZ leaves him at -1 and if you FADC leaves him at +1, Slide FADC at best probably leaves him at -3
TC -2
Cl st mp -3
CL st Hp -4
St mp, cr mp, cl st mk -8
Guy would need quite a bit to make him become anything close to Yun, Viper or Fei in current AE.
So… now instead of throwing off balance the opponent, by running ex, suddenly stopping and either ultra 2 them or regular throw… i can go for the inzuna ball, do nothing and catch em off guard. nice! ^^
I highly doubt anyone will just let you gracefully run at them absorb hits if the move aren’t armor breaking Bushin flip through the air gracefully, land and start an assault.
this ain’t role-playing friend… i’m just saying that if one of the changes is a better recovery time from the inzuna. or, 0 recovery time… it opens up the chance for better tricks/assaults in that manner.
Any attack is possible if you’re not playing against good players. I’m not trying to strike you down or anything, but if anyone is trying to become better in this game, minimizing risk should be primary on your list. A good as a character as Guy may or may not be, he poses a lot of risk potential in his approach alone. From the beta loktest videos we saw, it looks like empty Bushin Flip seems about negative 2-4 frames. If it is any more that that, a mix up attempt will not be a viable option. It is bad enough that there are a plethora of crouching moves that make the elbow whiff already. How will you land on the ground in time while ensuring someone won’t throw out a limb like they would usually do?
I’m not a daigo-quality player with guy (he’s my main) but i must confess it all depends on the fighting style, imho.
I concur, he has too many risky openings… but it all depends on your style as well.
i use unorthodox methods with guy and… i’m still practicing the corner focus cancel + dash + ultra1 stuff. (i can’t seem to connect them in battle, just in training)
I was just commenting cuz battling online with a lot of fireball spammers, it has worked for me… to dash/run ex - sudden stop in their faces and u2 'em. not with the inzuna drop though. hopefully with this change, there’s some advantage at the neutral inzuna.
Tomorrow, I’m going into training mode to figure out if close st.LK has any uses. Personally, I don’t use the move much aside from tick throws, but maybe figuring out stuff like this will be a testament to a lack of understanding with Guy.
I know for a fact far st.LK can ONLY be used as an anti air, as it is not special cancel-able at all.
Kiryu uses close st. lk at times during block strings.
I like some of the stuff they are doing to guy to bring him closer to his alpha counter part. Instant bushin flip recovery! In AE Normal forward medium punch hits twice like alpha 3. We need down HK to be safer. It is terribly unsafe even at max distance against some characters.
I would never use cl st lk for tick throws… that leaves you at -3 on block and even on hit :l, but I really wish it had more usage, it can be cancel into EX Hoz, lk and mk tatsu but thats all.
St lk has 3 active frames. Do a meaty and then and instant throw - it can work. It also looks a bit awkward for someone who it gets done to for the first time.
Doesn’t cr.mp has 3 active frames now? But I still wish it had more usage… You can use it for resets in the corner with his Bushin Chain Throw but thats about it… I really wish Guy had Yun’s status for Shoulder and able to go for cross up. Just do Bushin Chain throw them in the corner, normal cancel into lp or mp hozanto or late ex hozanto… or have different tactic so its ambiguous on which side you’ll land on, Could lead to some nasty pressure since Guy is +1 after an FADC.and I think hozantos have 3 frames so hitting meaty would be better on block. C’mon Capcom give us something.
Still thinking of practical ideas for the new bushin flip, I think it could be really useful in certain matchups, like adon or viper since you can keep them out of the air before they get a chance to do anything. I think it could be good against gouken too, if you do a lp bushin flip on his wakeup you would be able to use elbow and then if he starts to counter you could land in front of him and get a free punish, or grab him on the way down.
Does anyone know if U1 still has the same invincibility? If he moves forward when it starts up is he still invincible until the first hit?
Man sorry guys I rarely post on SRK. I attended the Loketest that’s featured in the videos here (AVION in Osaka). I’m not that Guy in the video but I got a bunch of wins and time with Guy.
Bushin Flip reduction will have very limited uses. If you’re looking to land in front of them to mixup, you’re out of luck. It’s still a very longggg pause. The only application I can see it being good for is making people whiff anti airs / counters by thinking you’re going to elbow drop (Sim Yoga Blast, SRKs, Gouken counters etc and punishing from behind).
Increase throw range (only slight) is awesome and makes his frame trap game much much better.
UC1, You can use it to blow throw projectiles much easier (Ryu Ken with loose low mk > fireball). Easier to hit, I think it I remember you could do EX hozanto > FADC > UC1 from JUST over midscreen. Same invinc frames it seems (someone asked).
Wall bounce reduction for attacks, is nice but only minor.
Kubi gari (overhead kick) being fixed. Meh, if you play Guy well you never risk it anyway. Sometimes it was NICE it actually went over Sak / Juri / etc.
Walk Speed - this is awesome, if you’re close before you would need to push them back enough then walk back and see if they throw a normal out then MP > EX Hozanto etc etc. You can apply that pressure from right in the their face now… more mixups is awesome.
UC2 - range increase is very slight, easier input makes it much easier to get out!
Fixed super combo is awesome.
cr.mp is 3 active frames…
I spoke to the exec producer at the Loketest too and really really suggested they make Guy’s UC’s more viable by making UC1 faster (12 frames is rubbish), or make it lock the character (like Rufus UC1). That was at the Alpha and Beta test but I think it’s gone unheard.
That’s some good info there Arma - and a reality check about the bushin flip recovery which I haven’t been that excited about to begin with.
It’s a shame you didn’t mention more to the producer, like being able to cancel Ex bushin senpukyaku and making the elbow more advantageous for Guy.
Yep, always 3 frames, I don’t use it as much on wake up since I want to OS cr.hk from lk or lp. I fear guy will be pretty much the same in AE, though from playing at the Loketest the game doesn’t feel too different. Also, screw Honda… because of the change with his LP headbutt that match is back to super (i.e. v hard).
Zangief HP is stupid (not difficult to counter but WHY does it knockdown!)
Cody has a chance to be right up there. Yun is still very very good (in fact it just feels like the round lasts a bit a longer vs Grand/Ultimate Master Yuns) that’s all. Yang I don’t know yet but 666 was smashing people up with him. Fei is easier to handle but still a tough MU.
My main worry is that everyone got ‘better’ and Guy feels like he got ‘fixed’. Still, no way I am changing. Guy will always be my main.
Gouki for top tier. I have a feeling Cammy up there too (though she always has been)
When you say his super was fixed what do you mean?
Why can’t they make his chain have juggle properties man? Then let you proximity cancel that ish.
Tell them fags to let him start his chain off of standing lk. Cause fixed Guy is still weak as fuck compared to all the beast that can just run up on his ass mashing medium punch all day.