I hope you’re ready for this wall of text. 100% crit chance!
I like the Deathscythe video! I will say one difference between CPU and players though is that players cancel block stun with dodges, and the CPU doesn’t. This alone doesn’t totally negate Atomic Slash pressure, but a whiffed j.HP from Deathscythe can’t be cancelled into a new Atomic Slash, and leaves him very vulnerable. At this point, Deathscythe has a lot to worry about, and this is where Rose (for example lol) can really make him suffer!
Onto the tier list discussion I’ve been aiming for! I always love these!
Poco maintains the high tier Heavyarms. Okay, okay, I only want to list what I think are his bad match-ups:
Hydra, Epyon, FA ZZ, RX-78, Nu, Sandrock, Wing Zero, Deathscythe Hell, Tallgeese III, Bolt, Dragon, God, Rose, and Master.
That’s quite a few! Even if I’m wrong on, say 5 of them, that’s still quite a few.
You both put Quin Mantha fairly high. I don’t have a lot of experience with her, but I just don’t see the tools there. Sure, she has an i-field instead of a dodge, and funnels, but with no hyper armor attacks and mediocre zoning, there’s nothing really scary about her. If she is very strong, I think it’d be cool to see.
Not a lot of faith in Bolt? Well, to be fair, I’ve never seen it in action really either. This pick goes over-looked, hiding in his corner on the character select screen, and disregarded as slow by people who do glance at him. He is the only other legitimate pick aside from Epyon with a genuine hyper armor attack though, and it’s completely safe on block to my knowledge. His combos do very nice damage, his unblockable is actually a lot better than it seems at first, his air-to-air is among the best, his ball and chain rekkas are really strong, his ammo is solid shell vulcans, but some of the best in the game. He doesn’t have trouble with zoners, but maybe some issues under pressure, not sure. Either way, I think he’s pretty decent.
RX-78 is crazy. Of course I gotta stick up for my guy, but really, I don’t know what’s hard to see about his insanity. He’s the only character in the game that has many ways to land a hard knockdown (including an extended combo) AND takes absurd advantage of those knock downs. The HP xx super option select is one of if not the best in the game! Not to mention it is a full stick of health on any opponents falling short of SS health tier, and that’s at lvl 1. Then there’s Trample and Helmet Hit and Beam Rifle and… He’s also the only character in the game that I feel like I get to choose how much damage I want to do when I land a hit, depending on what resources I want to use. I want to do 1.67 bars of damage off of my HP? Ok. I can. What’s not to like?
That’s all I really got for Poco’s (some of that was shared between you both).
Master often goes heavily under-rated or over-rated by many I think. Both ends of the spectrum. I’ve been playing him a lot this past week (against players), and I just feel like he’s slightly better than the median. I think God is better in almost every way except for the absence of Master Cloak, and Master’s air-to-air is better. Master Cloak is pretty useful sometimes, but not at all abusable. Master has Trample, but no really significant gain from successfully landing it like RX-78. Best I can do is QCB+K or just thrusted run the opponent into the corner.
GP02A… I fought a lot of him just yesterday, and while I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of fight he was putting up, there’s just a lot he can’t deal with. His armor takes a lot of work to go through though. His projectile does a lot of damage, but it’s not a beam. His super is purely for zoning or resetting the situation. You can attempt to go for beam saber I guess, or in some situations, a stun grab. The scariest things he has are his vertical rockets (QCB+P), especially if he anti-airs with it. If you get hit by the primary rocket as it ascends, even on lvl 1 it’s a fuckton of damage. And the other thing that’s scary is his Shield Buster (invincible start-up) cancelled into j.HK, also a ton of damage even on lvl 1. But those things are pretty easy to deal with by most of the cast if you’re smart and patient. We both agreed that GP02A has a lot of bad match-ups, and this is based on experience for once.
BerserkChip, I like how you put Zaku a bit higher than we did. I think it’s very possible. I think the cracker grenades are fantastic, and the Zaku’s have some great tools. I just can’t figure out how to do any damage to people with them without being all unsafe about it. One of my newer friends was picking him up and had sweet aerial cracker grenade games where you basically had to guess whether to block low or high, or react very quickly, sometimes it was ambiguous enough that you had to guess which way to block too. It was pretty neat.
If Hygogg’s armor wasn’t so low, I think he’d be pretty awesome. A lot of combos don’t even work right on him even if he’s standing. So low profile… Very fast, some of the best pokes, and the damage isn’t the worst. He falls over too fast though. Too bad. I guess I am agreeing here lol.
FA ZZ has an i-field, one of the strongest ammo attacks in the game, insane armor, pretty good zoning, scary normals. If his super had faster start-up, you’d have a really scary zoner! We did only put him in middle tier though, mind you. He definitely has weaknesses.
God (Burning) is another one I’ve been playing a lot myself recently, and is my long-time friend’s main for about 8-9 years now (minus 4 years in the Army lol…). Your lack of faith in him has piqued my curiousity. Slightly better than average armor. His combos are somewhat limited, but their damage isn’t. His super is also one of the better reaction supers, should you choose not to use them in combos. My friend goes this route more often than not. He’ll often save 2 supers for the last bar and it can really limit your options during a match’s “crunch time.” You can link his supers into each other, but it’s much harder than it is with Master, and it might even be specific to match-ups. Maybe it actually only works in the corner, but that’s okay because you’re going to be spending a lot of time there. His jab is second only to Rose’s. Dat pressure, omg! s.HP… just do it. Hit box is crazy good. I think you really under-value his normals. Burning finger is a bit slow to start-up, but does respectable chip and is completely safe. He has legitimate jump-in combos with running j.LK, cr.LK and so on. His command dash obviously isn’t as good as Maxter’s for combos, but it has invincibility for quite a few frames. It gets him past a lot of zoning tools. You can also use this in the air, and you can tiger knee it to do it really low to the ground for some MvC3-style box jumps (once again with the j.LK, cr.LK and so on from this). DP+K also has invincible start-up, and is also usable in the air. Gimmicks with the Knee Kick aerial command normal certainly exist. Tenkyoken permaflight. At the end of the day, he is one of the best rush down picks, and he has all the tools to compete with the best suits in the game. I’m sure I’m forgetting stuff too…
That more or less concludes my thoughts on the tier lists. That was a lot of fun to type actually!
Poco, you hit the nail on the head with most of that write-up. I got a few notes.
s.HK range isn’t quite as good as it appears. Unfortunately, the hit box seems to stop at his ankle.
cr.HK is very unsafe on block, like M. Bison’s, so be careful!
j.LP doesn’t seem to knock down
but yeah j.HP does!
j.HK is okay to use if you already hit them air-to-air with a LK, and if they aren’t too far away, you can cancel j.HK into his DP+K for a knockdown. By itself though, yeah, j.HK is pretty aweful haha!
His super unfortunately doesn’t knock down, but I still agree it’s one of the best in the game.
Interesting thing about Burning is a lot of his combos are situational. Here’s what I got:
cr.LP, s.HP, s.HK
Great and easy combo for saving supers or when you’ve exhausted them all. The fewer the jabs, the better, so I list only 1!
cr.LP, s.HP xx Sekiha Tenkyoken
Standard bread and butter combo into super. If the opponent is too far away for s.HP, use cr.HP instead for more reach at slightly reduced damage.
cr.LP, s.HP, s.HK xx Sekiha Tenkyoken
Improved version of the bread and butter. Does the most damage of all of his combos, but only works on: GP02A, FAZZ, Ball, Sazabi, Nu, Sandrock, Deathscythe Hell, and Master.
cr.LK, s.HK xx Sekiha Tenkyoken
This actually does about the same damage as his standard bread and butter, but let’s be honest, Burning players are pressing jab more often, and for good reason. This is more of a footsies combo or used after a j.LK.
s.HK xx Sekiha Tenkyoken
Option select to super, much like my favorite OS with RX-78!
Vulcan Guns, Sekiha Tenkyoken
Super can be easily confirmed from Vulcan Guns if given enough distance.
Burning Finger xx Rising Burning Finger (DP+P)
Easy combo from a successful Burning Finger that saves your supers.
Burning Finger xx Heat End
The holy grail combo, for serious trial mode lovers that need that nostalgia from the G Gundam TV series, where this was actually a signature combo of Domon’s. Extremely difficult to link these two specials. You CAN cancel Heat End into super, but that defeats the whole point, doesn’t it?
Burning Finger xx Sekiha Tenkyoken
Landed a random Burning Finger did you? Grab dat damage!
j.LP, j.HP
Air-to-air combo. Not much to it, but swats them to the ground in a knock down.
BerserkChip, I did not know about that discrepancy between the Zakus regarding their air normals! I feel that using Cracker Grenades to stop your thrusters and dropping on them counts as using thrusters to approach, it’s just different.
At the end of the day, I thought they would both be situationally good in their own ways, but the chaining differences is a bit of a deal-breaker, so I’d agree Char is the unquestionable choice. I moved Char up a tier.
I’m glad to see you sticking up for Sazabi, and with good reasons. You’ve convinced me to move him up. He was one of those picks for me that was honestly more of an unknown, but it was hard for me to see the potential. Sazabi SHOULD be awesome, it’s Sazabi! The symbol of Neo Zeon! I totally forgot about the overhead special. It’s actually the second-fastest overhead in the game if I’m not mistaken. Rose’s j.HK can be quicker, but not by a lot.
Dragon can also use his super in the air! Neue Ziel as well, but at that point I’m just being a smart ass, haha!
And that concludes this ridiculously long post.