My main question Af0 is… if you do a level 3 focus attack… why are you backdashing?
I thought level 3 crumples the character even longer, thus giving a chance for the ultra to land. Realistically this would be a counter hit lev 1 focus or level 2 crumple. THe ultra doesn’t even cover guy’s backdash.
It does crumple them longer but it also depends on their crumple state hitbox, some characters lvl 2 focus backdash HP hozanto will whiff but lvl 3 it will hit. But it may not travel the distance of his backdash it may be character specific still to larger scaled characters, but still if you are within range for an FADC combo do mp/hp hozanto FADC into U1, you’ll take on more damage.
kara throw range is a lot better. i like
From watching a few Kiryu videos run stop looks different almost like you didnt push lk fast enough to stop but he is able to guard? Is anyone else seeing this? Not home yet to test
Noticed kiryu isn’t top guy on leaderboards eitehr… who is now?
After Run > Slide, Safe Jump HP OS U1 is really, really nice. Works on Chun Li. :tup:
Safe Jump HP OS HK Bushin Senpukyaku (4 hits) doesn’t work on her, though.
At the moment, here are the top five:
[]ISM TaNaKa (US) - 20405
[]Kiryu Tsukimiya (JAP) - 18551
[]FlavioFJB (BRA) - 18358
[]Monney514 (CAN) - 17235
[*]Nebbiez (UK) - 16388
Kreymore is in 9th with 15504, Brunaleski is in 10th with 15302, Pedro is in 11th with 15159, and Nox2 is in 15th with 14887.
Who the hell is TaNaKa why have we never heard or even seen him?
EDIT: Found him
Hey, I don’t know if this is new or not but Guy can cross up with his jump roundhouse and chain into his stand strong and finish with his shadow kick. If this is already known just ignore this.
He can do other combos after the crossup but I’m still trying to find some new stuff as well. Loving the improved throw range.
(Also the cross-up with the jump roundhouse is very space sensitive).
Yeah he has the ability to it was mostly in the corner and i think it was character/space timing specific but with the hitbox maybe better, could probably find set ups for it. If it can be done outside of the corner
from playing around 4 matches. Didnt test any of this, but I think theyre right.
1: FF chain/back throw has MUCH better range. It never missed for me, and I used it at what seemed like it would be too far in AE.
2: Hitting someone in the air with run overhead puts them in a juggle state. Like, run overhead,
anyone else finding it a bit harder to link c.lp, c.lp, s.lp ?
might just be me
I’ve noticed that too. It’s really strange. Never had that problem in regular AE or Super.
why would you do that though? bushin chain into whatever is going to be hella scaled, why not go for target combo into slide?
I like the new jump MP. i was beating out a lot of stuff and even trading with shoryus
quick tell them to patch that!
Well, we could say that Nox2 is in the top 3 GUY’s player in the world anyway ^^ he plays a lot in arcade room
Im having trouble with FF chain -> backthrow -> RH BSK in the corner, the BSK whiffs half the time, am I doing something wrong or is this due to the changes ?.
Cr. LPx2> Bushin Chain, even with no EX Hozanto or Tatsu followup, does more damage than Cr. LPx2>TCxxRun Slide
Getting back to a point from earlier about cr.HK I think it may have quicker recovery. I was playing some games yesterday and at one point i did a cr.HK slide from what is normally an unsafe distance. I though to hell with it and did a hail mary U2. I was able to get my U2 out in time before the opponent could even do a light poke on me. Would be really handy to know as it could result in some nasty mind games.
From my test I can tell Cr.Hk Is totally safe form Ryu at max range only. But safe.