Gouken Frustration Thread, Go ahead let it out!

I always wonder why the palm, a projectile attack, has such a mammoth hit box and such a small hurtbox. My fireballs don’t cover half the screen like their palms.

probably because after the programmers and graphic-artists and other game-designers completed the game, a group of highly intelligent monkeys made their way into the office and tampered with the code

I’m just gonna stop playing Street Fighter until 2012 and then see if things get better. I’m satisfied with what I achieved with Gouken so far. Got to A rank and learned everything about him I could albeit not being perfect at executing it. It’s just depressing when you play a set against Guy or Yun/Yang and get absolutely molested. So I’m just gonna be popping in every few days just to make sure I keep my execution intact instead of playing hours at end like I have been since I started. Hopefully 2012 is better for the old man.

Yun ang guy are really tough matches made even harder by playing online.

Guys is it just me or is cammy a bad matchup for gouken . Im having a really hard time beating this cammy player.

Exactly why I’m taking a break. I’ve pretty much tried everything I can against Guy and it’s not enough. My friend is the #4 Guy on PC and we run long sets. I’ve gotten better but it’s still too frustrating to play against. Our ratio used to be like 5:1 and now it’s like 3:1 or 3.5:1 in his favor. I don’t know, it just boggles my mind how they can mindlessly mash stuff and get combos off of cr.teching while if I whiff anything I get blown up and put in the corner like a little bitch. To be more specific about the thing that pretty much made up my mind about taking a break happened when I made the RIGHT read and still lost. I baited him into using Guy’s Hurricane Kick after putting him in a blockstring and I did Ex Kongo (we both had about 50 HP) and his stupid Hurricane Kick counted as a reversal and killed me. REALLY? I was done after that. Even he agreed that it was stupid. He said that if Fei/Cammy ultras work, Gouken’s counter should work too. It’s like giving him tools that work HALF of the time.

It was a 7-3 in Vanilla apparently, from the tier list. I don’t think it’s THAT bad right now but I think it is still in Cammy’s favor. You have to make sure to get your teching right cause a big part of Cammy’s game, from what I understand, is putting in those tick throws when she is pressuring you. Also if you are zoning her and if she does her little go thru your fireball move, you can ex tatsu or Ultra that shit for free. Just keep an eye out for it. She can also be safejumped with Gflip.

Btw, loving your sig and that line under your name :wink: Made me laugh.

LOL thanks thats my way of showing my akuma hate. Anyway dealing with cammy! Her air cannon drill deals so much block stun and her grab game is so fucking scary its insane. Also whats the fucking deal with her spin knuckle! I mean I neutral jump it to pop her ass over the head and it acts as an anti air an knocks me out the air. Im like what the fuck lol. Shes great at abusing you on knock down so well. I really need to learn this match up better. Also correct me if im wrong but her Cannon spike is a pain in the ass to deal with. Heck you can’t even ex demon flip the dam things because the active frames are so long on her cannon spike. Also its armor break so no baiting with air parry… I really hate fighting her lol. I should save all this for the match up thread. sorry guys

Well said sir. This is pretty much how I feel…

Dear Gouken players,

Thanks for the all the PP.



Haha just joshing. I actually got a chance to play against desora in the arcade recently tho. I still won’t say Gouken is good, but damn he’s shifty sometimes. I have noooo idea how to escape s.mkxxfireball corner traps…

thats easy just use a move with invis frames . Or throw gouken when he cancels into fireball. The frame trap is hadou to standing mk but when gouken cancels mk to fireball hes open as hell.

That’s what I thought, but I don’t have one that works :(. Always got nailed with CH something or another when I tried to mash out[slp jump, throw, etc]. Didn’t try it against the cancel tho. I did beat him one round, but damn. I heard he plays Makoto so he probably knew better than I do. It was rough. Still he couldn’t beat the best guy here who plays Yang so take that as you will. D:

Throw after the cl.st.mk, like Gamer said, you have one frame between the fireball and cl.st.mk but you have way more between cl.st.mk and the fireball. I’d probably just tap focus attack for the crumple stun since you’ll get a counter hit on the fireball.

worst matchup in vanilla and super, it’s gotten slightly better, but its still a bad matchup. Used to be 7-3, not sure now.

just throw

I really disagree with this rating. It was easier - or more balanced, in Vanilla, if you ask me. Cammy’s strength is her rush-down, and the Kongos were much stronger in Vanilla - 35 more damage off a regular Kongo, plus a much better ease of use when countering as anti-air. That factor alone counts as 1 point in the match-up scale. Then you also had the unscaled Ultra-throw combo, which was normally a game-ender if her life-bar was even just a pixel below 50%. On top of those important factors, we also had a very practical LP Palm, plus a strong Flip-offense.

What exactly has made the match-up better in Super/ AE?

I need more information on these ‘invisible’ frames!
Is that like; you do a palm but the startup frames are invisible frames and so it looks like your still just standing where you were!

Ha, just messing.

Cammy-Gouken in both vanilla and Super was roughly the same. It really just got worse as the game evolved. AE is easier because there’s no low CS to fuck you up anymore (Not TKCS, but relatively-low CS). It’s probably roughly the same in AE because kongo got worse, so getting knocked down is even more assalicious. If 2012 kongo doesn’t work right still, we’re fucked.

They need to just make LP and MP kongo the old versions with the vanilla damage, and turn HP kongo into the 90-damage version of EX kongo like I said they should’ve done in AE in the first place.

Cammy beasts Gouken because she easily blows up cr. teching and that is not good for Gouken. Once the player sees you are teching her tick throws you can expect to get blown up afterwards by a cannon spike or cannon strike. EX Flip is no out because of the active frames of her srk. This is a doo doo match up.

Do you plink this with lp? I’ve tried it and end up getting a hp fireball afterwards. Negative edge bothers me.

tech with cr. lp, cr. lk, cr. mk. it helps a lot in those matchups.

I do use that, always have since I learned about it…so much so that I’ve been throwing using the same buttons now. It’s become a bad habit. I still get blown up by a late cannon strike or spike.