Guy AE v.2012 Changes Thread

So its at least -2 on block at max range or does SRK not reach.

Ex and HP SRK Reached but block´d. Super get blocked also. :smiley:

Flexo i have one question then… does LP SPD from Gief or Ultra 1 grab him…

Reversal jab SPD catches. Only jab due range. Cannot get the ultra1 input into work.

Before we go around thinking that cr.HK is safer in AE 2012, let’s first look at the available frame data:
[]cr.HK hits on the 7th frame.
]cr.HK has 11 active frames and 15 frames of recovery.
[]On block, cr.HK has two frame disadvantages: -10 and -5.
]On hit, cr.HK either knocks down or has a frame disadvantage of -3.
Let’s assume that cr.HK is -10 on block in the range where it knocks down and is -5 on block in the range where it doesn’t knock down. Also, let’s assume that cr.HK doesn’t knock down at max range. Therefore:
[]At max range, we should be focusing on the second frame disadvantage on block (-5).
]At max range, cr.HK will have been active for quite some time before it makes contact.
[*]If cr.HK has been active for only 4 frames before it makes contact at max range, it will be safe when it actually makes contact from any 3 frame attack. Frame disadvantage in this case will be -2. Remember, frame data advantages and disadvantages assume that the attack hits on its first active frame. Consequently, if cr.HK hits on its second active frame at max range in this situation, Guy will be at -4.
If someone doesn’t test this before tonight, I will. I’m not home at the moment.

not so ninja [e]dit:

Tigris66 explains it below:

I cannot test it up to the frame. It’s just me and “record” in training mode. :stuck_out_tongue:

is -5 on block in the range where it doesn’t knock down.
cr.HK has 11 active frames and 15 frames of recovery.

Probably this is it. But I assure, I cannot get reversal Ryu to connect from max range into work, where Zangi have no problems to lp SPD. ¿Active 4 longer?

What he means by the -10, -5 is the moment Cr hk becomes active or point black and its blocked you’re at -10. But where the KD portion of the move ends and its just becomes a standard hit/poke at that very frame its -5

Yeah, exactly.

What I’m implying is that a max range cr.HK was probably safe already and that it isn’t safer in AE 2012.

Yes Streak I think is nearly right… All slides are safe from a certain range… It all depends on which frame it hits the opponent.I had to time to study that as rose was my first main character :wink:
But for Guy, as he has 2 numbers -10 and -5 and that it has 11 actives frames : it means that there is 6 active frames where it does not KD.
Therefore frame advantage will vary on block from -5 to 0 depending on which frame it hits.
On hit frame advantage will vary from -3 to +2 which explains why we can combo in certain situation from a CH hit C.HK.

Sweet. Thanks. I’ve always had trouble interpreting the slightly-less-obvious frame data stuff. This makes perfect sense. :tup:

cause his guy is random as hell

We dont have the same definition for random

so uh how bout that yun tho :wink:

Cr.HK should be the same. I’m still getting punished on spacing that should be safe. U2 has decent range now. I haven’t used it in so long that I gotta relearn some setups.

Overall Guy is more fluent and reliable, but with all the other buffs the cast got, that puts him back to mid at best. Even so, it feels that it’s more up to the player to win this time then to some technical BS. I feel more confident playing Guy now which makes it more fun.

On a side note, E.Ryu is really good. My secondary for sure.

If i go to anyone as sides it’ll be Yang and Cody, and probably muck around with Yun, the PC update needs to hurry up >> But I’ll probably run with Guy for the most part anyways.

I see characters going from combos right into ultras now. Can Guy do Bushin Chain ultra 1 outside of the corner? Havent been playing this game lately. Sounds stupid but the videos I been seeing are all ridiculous stuff!

No Guy can’t do it you’ll only get 2 hits and thats it, But he can combo into from almost half screen with FADCs.

I can’t wait for PC update, damn!!!

Yeah figured just curious cause it moves further forward and other characters got ridiculous stuff!

Is that Bushin Flip change still in? Cuz I’m still seeing recovery after an empty flip.