Gundam Battle Assault 2

I think we should get our GBA2 iso files from the same place, just to be safe? I haven’t downloaded any or made an iso from my disc or anything yet. I got my ePSXe 1.6 all set up for netplay with Cyber Pad 1.4, as far as I know.

I have a bin/cue file for it.

EDIT: Did some testing with Kailerra/cyberpad1.4 and for some reason I can’t press any buttons while netplay is enabled. Not with my controller nor my keyboard. Also the game is set as unlisted if you try to start a game in a server/room. I don’t know if this is a problem or not or if it has to do with why the game isn’t working for me while I use the netplay

EDIT EDIT: Just tested with guilty gear and my controller works while playing that game and it recognized the game’s name, unlike GBA2. This may be a problem regarding the program’s familiarity with GBA2 and it may not work with the game. GAH, why did this game have to be such a sleeper.

As far as plug-ins go, these have gone recommended for GBA games:

Video: Pete OpenGL v1.76
Audio: Eternal Spu v1.41
Cdrom: Sapu cdrom v1

However, Sapu cdrom doesn’t seem to see my Daemon Tools Lite drive, and the default cdrom plug-ins don’t boot my downloaded game properly. Both cdrom plug-ins do boot my actual game disc well-enough, and it seems to work mostly okay (definitely not like playing on a console though!) the main thing is for whatever reason the stage BGMs don’t play, nor do the female vocaloids in the game menus. I haven’t tried street mode yet (Slash Slash Slash!! lol) My downloaded game is in mdf format, not an actual iso file, so I need to use the cdrom plug-ins, or find a new game file in iso form. Any suggestions?

GBA2 is known to completely lose its shit when it comes to playing ripped versions of the game. Also, stage BGMs are Redbook audio tracks on the CD itself.

I was able to use a mad catz stick or a fight pad just fine… not sure why you couldn’t? Then again, I haven’t tried with netplay. I have only tested anything after hitting cancel when kaillera client pops up. The street mode vocaloids also don’t work, though Burning does say Tenkyoken as normal, so that must be as the other general game sounds are.

I wasn’t aware that the audio tracks couldn’t be played on an emulator? It may be because I’m using the actual game disc and not a cd image? the_judge’s second video has the stage BGM playing, and that is emulated.

I reccomend the following plugins (not accounting online play)

Emulator: ePSXe 1.6
Video: P.E.Op.S. soft driver 1.18
audio: ePSXE SPU core 1.5.2.
CDrom: mooby2 cd disk image driver 2.8

swhat I’ve been using the past couple years and it works fine

and by fine I mean besides the sprites being… well… ‘less’ than crisp, everything runs. Music, sounds, full frames, all of the things.

Alright, yeah, that won’t read my mdf file either, so seems like I should find a bin file or something.

Ok for some odd reason it works now, but now my problem is I can’t get my memorycards to work right.

Andy I sent you a message on your youtube account regarding finding a bin file, since I didn’t want to do it here.

Having trouble finding a file mooby can successfully boot up. :frowning:

EDIT: Ah, okay!!

A couple stupid side notes while I unlock people in Street Mode (new memory card):

Deathscythe can do extremely low jump lp xx beam scythe projectile. It looks awfully close to a loop. I’m gonna lab this if nobody else does.

Apparently flight startup has super armor?

Lab it up, I give up on Deathscythe, haha…

Flight in general has super armor, but I don’t know about the start-up come to think of it. I really don’t use it. <.< If you get hit by something that knocks down or launches, it will end your flight mode though.

EDIT: I’ve been lying to you guys. Launchers don’t break flight mode, only knock downs do, though launchers do ignore the armor properties of flight mode. The super armor (well, it’s actually hyper armor now that I think about it) starts once you hear the high-pitched computer blip noise… thing.

holy fucking shit don’t make me do this bandai

i’m supposed to be working right now, not being addicted to this awesome ass game

Okay, I think I’m all set up, I just need to start unlocking everything in case I host. :slight_smile: I also need to decide what to use for a controller. I am so used to the dual shock controllers for this game (I don’t have my own PS3 or dual shock 3), the mad catz fight pad feels foreign to me. I did play this on a stick for awhile several months back, but I had mixed feelings lol…

I ended up going with…
Emulator: ePSXe 1.6
Video: P.E.Op.S. soft driver 1.18b
Audio: Eternal Spu v1.41
cdrom: mooby2 cd disk image driver 2.8

Eternal spu sounds a bit better I think, we’ll see if it affects performance negatively or something. If you search for the Mooby plug-in, just search for Mooby 2.8, it’s way easier to find that way.

took me forever but I finally got my mem card working. I have a save state with all the characters… but I can’t use that online and it won’t recognize if I save on the state and then turn it off and on again, so I had to start over. I’ve unlocked 1 character so far. uuuuuuugh…

Do I have to make sure I jump on the netplay side of things before I start unlocking things then?

EDIT: Oh I see, you just can’t use a save state online, but memory cards are fine of course. Just had to re-read that.

I’m told that we’re all going to have to unlock everyone, because over Kaillera, it’s going to use save files client side, so if I had everyone unlocked, and someone else didn’t, I could be playing as a totally different MS than what my opponent sees. Sounds crazy lol but just giving you guys a heads up. :wink: I have most of my unlocks done, just don’t have Zam, Ziel, Psycho, Dark.

I’m going to unlock everything except psycho and dark.

Have everything except Psycho and Dark here. 7pm still good for everyone? Also, does anybody have mumble or skype?

I got everything unlocked. I think 7pm cst works for me, I might be an hour or so later?
My skype is newtype.andy, and I do happen to have mumble downloaded as well.