Gouken Frustration Thread, Go ahead let it out!

Never heard of him, you are both US though I assume? So I doubt I’d do any good in playing him in intense lag.

Sweep. Hazanshu, grab chuns are very basic, you should be able to do this. Never use level 1 focus vs her, on block we are +0 at best and well, you know how our startups matchup vs hers. On hit I always get the feeling it’s even worse and not sure why that is. Use lvl 1 only for backdashing to create some space(If you are going to forward dash try to counter his turbo limbs). If you feel you can’t get a lvl2 out(fyi+6 on block, crumple on hit ofcourse), don’t let it rip, dash forward instead and then throw or try to get hits/counterhits on her. Her sweep has(warning following frames are based on ae data, I dont know if 2012 changed this) 22 frames before it recovers after connecting so after our 16f dash you technically have 6f to work with(if you are frame perfect, thats why throw works well if you get close enough) Hazanshus come closer and give you more or less the same time so throwing them is easier.

Turboers are easy as hell to counter, they will always be on time and tend to have the habit of always doing something on wakeup. Guess counter him some times. Whatever you do stop caring about it, if he wishes to inhibit his own gameability by being lazy fine. Needless to say he won’t get results incredibly good players can’t get without turbo. I’ll be able to get some better advice here if I see him in action, look forward to vids of your game with him.

Start safe jumping EX kicks then sweep the hell out of them, its good stuff. It really sounds the fight is getting to you, every now and then take a break where he gets to you, grab a drink, splash some water in your face. Heck you can do it in game. Just stand at the end of the screen and let him toos his kikkokens, maybe absorb them, jump over, see how he responds to your responses(like if you always focus them, does he then walk forward with one to try and hit you with a poke during your focus? Anticipate with a counter on the fireball instead.).
Just relax, remember you play the most enjoyable character in the game and intense hard to master character for that matter and refind your control of the match.

Sounds like Bullcats messy brother :3

Chun can beast Gouken if he is not on his game.

Watch the opponents patterns. When/why is he doing hazanshu? Bait it and use low counter.

I don’t focus chun except to escape a possible cr.rh. Kongo is better against her.

If she is jumping in, and you are trying to counter her in the air with j.mp…STOP! She gives you plenty of time with her floaty jump to hit her with tatsu or hado or an AA normal or kongo. Denjin will help you and so will super.

I have the same issues with her wake up. I am probably doing the kick too early myself. I feel that this resembles my problems with the Blanka wake up, where everyone says he is free but every time I try to open him up my attack is going through his stupid wonky body and I’m eating some garbage wake up reversal. The tap tap tap/charge characters are kind of bull on wake up imo. Try staying at dash range and dashing in >grab on her wake up. If she falls for it, you have yourself a little mix up right there. Change distances, dash > kongo, dash > denjin, dive kick…

I prefer safejump j.mk to dives stuffing in this matchup. Just a thing I have.

I think ex palm is 17 frames at point blank so I’m guessing no. I’ll check exac dta tomorrow. Try cr.hp xx ex palm in training room.

Alsonline vs off is. Huge iffrenc with shit like hoza. I can easily react to it offline, almost always get hit by it nline.

I know this guy like the back of my hand, like Souchan said he’s very simple, which annoys me more =P

  • No we’re both in the UK. (Don’t know where you are)

  • I only use Lv 1 Focus & Backdash now when i want space and she sweeps. I’ll only go forward if i think it should have crumpled, then block =(
    I should probably use cl.st.mk more often as it’s 3 frames i think.

  • I do FA dash grab often, and it works often too, it’s the real only time i can get a grab on her, since that turbo effectively doubles her chances elsewhere.
    I recall tons of times she’ll do a jump attack/grab so i’ll dash under & grab and she always teched it, it’s like dhalsims jumping attacks they have like no recovery.

  • I was going repeatedly for the old info of Stuffing EX bird Kicks on wakeup, i’ve hit training since reipin’s msg and feel i can safe jump it from a sweep well, whether he’ll fall for it we’ll have to see.

  • Usually she only jumps if i’ve done a fireball or something, if she jumps otherwise i do respond with a kongo or Ex Tatsu.

Thanks for the advice though all o’ ya, i have calmed down from it abit.

I am actually in Holland, so this would be possible. I just have to look in to getting a PS3 AE version maybe, I only have them on PC and Xbox at the mmoment

I’m not sure how it is with chuns hitboxes, but perhaps, don’t use this vs him though as likely his turbos will beat you unless you are frame perfect on your start.

Landing frames allow throw teching and normal blocking, low attacks are what get them.

I think you will enjoy it :wink:

Try not to kongo as an antiair, its somethign a lot of people look for and it just makes our regular AA’s that much better. Chun is in the air so long regular tatsu and Shin sho nail the hell out of her.

Good to hear man, get back in there when you’ve recalled your sense of Mu and then let them feel it :slight_smile:

Couple things:

It doesn’t matter if he falls for it or not. You get to continue your offense. Safe jump and follow with cl.st.mp and you have tons of options depending on whether that hits or not. If it hits, do a combo of your choice. If it doesn’t, then frame trap. If he doesn’t fall for the frame trap you can branch off of that with high and low.

As for Chun jumping, she has that really floaty jump so from whatever distance you should always dash forward and anti-air her. She cannot late jump a fireball or she will get punished. She has to jump it when it is pretty far out in front of her, do NOT let her get away with jumping fireballs full screen. Dash after each one if she hasn’t jumped it before you recovered. Try to make it a habit to dash after you throw a lp fireball,** lots** of characters when jumping the fireball late from full screen are ripe for an anti-air.

As for him using turbo, I’m not sure he is using turbo. If you hold down lp+lk with turbo on you will get lightning legs every time, wouldn’t he? Can someone test? Especially if you are holding this as you jump. Not sure you can tech when landing.

Landing frames do allow for teching and blocking, but that’s only if you empty jump. Trip guard is removed if you attack, now sure about the ability to tech though.

And the last thing Souchan says I agree with 100%

Trip guard is gone yes, but teching is not. IIRC the first frame IS hittable and throwable but the other 3 are not except by lows. Empty jumps have only 2 landing frames iirc, man I need to find that info again, I realise how rusty it is in my memory.

back in Vanilla, only a select few Ultra Combos would armor-break the Kongoshin. Typically it was the ones that started out with one heavy hit, such as Ken’s Ultra 1, or Gouken’s own Ultra 1 - although I believe Balrog’s Ultra 1 also broke it. Since Super and AE, all the newcomers have pretty much only armor-breaking Ultras - even Yang’s wimpy Ultra 2 that starts out with a couple of soft kicks. My point is that there was a bit of an orderly system to it before, but now pretty much every new Ultra Combo breaks our armor, and you can’t be intuitive about it, as the visual cues don’t apply no more.

It’s best to just check the frame data to see if it has armor break or not, and of course any time you see “reversal” on the screen don’t kongo.

blanka’s slide trades with shinsho ultra

That’s some bull right there. I guess he slips under the hit box. Stupid green frog

It’s more fun when you shinsho his EX ball and he goes right the fuck THROUGH you during your 13 frames of invincibility and you shin sho air.

more reaons to hate blanka.

How’s the new gouken guys? All we hoped for?

Yeah he’s pretty solid now. Same wake up problems though.

Denjin is sweet.

I feel led on by capcom when it comes to counter FADC Denjin.

led on? what? does it only connect at certain distances?

being on PC I haven’t been able to play 2012 yet.

To me it seems your opponent has to be right in your grill, but even then the problem (for me at least) is the timing is super strict. I landed maybe 1 in 10 when trying it in matches before I gave up on it entirely unless in the corner(which I can use shin sho for anyways). I also find mid screen palm fadc denjin difficult…

I haven’t had any time to dive into the kongo scenarios but, it would seem that the further away they are from you the less chance that Denjin will land. It also needs to be revved up to Full Speed in order for it to work that way.

With FADC’ing palm you have to be fairly quick with the input or use a short cut, to get a higher success rate.