Gundam Battle Assault 2

Epyon vid is nice, the intro was cool too. Part 2 should be interesting for this one!

Hmmm… just played my Burning friend again for several hours last night. (Still not able to capture video, yet) He’s been focusing a lot on GP02A, to my surprise. He’s undoubtedly not a terribly strong choice, but I’m always impressed that Gato is able to stand his ground, and he does win sometimes, and gets close many times. One thing that really surprised me is cr.HP as anti-air works rather well. Also, any time I see him grab the rocket launcher, I’ve learned I often have no choice but to pause. Many people new to the match-up would either keep rushing in or thrust over him, but the start-up animations for Hyper Bazooka and the vertical Hyper Bazooka are identical. It’s… interesting.

Also, I’m starting to really get pretty scary with Burning. I might consider him to be an actual alt very soon. And I still got it with Nu, which is nice… I was a bit worried about not playing well with him anymore. :slight_smile:

My Deathscythe is ass. Haha!

GP02A relies on an Acid Rain (db.LP/HP) to keep people away. Fun Fact, you can hit people with 4 bazooka shells if they get in your super in the air!

Altron Gundam!


[LEFT]Long Punch - twd+HP[/LEFT]
[LEFT]This ground-only command normal is an excellent poking tool. It’s safe on block, and reaches very far! On hit, Long Punch is often best cancelled into Vulcan or Trident Assault. These won’t combo, but they will keep the pressure on, and might even net you some extra damage! Avoid trying to use this on opponents that are close-in, as there is no hit box immediately next to Altron![/LEFT]



[LEFT]Vulcan - QCF+P[/LEFT]
[LEFT]The LP version costs 25 ammo and fires 5 shots, while the HP version costs 50 ammo, firing 10 shots. Can be used on the ground or in the air. Altron’s Vulcans do negligible amounts of damage, and track about as well as most Vulcans in the game. They can be used for safe chip damage, or pestering opponents at great distance, but it’s not unreasonable to go entire fights without using them. It is okay to use them liberally, however, as they have low ammo consumption. Be aware that ranged beam attacks will cut right through Vulcan shots! Safe on block.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Dragon Fang - QCB+P[/LEFT]
[LEFT]This special attack does up to 4 hits, the last of which causes a hard knock down. Dragon Fang can be used on the ground or in the air. Unlike the Long Punch command normal, it’s technically unsafe on block, but it is difficult or sometimes impossible for many enemy suits to punish when used at a proper distance. A successful Dragon Fang can oftentimes set up an Altron Claw super, but mid-screen this can require precision running, especially if Dragon Fang was performed in the air. Altron Claw isn’t always possible, or worthwhile for that matter, depending on spacing, and is best reserved for a cornered opponent to ensure the most hits possible. Dragon Fang can allow Altron to remain in the air indefinitely.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Dragon Punch - twd, dwn, twd+P[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Altron uppercuts with one of its claws, then extends the other claw for additional hits. This attack has 5 hits, the last of which causes a hard knockdown. Dragon Punch can be used to anti-air in some situations. The hit box is pretty good, but there is no invincibility on start-up to speak of, so you can rule out trying to use it as a reversal. Dragon Punch is best used within a combo, and the knock down it rewards can be easily followed up with Altron Claw with a little bit of running. Avoid throwing it out randomly of course, because it’s horribly unsafe if guarded. Not a true dragon punch motion, you actually need to hit the directions listed.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Guard Jump - QCB+K[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Altron blocks attacks while leaping towards or away from the opponent. The LK version of this special move leaps backwards, while the HK version leaps forwards, and both can be used on the ground or in the air, so you might also find use for it as an extra mobility option while airborne. Guard Jump is a very interesting special that doesn’t attack the opponent itself, but you can cancel it with an attack of your own. During the quick start-up Altron is still vulnerable, and yes, there is also a vulnerable recovery period if you did not cancel Guard Jump with an attack! LK Guard Jump has very little use, but it can sometimes be a safer way to try to create more distance from an opponent, as the blocking will be active sooner than you would be able to block after thrusting, and it leaps back much further than jumping back while blocking normally. The HK version can be used to quickly and safely attempt to approach your opponent, and is Altron’s fastest method of attacking with a high attack. A successful hit from a HK Guard jump can be converted into a full combo for decent damage. Any attacks guarded during Guard Jump will halt your momentum, however, so its use is lessened against zoning enemies.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Helmet Hit (unblockable) - HCB+P[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Altron readies the beam trident, jumps straight up to thruster height and descends with an unblockable attack, hitting up to 5 times. This unblockable special often goes mostly over-looked, but I consider it to be one of the better unblockables in the game. Altron has numerous ways of causing a hard knock down, and Helmet Hit is a wonderful, specialized tool against opponents who like to try to use thruster recovery to get out of the knock down and back in the fight quickly. This is especially true when you’ve cornered them. The start-up is slower than average for an unblockable, but Altron will physically block your opponent from escaping, and attack them immediately after. If timed properly to be truly meaty for a normal wake-up, it can be very difficult to dodge and punish, as the dodge must be frame-perfect on wake-up. This timing takes a little practice, but isn’t too difficult. So that leaves them with having to use thruster recovery away (which can still be a small victory for the Altron player), or using an invincible start-up reversal, something many enemies simply don’t have. Using back thruster recovery means they’ve either cornered themselves, or they may have used at least 2 bars of thruster gauge to attempt to get over and away from you. You will still be able to chase and pressure them easily.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Trident Assault (unblockable) - HCB, twd+P[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Altron performs three advancing, unblockable swings with the beam trident. After an exceptionally fast start-up, the first and second swings hit 1 time each, then the third swing hits 3 times and causes a hard knock down. Trident Assault will attack full screen provided your opponent doesn’t retreat. The swings don’t combo, but with this attack being unblockable, it is difficult to hold that against it. Dodging between the swings after being hit by the first one requires nearly or exactly frame-perfect dodging, but it is possible. An invincible start-up reversal can also break off this attack, but is also difficult. Trident Assault can be used in many situations, thanks to its fast start-up. It can even be used for some interesting “un-combos” to potentially squeeze in some extra damage by resetting the combo counter and removing damage scaling, with only minor risk. Also, a successful Trident Assault can be easily followed up by Altron Claw.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]Vernier Mode - QCF+thruster[/LEFT]
[LEFT]For Altron, Vernier Mode could be used to attempt to catch opponents attempting to remain indefinitely airborne with the life-lead and score a knock down with Dragon Fang or harass them enough to terminate their flight. It does provide armor against attacks as long as they don’t have knock down or launcher properties. You cannot block attacks normally while Vernier Mode is active, but Altron is able to use Guard Jumps! During Vernier Mode, it is possible to dodge up to 3 times. Lasts approximately 5 seconds, requires full thruster gauge.[/LEFT]


[LEFT]Altron Claw - QCF + any two attack buttons[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Altron attacks with an extended claw doing up to 3 hits, then again with the other arm for up to 3 more hits possible, and once more with both arms simultaneously for up to 5 more hits. None of the hits will cause a knock down. This super unfortunately leaves a lot to be desired. Altron Claw does not combo correctly on standing opponents. On block, it isn’t safe, and on hit, it still isn’t safe because it’s terribly easy for the opponent to dodge and punish successive hits even if they’ve been hit by the initial attack! Because of these properties, Altron Claw is relegated to being used to add small amounts of damage to the end of knock down combos while the enemy is still in a bouncing state. Do not try to use Altron Claw outside of this niche purpose![/LEFT]


[LEFT]-s.HK launches high, can anti-air, and has no hittable box below the shoulders once active[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-cr.HP has incredibly fast start-up, sweeps the opponent and reaches nearly full screen[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-cr.HK also sweeps, and unlike cr.HP, can be chained into[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-j.HK alters jump arc, excellent hit box, can anti-air, launches low[/LEFT]


[LEFT]1.) cr.LP, cr.LK, cr.HK xx Altron Claw[/LEFT]
[LEFT]This is a very simple and reliable entry-level combo.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]2.) cr.LP, cr.LK xx Dragon Fang, run, Altron Claw[/LEFT]
[LEFT]This combo is slightly more difficult, but is overall an improvement to combo 1. The damage is a bit higher and it will push your opponent into the corner more. Be sure to cancel the cr.LK as quickly as possible for the Dragon Fang to combo.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]3.) cr.LP, s.LK, s.HK xx Dragon Punch, run, Altron Claw[/LEFT]
[LEFT]This fancier combo does a bit more damage, but won’t connect properly against many crouching opponents. Be sure to cancel into Dragon Punch as quickly as possible after the 2nd hit of s.HK, otherwise, the knock down hit of Dragon Punch may whiff![/LEFT]

[LEFT]4.) Trident Assault, Altron Claw[/LEFT]
[LEFT]This simple combo is used to add some easy extra damage after a successful Trident Assault.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]5.) j.LP, j.LK, j.HK xx Dragon Fang[/LEFT]
[LEFT]This combo is great to use during a jump-in or HK Guard Jump. It can also be used for air-to-air situations if you omit the j.LP. Altron Claw to end the combo may be possible mid-screen, but is impractically difficult and best only used on a cornered opponent.[/LEFT]


[LEFT]-excellent overall pokes[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-jabs are among the best[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-j.HK has excellent utility and priority[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-extremely fast, long range sweep[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-formiddible rushdown[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-great unblockables[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-capable of permanent air time using Dragon Fang and thrusters[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-strong ground and air game[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-decent anti-air[/LEFT]


[LEFT]-weak full screen offense[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-difficulty dealing with solid rush down/pressure, no real “get off me” tools.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-difficulty dealing with solid zoning[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-weak combo damage[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-solid shell ammo attack[/LEFT]
[LEFT]-weak super with no utility[/LEFT]

Berserk, nice Epyon vid! Looking forward to part 2.

Nice right up on Altron, wish there was something I could add, but I know very little about the suit.

Good write up on Altron! How do you feel about sneaking in Trident Assaults mid combos?

That actually sounds very effective. I remember seeing that in your video, I just haven’t tried it much yet myself, but I will definitely check it out and update the Trident Assault passage once I figure out what to put down. :wink:

I kind of tinkered with and re-worded some of the combos section a little, but not too much.

Hey I just figured I’d throw the netplay option out there. Are you guys free at 7pm CST on thursday?

Jaxel from 8-Way Run had a GBA2 round robin. The players were all new, but it’s still entertaining, partly because playing on lvl 9 made their damage crazy haha! Here’s the first video:


That time sounds fine with me Poco, though I still haven’t downloaded anything!

LOL just watched them all. there were a couple good matches but yeah they need to see our stuff. You know what, I really want to get a tournament set up.

For sure! I was planning on trying to squeeze in a GBA2 tournament with a pot bonus at our next local in the fall. :wink:

i’m still in the works with my GBA2 Tier List (a few chars whose potential and matchups I need to test), but it seems mines is panning out quite different from the ones I’ve seen here. A few chars I have to work on are Wing (overall), Zeong (overall), Bolt (w/o spam), and Hygogg (matchups). I do believe this is one of those games where it is a tad difficult to determine exactly who is better than another char in the same tier.

I see that you guys have Maxter relatively low, even considering he is the #1 ToD char in the game, and works in a similar fashion to Burning (rushdown).
Currently, I am working towards a glitch that essentially allows you to continue comboing after a knockdown (I’ll just leave that as a teaser).

Good to see someone else has been keeping up with this thread.

The reason we’ve put Maxter so low is that he really doesn’t have any tools to help him get in. While a ToD of death is great, it’s unreliable against every suit, as some fall out after 2-5 hits.

Welcome aboard!

To me, it’s like so many suits have ToD or nearly so, without an infinite, and they actually have good tools to get it started. Partly why we play on lvl 1 (which increases the value of an infinite, even!). A couple of the guys I play with, myself included, can do the infinite, but we don’t see Maxter winning many matches. Also, having 3 bars of health waters down the value of an infinite, much like in MvC. The infinite keeps Maxter out of the garbo tiers. It’d be interesting to see if he got scary in the hands of someone who put some real time into him.

At a glance, he has a couple similarities to Burning, but Burning is a totally different animal!

Are you guys playing this game on original PS, PS2, or PS3?

I’ve been playing it on PS2/PS3 for texture smoothing (looks best on PS3), but I’m going to work on getting an emulator to play on PC as well.

Just me testing how well I can record this game (I use the ePSXe emulator). Seems to do everything well except sound on my rig. I can hear the in-game sounds, but they are very poor quality, which is why I disabled it in this video.

EDIT: Disregard the copious amounts of derp in that video. I just wanted a test :slight_smile:

EDIT2: Now with 100% more sound and framerate drops.

The video quality is very good. Are you recording with Fraps or…? I hope the sound turns out at least pretty decent on my machine. I like the variations you’ve made to the infinite, is Maxter actually your main?

I use DXTory + Xsplit. Fraps seems to kill my framerates (I know a work-around, but is a tad annoying), and gives me waaay too large of a file, and I am a total noob at Video Editing.
I think the sound issue is more-so an issue of the internal plugin ePSXe uses, rather than anything else. I’ll try changing plugins.
Also note, when you download ePSXe, download version 1.6.0, as version 1.7.0 doesn’t properly play the game. For some reason this game doesn’t run on a lot of different PS1 emus.

Maxter is not my main, Rose is. I just play this game too much to the point where I know infinites and other stuff.

Sweet deal, and you should hook me up with some Rose combos so I can help out a friend. :wink: The sound in your second test seems to be fairly good.

GOOD GOD THAT WAS AMAZING!!! This is the kind of stuff I want to see! I always thought Maxter was useless, and despite the infinite, and everything else, I still thought he was just a tier above the bottom, but the way you got in and the air juggles, GOOD FUCKING GOD, AIR JUGGLES!!! You do not understand how much hype that gave me, because his command dash always reminded me of the dashes from Tekken, and indeed I believe he can duck some projectiles with it, but to see it used like that… Man… Thank you for that video!!!

would you mind giving me the combo notation for that, actually? I really want to learn to do that! If I could main Maxter, I totally would! AMERICAAAA!!!