Gouken Combos and Glitches

back throw, j.mp (1 hit), ultra does 464 damage on ryu
back throw, ultra does 518 damage on ryu

so yea, never do it. ultra was scaled to 80% after the j.mp

j.mk, st.fp xx ex palm xx fadc, dash, dash ultra does 614 damage
j.mk, st.fp xx ex palm, ultra (in the corner) does 614 damage
j.mk, st.fp xx ex palm, ex fb, ultra (in the corner) does 656
j.mk, st.fp xx ex palm, hp fb, ultra (in the corner) does 607

j.mk, st.fp xx ex palm, dash, hurricane does 433
j.mk, st.fp xx ex palm, mp palm does 394
j.mk, st.fp xx ex palm, fp palm does 401

back throw, j.mp (1 hit), ex hurricane does 250
back throw, ex hurricane does 200
back throw, hurricane does 185

so imo, not worth it for the ex.

counter xx fadc, ultra in the corner does 594.
counter xx fadc, hurricane does 365

for reference, his jab does 30 damage.

ok just for fun, i’ve been messing around with his ex palm, dash>HK tatsu to see what kind of numbers i’d get. ex palm, dash> HK tatsu = 345.

with jump ins:

j.HP(HK)>HP>EX palm, dash>HK tatsu = 463
j.MK>HP>EX palm, dash>HK tatsu = 433

now here’s his numbers for his ex palm>palm

EX palm> HP palm = 300
Ex palm> MP palm = 290

jump ins:

j.HP(HK)>HP>EX palm>HP palm = 431
j.HP(HK)>HP>EX palm>MP palm = 424
j.MK>HP>EX palm>HP palm = 401
j.MK>HP>EX palm>MP palm = 394

donno if this has been mentioned anywhere but just my 2 cents worth.

when opponent is down and you are considerably abt half screen away.
do fireball move (either HP or MP) and charge full.
if they fall for the bait (thinking its a horizontal fireball) and jump towards you and eat the 2hit fireball,
you follow up with a fierce palm move so it becomes a 3 hit combo. (u will catch him in midair as he falls back from getting hit by the 2 fireballs) i believe its quite some dmg…

same goes for grounded fireballs (LP) if they hit 2 hits, u can connect the HP palm move too.

need to add that if ur fireballs catch an opponent in the air, the rush palm move will connect if u do it immediately after u release the fireball. The version of the rush palm depends on the distance and height which the fireball hits the opponent.

I also want to comment on the EX rush palm -> HK tatsu combo. I totally agree with the post that says that using a FP Rush palm instead of the HK tatsu is better. The HK tatsu gives ur opponent time to recover and u lose ur initiative. While alot of ppl seem to think that Gouken is a defensive player, I personally believe that if u have the initiative and can apply the pressure by keeping the offense up, that is when gouken is very deadly. Doing a FP rush palm allows u to get closer to ur opponent and thus keeping them on defence.

As for the corner combos that resets the opponent, I dun think it shld be done too often. While it sets u up for bigger damages, it also leaves u open for counters, Dun forget that throws can be countered while the demon flip gives ur opponent time to escape (especially if u do it often enough). If u have the chance to finish him off which an ultra, go for it. Usually by the time to get ur opponent into the corner, he shld only have health of abt 70% at most. A HP->EX rush Palm -> EX Gohadoken -> Ultra takes off around 50 to 60% health depending on character and revenge meter.

EDIT: Oh also, I’ve not been able to hit the ultra after doing a normal dash from the EX rush palm. The 2 times i did succeed though was when the opponent was flying into the corner (combo started abt 5 cells away from the corner using the training ground grid). From wat i’m seeing, if it is done in the middle of the map, Ultra wun hit becos of the lack of horizontal distance. To test this, I allowed the target to fall on the ground and recover. After that I did an ultra (after a dash of cos). For the most part, the ultra completely misses. This shows the lack of distance covered by the dash and ultra. Maybe some1 can post a video showing this combo.

I was doing a couple of player matches last night and went for the corner reset mixup a couple of times.

The guy went for DP or Ex DP or EX tiger on every single attempt. I landed behind him with either whiff flip grab or a dive kick crossup attempt and he flew the wrong way, which let me land something of my choice anyway.

I used to do fierce FB, roundhouse tatsu after a corner EX senku, but this is so much more awesome. After a whiff demon flip grab, back throw, even without ultra, I can go for another reset stand fierce demon flip and this time maybe try for a crossup.

I’ve been wondering about this, so when he wiffs the demon flip grab does he reset instantly when landing like Cammy does with her hooligan grab?

Try it. Do a demon flip and whiff the grab late when you’re close to the ground and mash jab. The jabs come out instantly. The reason you wanna whiff the grab late is the falling speed is faster for a normal demon. It seems to slow your descent if you whiff it higher.


That’s what it looks like.

Couple of things that I have observed during my own training games and online matches. Would be nice if other ppl can confirm these findings especially 3).

  1. Back throw -> EX rush palm does not allow you to follow up with anything after that.

  2. cr.HP -> rush palm misses occasionally. Maybe due to distance and version of rush palm.

  3. c.HP -> rush palm -> forbidden shoryuken misses on Chun Li. I’m thinking it misses on other smaller characters mainly the female characters.

  4. i) j.MK -> c.MK -> l.rush palm hits only if j.MK hits high.
    ii) j.MK -> c.HP -> rush palm hits only if j.MK hits low.

Well, I think the RH HK has a MUCH slower start up than the other versions. I can hit the others on the back throw without any problems but if there is less than 4 bars I miss the RH HK from time to time.

One simple one that I liked is:

j.Mk --> c.Mk --> HK Hurricane Kick

A few notes to mention is that this is most effective when you can catch your opponent while they’re standing (Like throwing a fireball, etc.) because the combo connecting hinges on the fact that the HK Hurricane needs to hit them.

Also, because the c.Mk comes out so weird, you have to make sure you’re relatively close to your opponent when you do it. Still though, I’ve landed this many times and it’s just satisfying to watch.

about what saridan posted i was wondering if u demon flip after the reset and do his punch move won’t it counter a shoryu or something? if so then thats good enough mix-up to play around with kick or throw…

also i’m having problems with trying to connect ultra after lk tatsu to fadc… timing seems freaking impossible…

for the first part of ur post, I think u need to be careful not to press the punch button to early. Every special move, if done as a reversal, has armor break properties.

As for the tatsu into ultra combo, I find it impractical. I did find it easier to do it with the MK and HK versions of it (both can be comboed from a cr.lp). Problem with it is that i always find myself on the opposite side after the dash and even when i did pull the ultra off when on the opposite side, the target just flew over me. This combo was alot easier to do with a HP instead of the cr.lp. In which case, using the LK tatsu would be better since the HK tatsu seem to launch the opponent slightly higher causing the ultra to miss.

It there anything that Gouken can lead into from his c.Jab? I’m trying to see if he has any jump-in normal combos.

E.g. Would jump-ins like j.Forward --> c.Jab x3 --> Something be practical for him?

if u are talking abt special moves… nope. None of them are fast enough to hit after the lp. U can however do a couple of s.lk depending on ur distance. Or if u are good at kara throwing, the distance is just nice after c.lp x2.

Thanks for the suggestions. And no, I’m not limiting myself to just specials with that combo per se. More like, I’m looking to see if Gouken has any moves that serve as an “ending” for the combo in general. Something like a knock-down or knock-back that will give me enough time or distance to recover so that I don’t get reversed or countered at the end of the multiple c.Jab string. But yeah, doesn’t seem like there are too many options for Gouken in the poking department. That’s too bad =S

there’s another thread that has other suggestions for gouken’s blocked strings. U might wanna check that out. But as far as poking (and hitting) is concerned, most i ever pulled off was a 6 hit poke combo of c.lps and s.lks.

In a corner, Back throw -> EX Palm -> EX Tatsu works. I haven’t got the timing down, as sometimes you’ll vacuum them up while other times they will be flung across the screen after one hit. It doesn’t seem worth it for two bars, but it’s possible.

What seems to be the go-to combo for ultra-less, or even EX-less, back throws? Hard tatsu does more than his foward throw, so I always try and back throw, and it seems like there has to be something fancier than just a hard or EX tatsu when you don’t have Ultra.

I use HK tatsu or EX tatsu, i don’t think there’s a better option unless you want to c.hp for reset mixups. I’d rather have the fullscreen of distance and the guranteed damage.

Remember, back throw has a LOT worse range than forward throw, so always doing back throw is a bad idea. There are plenty of times forward throw will work that back throw will fail.

Hey guys im making another of my Practical Combo videos and im going to use the combos from the first post

ill take the damage and stun and see which one really arent practical but are more flashy

If ya want me to put in a flashy combo or something send me a PM, I got a good portion of the combos already in.
I made a Ryu video and a Cammy, (ill probably have to update the Cammy one, cause its short and kinda lame) check my Youtube

I just wanted to let you guys know
since the combos came from you guys
I might have it ready by next week.

There are several fancier things, but none are particularly reliable online and none do enough damage to justify the risk.