Gundam Battle Assault 2

my skype is BerserkChip

Just unlocked everyone besides zam ziel dark and psycho. I think thatā€™d suffice, right? So Iā€™m about as ready as Iā€™ll ever be. Got my cyberpad on. What server should we log into?

Yeah, that should be everything. I think Iā€™m just gonna go ahead and say 8 pm as well.

cool, then I have some time to kill.

Iā€™m eastern time, so Iā€™ll probably check in at about 9pm my time then.

Canā€™t you guys just distribute the same memory card file amongst each other?
I know that Iā€™ve been using a save file, and wonā€™t have too much fun unlocking the chars again.

We probably should have thought of that before unlocking all the characters again lolol

Ok, Iā€™ve got everyone added on Skype, give me a second to set up a game lobby.

Btw, we will be in Galaxy Server.

Cool, Chicago-based. Pretty close to me.

Alright change of servers! server will be the new one!

Oh snap! An online community is forming for this game? Is there a tutorial to get this to work (I actually own a copy of this game)?

Well, I wouldnā€™t say we were successful yet really. Or at least I havenā€™t gotten any real matches yet. But basically download the following:

-emulator: ePSXe 1.6
-scph1001 bios (put in the bios folder in your ePSXe directory)
-video plug-in: Peteā€™s OpenGL Driver 1.76
-audio plug-in: P.E.Op.S. DSound Audio Driver 1.9
-cdrom plug-in: mooby2 cd disk image driver 2.8 (if you are going to run a downloaded copy) or Sapu cdrom v1 (if youā€™re going to use your disc)
-netplay plug-in: Cyber Pad 1.4
Unzip those plug-ins and drop all the files in the plugins folder in your ePSXe directory
-Kaillera client SDK v0.9 (drop this in your actual ePSXe directory, not in plugins)

Itā€™s quite a bit to download, but setting it up isnā€™t really too bad.

EDIT: Switched to Peteā€™s OpenGL Driver 1.76 video plug-in for recording purposes.
EDIT: Switched to P.E.Op.S. DSound Audio Driver 1.9 for my audio plug-in, it has volume control. :wink:

I really just think we need to find a better server, or host our own matches.

it was a tad laggy for my matches with Poco, but with Andy they straight up desynched. I figured out that with netplay enabled my controls wonā€™t work if multitap is activated so I deactivated that and it worked again. I think maybe if Me and Andy tried the Marble server one more time it would have worked a little better. Maybe we just need to start saving up some cash so we can fly out to a tournament and bring this game to the scene XD.

From what I gathered from my matches with poco, yeah Deathscythe is a beast, but he can get into troubling situations when it his scythe is dodged so you REALLY need to get that timing down if youā€™re going to go for the air loop. However, even without comboing, he can corner hog like thereā€™s no tomorrow and if you run out of thruster thereā€™s not much you can do to stop him.

Epyonā€™s pretty disgusting. Ever since I started pulling off bigger combos with Epyon, he just feels so much more powerful now. Sure heā€™s always had the super armor special and the whips for easy getting in, but Epyon, not unlike Rose, still has to work for his damage. Once you learn how to time those kicks thoughā€¦ man. I know youā€™re thinking, ā€œyeah yeah Iā€™ll just block themā€ but theyā€™re overhead, and Iā€™m almost positive they start at frame one. Thatā€™s not always easy to block. And unlike a lot of normals in the game, as long as you keep the timing down, or just mash x like a monster, the kicks will keep coming without much post lag.

Burning is good. hit confirm into super is really all you need to do, which imo makes him a little braindead. I still feel like weā€™re missing something with him. Soh84 removed the GBA2 combo video from his channel. He sent me the link to the Nicovideo version, but for some reason it wonā€™t play. (it may have been removed from her as well, idk I canā€™t read kanji)

I had to work for my damage a bit more than I thought with Zaku IIS, but I was pleasantly surprised that his air combo from his qcfHK air tackle is a great punish for aerial approaching or dashing in and was a lot less situational than I thought. Zaku IISā€™s Chun Li style overhead is pretty useful as well. the real gripe with Char is the range of his normals are not that great, and as good as his ammo attack is, he doesnā€™t have much ammo, and his ammo attack can be intercepted fully by most other ammo attacks, with a lot less cost from the opponent to boot.

I have some thoughts on the lvl1 vs lvl5 thing, but Iā€™m going to bed. Iā€™ll post that tomorrow, or some other time.

EDIT: also tomorrow I will post the second epyon video. Iā€™m very happy to announce that my GBA2 vids will be a lot less laggy from now on. I figured out that by decreasing the size of the window, I could record less space and use less RAM for better quality video. Still no sound though. Iā€™d have to hold up a microphone to the speakers and thatā€™s just more trouble than its worth imo.

Ah, I was wondering what happened to that video. You should toss me the link, I might have an idea!

Hit confirm to super is nice, but opening people up is the meat of playing Burning. I really enjoy box jumping with his air dash. I love finding new ways to use Knee Kick. And heā€™s one of the few suits (that I play anyway) that can easily and practically convert a jump-in attack into a ground combo. I like frame trapping with jab pressure, or going for the grab once youā€™ve scared your opponent.

The Soh84 video didnā€™t really have anything Iā€™d consider very practical for Burning. A lot of the video was flashy stuff, some of it was really worthwhile tech though. I would like to watch it again.

The most practical thing out of the Soh video was the Deathscythe loop. Which is definitely worth implementing into your game if you get the opportunity.
But I will say that video just about displayed some of the flashiest stuff in the game, the most flashy you get from there are the 1million variations of the Maxter infinite.
Depending on what I do in the next couple of days, Iā€™ll try posting some of the technology I have built from playing.

The Bolt j.HP loop looked to me like it could be practical but I forgot how he got it started, and thatā€™s kind of a determining factor. The Rose double flight combo was my favorite thing in that video. :slight_smile:

Looking forward to your stuff.


[LEFT]Aaand for some reason its playing again and the prompt is gone. Sweet. Well there you go : )

You also have to keep in mind that a lot of these are tool assisted and character specific, meaning theyā€™ll only work on Quin Mantha. For instance, the Tallgeese III combo in the video, which I did a watered down version in the end of my guide for him, can only be done on normal sized suits if you time the blast right when he lands since his Mega Cannon 120% wonā€™t pick up a fallen opponent. Thereā€™s a VERY small window where it can pick you up (right before/during the pink shock wave effect) [/LEFT]

[LEFT]Also I donā€™t think any of the run-in jab infinites are possible without tool assistance. Or maybe Iā€™m just not good enough. Idk.

But yeah, the Deathscythe loop is extremely useful. You donā€™t even really need to use the teleports to save up boost. two R1 dashes and enough damage would have been done to warrant bringing them down to the ground with a LP LK qcfHK Hell Scissors finish.[/LEFT]

Those running Jab infinites are very possible to do in a match. I have small reason to believe that this game has an input buffer window. But as a note for the Burning Jab infinite, for me it is a tad easier if you end each rep with cr.LP instead of standing, then dash st.LP. Only reason you would go for those infinites are for wall carry obviously.

I really need to find a way to emulate some sort of training mode. I just canā€™t test certain things on the CPU.