Gundam Battle Assault 2

Does anyone stream this game?

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While the health bars are still fresh, Masterā€™s first goal is going to be a smart Master Cloak (which even blocks and persists through ā€œunblockableā€ attacks mind you) cancelled into super or a reaction super on its own. Super will take a large chunk of health and give Master enough time to close the gap to about half-screen with the thrusted run. Between cr.HP, Darkness Finger and Tenkyoken, it becomes a real threat to Heavyarms from half-screen or so even without supers. Tenkyokens even eat projectiles. If the cloak is bad, Heavyarms just needs to keep zoning and will probably hit Master as he recovers. If Heavyarms corners itself and has to resort to trying to fly past Master, the ball is in Masterā€™s court. Admittedly, Master Cloak needs to be done at the right time, heā€™s vulnerable for a few frames upon exiting, even if it was cancelled. As far as I know, Master has no invincible start-up attacks. More often than most people think, it can be better to just block and dodge. I donā€™t think itā€™s necessarily easy for Master, but I think it has more tools to win the match-up.

As for Deathscythe being #1, maybe, maybe not, but either way totally beatable. It also has a few bad match-ups I bet.

I donā€™t know that this game has ever been streamed, but if I can catch the locals up to speed, I might try to make it happen. A lot of the people I used to play with moved away, so Iā€™d have my work cut out for me trying to get people to play this game in the first place, let alone teach them some things. Our God player is still around though, and one of my buddies is liking Roseā€¦

Playing this game in tournaments, as much as I hate changing settings, I think weā€™d need to admit that this game wasnā€™t refined quite as well as most mainstream fighters, and Iā€™d honestly propose that the handicap settings all get turned down to 1 to lower everyoneā€™s damage output. It really does make the game more interesting, I always thought. Thatā€™s how we used to play it anyways, and time-outs were fairly seldom. Then again, no one in our group played Wing Zero.

so god finger into heat end is beyond stupidly difficult. iā€™ve managed it ONCE and failed 300 other timesā€¦ Maybe if i play on an emulator and slow the game way down itā€™d help. I love trying tool assisted combos though. Gotta beat the machine.

Iā€™m noticing that different characters actually do take different amounts of damage. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m late to the party with this info, but itā€™s information that isnā€™t really out there. I tested first with Godā€™s s.LP, s.HP xx super on a few characters to make sure I wasnā€™t crazy, then I used a more accurate method to find health tiers. Hereā€™s what I found:

Boss +
Big Zam
Psycho mkIII

Devil (Dark)
Neue Ziel


Quin Mantha

God (Burning)

A (Benchmark)
Deathscythe Hell
Tallgeese III

Zaku II

Wing Zero
Charā€™s Zaku II-S



Kind of interesting. I wish I could quantify their health with actual numbers though. Within the tiers, everyone has equal health with a few exceptions. Big Zam has about 14% more health than Psycho. Devil has about 3% more health than Neue. Also interesting to find an advantage to the regular Zaku II, albeit a very small one.

Oh, and something totally random and strange about God/Burningā€™s s.HP: RX-78ā€™s beam rifle shot passes through during s.HPā€™s active frames. It only works in that match-up that Iā€™m aware of. s.HP does not have projectile invincibility or anything like that, but for whatever strange reason, RX-78 shots miss. Must be something very weird about the hit boxes or something. Just a weird thing we ran into about 7 months ago.

God combosā€“anyone know any? I can barely figure anything out for poor Domonā€¦

Epic health tier! I did notice that a few months ago, but the only one I really took a notice to were FAZZ and Physalis, especially since those mobile suits took a lot longer to shut down with Maxterā€™s infinite than the others. That may actually be a good way to totally tell the difference, just attack all the mobile suits with Maxterā€™s infinite and see how many hits they can take. I can tell you right now Quin Mantha takes 106 hits to do one bar.

I KNOW RIGHT!? Best one I can do is Dash>LP(x3-5)>HP>HK>Super (I thinkā€¦ itā€™s been a while since I toyed around with God) I know for a fact you can combo standard Goddo Finga with the uppercut version with the right timing and momentum. Thereā€™s probably some stuff you can do in the air maybe, since I know a lot of his specials are air applicable.

Heck, cut it down to a single s.LP in that standard super combo and it does more damage! This game scales damage down hard! Tagging on the s.HK before the super helps damage some, but itā€™s match-up specific. I had a few decent ideas, but none of them worked or did good damage. Iā€™m really not a combo scientist by any means though. I wish I knew a way to combo into God Finger in the first place. Or if he could use his command dash like Maxter, but thenā€¦ well then heā€™d be too good! One cool thing about God though, compared to Nu, is that he can actually combo off of a j.LK on small or medium-sized opponents, and itā€™s practical. The regular jump always kind of sucks of course, but instantly jumping after starting up a run actually gets decent.

I basically used Godā€™s s.LP to find the difference in health and made sure to never see a combo counter so I had no scaling. Thatā€™s really the abridged version of the story though. I was very thorough, It took awhile. O.O

Another thing thatā€™s really weird I noticed the other day is that some normals can be cancelled by some specials, but not other specials. Iā€™ve only run into this with God and Master so far. Hereā€™s an example: With God, cancel cr.HK into God Finger. You canā€™t, but you can cancel it into Tenkyoken. Same goes for j.HK, but what really cooks my noodle about j.HK is you can also cancel that into vulcans, but nothing other than those two specials. My examples with Master involve Tenkyoken or Darkness Finger.

Alright, so I just got back from Michiana Clash II, in which I didnā€™t compete in any of the games. I did however, get GBA2 casuals going on the largest tv, and I caught as many people up to speed as I could. There was a crowd, there was hype, it was great! We played it for about 8 hours! This game certainly has tournament viability. In fact, the game was getting a lot of attention from many players of modern fighters for a very extended period of time. Some people were picking the game up very quickly once I got them past the basics. By the end of the day, there was a solid Zaku II (either), Dragon, Altron, Heavyarms and Wing Zero, and some of the players I already got started previously, playing Rose and Maxter (yes, the infinite generated hype lolā€¦). The Zaku, Dragon, and Altron players were getting really into it haha! I think next time we throw a tournament together around here Iā€™m gonna do one for this game and do a pot bonus and see what comes out of it. It would be so rad to get people playing it and Iā€™d love to stream it!

So, Iā€™ve also learned something about the RX-78 bnb. At some point, I changed my standard bnb from cr.LP, s.LK, cr.HK, j.LP, j.HP, Trample and I was recently using cr.LK, cr.HK, j.LP, j.HP, Trample instead. This second one does better damage, has slightly better reach, and itā€™s easier, but I noticed against a couple of these new players that if I catch them when they are not blocking but are crouching, the cr.HK will be too slow or whiff altogether. I donā€™t play against the CPU ever really, and maybe if I did, I would have noticed this sooner. So I think that Iā€™m going to go back to the first version mostly. The second one was great for fighting Burning and Rose players (a good portion of my experience against actual players), who are generally standing a bit more often, but now that Iā€™m fighting a larger variety of match-ups, Iā€™m learning a few new little things like this.

I still think level 1 is the way to play this game. 5 is just crazy once you know how to do damage.


What does lvl 1 do to damage in terms of single attacks like specials? I know combos do less, but I worry if the increased damage scaling gives guys like Wing Zero a bigger advantage due to the nature of his specials, notably the buster rifle. Iā€™ll have to do some testing when I FINALLY get some free time.

Unfortunately, my camera was recently in a river (no joke!) and I am completely without one now. My phone could have recorded I suppose but I hate phone videos with a passion!

On level 1, there is global damage reduction. Everything does less damage, but damage is still plentiful. There were some time-outs, but there were significantly less time-outs once people developed combos. I certainly donā€™t know every suit very well, so I mostly didnā€™t try to tell them combos, but they all came up with some interesting ones.

I do know some Altron stuff, but I let him figure his own out and they were pretty good. Really I just told him the super was only good for miniscule extra damage on ground bounces. Beyond that I let him develop his own strategy, which was pretty hardcore rushdown with very clever dodging. Funny for Altron, I thought. I more or less only told him to use the jumping trident for wake-up pressure to keep people from flying out. On a quick side note, that j.HK is very good.

The Zaku guy was figuring out some pretty awesome stuff Iā€™ve never really seen or thought of. I was really intrigued because I never gave the Zaku much attention. With Char he would fly over people and when the opponent arrow was right under him, heā€™d stop his trajectory with aerial cracker grenades, then semi-ambiguous knee drops with j.LK easy to combo off of or just empty drop to low attack. He was learning to use crackers or heat hawk for wake-up pressure.

The Dragon player was abusing the seemingly safe slide pressure, flamethrower combos and block strings. Very aggressive. Difficult to learn to use the super, but he found a few things out. Flags are always good of course. I really donā€™t know much about Dragon either though.

Maxter. Infinite. You know.

I didnā€™t play a whole lot myself, it was interesting to watch, and I know RX-78 supers can be discouraging at first hahaā€¦ It was a lot of fun.

I really liked the game. Quite fun with the easy-to-learn combo system and super moves. But for a competative scene, just ban the 4 boss characters. =)

I still think Hydra and Epyon are fine, might have to tier whore though. :wink:

EDIT: Errr, if you meant Zam and Ziel, I actually think theyā€™re very hard to win with!

Well the thing about the bosses is that they seem to be a lot like TvCā€™s giants. Both have similar controversy.

I havenā€™t really had enough play experience in a long time, but even though I have personal bias against Dark Gundam I feel like we should wing it out before we decide who to replace with Gameshark characters.

The gameshark characters would likely be banned just out of convenience. I donā€™t know how you could use gameshark with a PS3 which would likely be the system of choice since it would allow people who would want to use a stick to do so much more easily and the game would probably run best on it. I play on PS3 and emulator, but Iā€™ve never practiced with the gameshark characters before. Does anyone know how I can get them running on a computer? It seems like thereā€™s a lot of code involved, even with doing it with the original gameshark since you have to know which code replaces which character.

and yeah I LOVE the zaku, more notebly the Zaku IIS. Both are definitely mid tier at the least but IIS has got that speed in not only itā€™s dashes (which I think may be a con considering how far back they send you) but his running speed and normal jump distance as well. (which is crazy since jumps are pretty short in this game, sinceā€¦ you knowā€¦ theyā€™re giant robots and all) but those Zaku grenades are just freaking AWESOME. Wake up games, rush assisting, combo bridging, just freaking awesome. Plus his gun, I believe, has the best tracking in the game. I really canā€™t wait to do a video about them.

As for who should be banned. Even if Dark Gundam didnā€™t have his unbelievably cheap unblockable double beam projectile, heā€™d still have unlimited armored with no traditional hitstun, his zoning moves do too much damage and are a little too fast, strong normals, epic specials, and I believe he has a couple easy infinites as well.


Epyon and Hydra may be more balanced with the game set to 1 instead of 5, Idk. I always figured the game would be played with 5 and then have epyon set to 3 and hydra set to 1 to counterbalance Epyonā€™s fantastically spammable HP moves and Hydraā€™s absolute defense and absolute super. the only friend I have who beats me at this game regularly ā€œmainsā€ hydra, which is why my opinion on hydra has never been particularly very high. I just feel like taking no damage from supers on block and being able to block unblockables is too high of an advantage. Couple that with his stupidly fast and big normals (notably his crLK and crHK, as well as his jabs) and his super which will take a bar if comboā€™d into, and you have a character that makes my weeks of practice useless. God I hate Hydra. Maybe itā€™s just me though.

Ah yes, about jumping. I find that cancelling run start-up with forward jump gets pretty good jump arcs actually. Just tap forward twice and jump, donā€™t wait for any running visual queues or anything. It takes some getting used to, but it makes thruster-free jumping an option. I really think the regular forward jump is just a character-specific footsie tool to hop over low attacks when youā€™re already close, because it certainly doesnā€™t close the distance!

Itā€™d be kind of interesting to require certain handicap levels for certain MS, but I donā€™t think many people would follow or approve of being character-specific about it, so a normalized handicap approach seemed like a better idea to me. I think weā€™d have to at least give Ep and Hy a chance.

Iā€™ve never fought a good Hydra player, but at a glance the only real deal-breaker for me is blocking unblockables, and if anything, I think Epyon is much scarier. A lot of this might have to do with my character choice though. I can confirm supers and do incredible damage even to Hydra, and for RX-78, itā€™s really not unlike other fights. Against Epyon, I have to deal with hyper armor attacks, better pokes and ruthless pressureā€¦ Pretty much all of my weaknesses.

As Iā€™ve gotten better with this game, Iā€™ve noticed that Iā€™m not particularly very good with RX-78, whoā€™s usually my counter to Hydra because of his overhead comboing into his special (Gave my hydra maining friend a starfox 64 ā€œWHAT THE HHHHHHECKā€ moment) but idk I have trouble comboing recently with him for some reason. Itā€™s been a while since I brought this game to the TV lounge at my college so maybe Iā€™ve gotten better. I never really used sandrock against his Hydra because I didnā€™t want to be seen losing with my main, and I wasnā€™t confident enough to go against him with it, but Iā€™ve gotten A LOT better since then. Sandrock seems to be my go to character when I really want to play to win.

Finally got around to doing a guide for Deathscythe. This one is probably my favorite so far with the way it came out.


Part two for Altron is also up, if youā€™re interested. I had trouble getting through this one. It was hard to know what to say.

(Probably gonna need headphones for this one)

Ah, I didnā€™t even know you could cancel Deathscytheā€™s teleport recovery with attacks! Nice video altogether! Once I get Master all sorted out, I think Iā€™m going to pick up Deathscythe next and see what all the fuss is about. =P I also think itā€™d be really interesting to see how RX-78 handles the match-up.

I like the Altron stuff too. Since this past weekend, itā€™s been looking more and more like Altron might be the next guide I go for.

The only fight I had any trouble with as Deathscythe was against Hydra because he can block unblockables, and even then all I had to do was just utilize some of Deathscytheā€™s better normals, like his crLP, his qcfHK, etc, and he went down like everyone else. Itā€™s exhilarating how quickly Duo can dish out dat damage, and thereā€™s not much an opponent can do about it. Avoid atomic slash like the plague for starters, do not get caught in guard stun for too long, and utilize whatever strategy is exclusive to your character to try and outdo deathscythe. Playing keep away is tough because he can phase through projectiles with teleports and break a lot of them with atomic slash.

Hydra and Epyon are probably the quintessential counterpicks. Epyon for his long range pokes and Hydra for his ability to block unblockables. (that thing that deathscythe is so incredibly good at) apart from that, maybe something can be done using Master gundamā€™s command guard, and a lot of the gundams with I fields may have a better time of it, so Quin Mantha, ZZ and Zeong may be of use. Quinā€™s probably the best choice out of the three in that match up. All in all going it over in my head theoretically, I do not see Deathscythe having a bad match up. Iā€™m not saying that like ā€œzomg dethzythz is da bestā€ but I just donā€™t see a relatively consistent counteraction to all the options and power Deathscythe possesses. Really the only achilles heel I can think of is that it takes a good while of practice to ā€˜reallyā€™ get a handle with his combos and just how he does damage.

Outside of those, I feel like Rose, Nu, Wing Zero and maybe Bolt could give him consistent trouble. Rose can be just as ruthless as Epyon, and is even better at locking things down. Better mix-ups, more difficult to blockā€¦ Iā€™ve thought Rose is quite possibly the best character for a long time now. With Nu Iā€™m mostly just thinking Fin Funnels equate to a lot of damage and everything Deathscythe does he has to commit to because heā€™s more or less slow. Wing Zero can have a lot of control over the match. I donā€™t really know how Deathscythe can get an Atomic Slash on WZ without WZ making a mistake. Bird Tackle is a real threat in this match-up if he tries a random Atomic Slash or unblockable attack, and from there or any other knockdown, WZ just needs to stay above or at least away from DS. Even teleport probably couldnā€™t reliably get past Buster Rifle shots from above. I also think WZ is secret top tier. Bolt is really iffy, but heā€™s another hyper armor powerhouse that Deathscythe must confront up close soā€¦

Master Cloak might help Master once in awhile, but if he gets covered with Atomic Slash, thereā€™s nothing Master can really do about it. Cloak has to be used very selectively against good players, because nothing Master can cancel from it has invincible start-up that Iā€™m aware of.

I couldnā€™t argue against Deathscythe being top tier, I definitely think he is there, I just donā€™t think he is the best.

EDIT: Just got back from my long-time buddyā€™s house. This being one of the guys I used to play with all the time back when the game was new. He has a killer God Gundam and dabbles with GP02A quite a bit as well. We played for 4-5 hours or so. We actually played a lot of different MS. I repped Sandrock for ya a bit too, and was winning! I also played some Dragon, Altron, Maxter, God, Master, Nu, Rose, Heavyarms, etcā€¦ I feel I am at least competent with many MS. Anyway, GP02Aā€¦ at first glances, and on paper, he seems pretty low tier to me. He has a LOT of armor though, and if he manages to catch you with his Shield Buster cancelled into j.HK, youā€™re going to eat a ton of damage, even on lvl 1. His normals are very slow but surprisingly good once active, many of which have giant hit boxes. Also, his zoning game isnā€™t as bad as I would think. Sadly, I still think he is low tier, but he is better than I thought. He does put up a fight for sure.

God Gundam jab pressureā€“I almost forgot how crazy it is. s.HP outright beats RX-78 Trample or cr.HK, and probably many many other things. The hit box is amazing! We also found that s.HP causes GP02A rockets to miss. That makes two projectiles that for whatever reason go right through. Has to be wonky boxes or somethingā€¦ Itā€™s no secret that God Gundam is a very strong MS. I think top tier, but it could be argued. s.LP/cr.LP, s.HP, s.HK xx Super works on: GP02A, FAZZ, Ball, Sazabi, Nu, Sandrock, Deathscythe Hell, and Master. Against all other opponents, they will be too high after the s.HK, causing the super to miss initially, breaking the combo. Omit the s.HK and cancel s.HP into super instead against the rest of the cast. Itā€™s too bad, too, because the s.HK adds a healthy chunk of damage.

Watch out for Dragon, people donā€™t speak of it much it seems, but I think he is slept on. Definitely very strongā€¦

Sorry, once again, we had no means of recording matches. :frowning: Iā€™m really trying to figure something out though!

Cool as hell that this game is getting some love. Itā€™s really a fantastic fighter!

As for me, I main Burning Gundam (if nobody has called it yet, would anyone mind if I did some writeups on Burning?), and play Sandrock and Rose on the side. Iā€™m going to try and get a setup going at the next meetup we have here, and get some people to play it.

Also, Iā€™m playing a money match in this game at ARK V.