ah my bad, just got a little excited there.
I’m loving the nj.hp and the extended throw range buffs the most. What about you guys?
ah my bad, just got a little excited there.
I’m loving the nj.hp and the extended throw range buffs the most. What about you guys?
i cant really feel a difference in his throw range. seems to be extremely minor
U2 range got buffed pretty good, though
I feel like now kara-throw can be used after most run-stop situations without the throw whiffing. j.hk also seems quite good, I tried it repeatedly against ryu’s c.mk and had it hit most of the time.
How good, can it finally catch Akuma after his St.HK - it always hits guy twice and is -2 now - or is there too much pushback?
I tested every normal and move and they don’t toched damage nor stun. tsk
Kara Throw Moves foward as it was before. 1,25 small training boxes.
Movement Speed is slightly noticeable faster, but probably not enough for my tastes.
Izuna recovery looks… probably cut in half, but very noticeable.
J.hk buff is what I noticed most, now you dont need to time it EXACTLY
U1 Movement is very nice, can punish fireballs more easily
Run HK Is totally better. YAY
Guys feels now FIXED, at last. But face it, still unpopular.
it wont catch him at max range, but it works at most other ranges. if you can bait him to do it close enough, you’ll catch him. played with it for about 3 minutes
test cr.hk, I’m at work right now…
here’s a video i made showing off his new U1
im assuming ch cr hp max range into U1 works.
Did U1 get a damage buff? Or am I just imagining things thinking it scales differently now.
U1 alone does exactly the same, gonna try in combos right now.
Confirmed, Ryu S tier.
cr.mp - FADC - U1 — 514 / 300
FF Combo - U1 — 447 / 231
TC - lp Hoz - FADC - U1 - 445 / 227
j hp - hk - FF Combo - U1 499 / 570
Focus 3 - hk - FF Combo - U1 — 445 / 502
Focus 3 - cr.mp - Ex Hozanto - U1 513 / 420
Cr.mp - Ex hoz - FADC - U1 — 514 / 300
cr lk x3 - lk hurri - super — 368 / 280
FF Combo - super 442 — 231
j.hp - hk - FF Combo - Super 508 — 570
j hk - hk - TC - Super — Super Whiffs.
Can someone explain:
“Ultra 2 - Bushin Muso Renge - Made easy command mode input the same as SSF4.”
I thought that meant a change in the input for U2, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. What am I missing?
yeah…ryu is really good tho…
I can pretty much confirm that Guy now scales much much better. Across all combos.
Edit 1.
FF Combo FADC BACKWARDS U1 Works on Corner
FF Combo FADC U1 Works Anywhere, SAFE U1, 2 Hits, 374 / 570
It basically means you can short cut it, instead of having to HCB completely, you can short ease the inputs by just doing df to back. In AE if you did the move quickly you would sometimes miss the forward input and you would get EX hozanto instead, while in Super you’d get U2
Eff Ryu, Guy all day, but I apparently have to wait 2 months… for PC update… eff capcom if that’s true.
Did anyone test out jump mp? is it at least as useful as J.HK, I know J.mp had a fuzzy guard against a few character did that increase and did j.HK gain fuzzy guard? Did any normals gain hitstun buffs? or Run/stop gain a faster recovery? EX Tatsu?
Thank you Flexo,
So his combos do more damage overall
Thanks for the info! I’ll continue watching tsukimiya’s stream for now to see how matchups look and I am going to look for some hidden changes as well I hope they lower the damage scaling for FF chain -> FADC -> U1 >_<
Is he streaming now? link if so.
No, it’s strange, I tested every normal and the dmg / stun it’s the same. It’s the Scalling what is different.
J hp 100%, hk 100%, FF Combo, (80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, )FADC (U1 31%, 33%, 33%, 33%, 33%, 33%) 499 / 570
Focus 3 - (U1, 72%, 70%, 70%, 70%, Ninja Sickle 70%, 72%, Izuna 70%) — 464 / 200
Focus 3 - hk - FF Combo - U1 — 445 / 502
He is! here’s the link http://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co319677 you need to register first though then click the red thingy on top and you’re good to go also the stream seems to freeze every 30 mins or so (at least for me) if that happens just go back to the link i posted and click the red button again