List your favorite combos here using standard abbreviation conventions. Include the proper damage from the training data in training mode.
Make sure to perform the combo when the opponent has a full lifebar, because otherwise the damage will be reduced depending on how low the opponent’s health is.
Also, discuss any glitches or bugs the character has.
I’ll update this first post so once thing are found etc, no one has to read thru xx amount of pages.
Combo vid by Mirror: [media=youtube]ZVfdOq8rAbQ"[/media]
All combos can be done after a dive kick, jump in, focus, or cross up
Normal Combos:
(damage values later)
- s.fp xx dp+mp
- s.fp xx qcb+hk
- s.fp xx qcf+p
-, c.lp xx hk hurricane (opponent must be standing)
- Anti-air lk hurricane (trades), lk hurricane
- Anti-air lk hurricane (trades), dp+lp
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp, dash, hk hurricane
EX combos:
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp, dp+hp
- s.fp xx ex hurricane
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp, lp gohadouken juggle
Corner combos:
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp, mp gohadouken, lp gohadouken, s.fp reset
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp, ex hadouken, Shin Shoryuken
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp, mp gohadouken, lp gohadouken, ex hurricane
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp, hp gohadouken, ex gohadouken, ex hurricane
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp, hp gohadouken, mp gohadouken, ex hurricane
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp, hp gohadouken, mp gohadouken, Shin Shoryuken
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp, ex gohadouken, ex gohadouken, ex gohadouken, Shin Shoryuken.
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp, hp gohadouken, lp gohadouken, sweep
Super/Ultra Combos:
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp, ex hadouken, Shin Shoryuken (corner)
- back throw, Shin Shoryuken
- back throw, dp+hp xx True Shoryuken
- Air-to-air, Shin Shoryuken (You cannot get the first hit version of his ultra, not even all the multi-hits, Ive got 6 hits max)
- Air-to-air, True Shoryuken
- s.hp xx dp+mp xx True Shoryuken
- Anti-air hurricane xx true shoryuken
- Anti-air hurricane (trades), Shin Shoryuken
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp, fp gohadouken, Shin Shoryuken
10 Counter xx True Shoryuken
FADC Combo:
These are much easier when countering a jump in, still not too bad if they are grounded.
-Near Corner-
- Counter xx FADC, shin shoryuken (corner) (594 with Ultra at MAX)
- Counter xx FADC, hk hurricane (365)
- Counter xx FADC, ex gohadouken, s.hp (404)
- Counter xx FADC, ex gohadouken, ex hurricane (480)
- Counter xx FADC, Shin Shoryuken (677 with Ultra at MAX)
- s.fp xx lp gohadouken xx FADC, c.fp xx gohadouken xx FADC, c.fp xx dp+mp
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp xx FADC, Shin Shoryuken
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp xx FADC, fp gohdouken, dp+lp
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp xx FADC, hk hurricane
- s.fp xx ex dp+pp xx FADC, hp gohadouken, dp+lp
- s.hp xx lk hurricane (1-hit) xx FADC, Shin Shoryuken
- s.hp xx lp gohadouken xx FADC xx c.fp xx ex palm, dash forward hk hurricane
- s.hp xx lp gohadouken xx FADC xx xx hk huricane (opponent must be standing)
Back throw combos:
- dp+hp xx True Shoryuken
- (1-hit), Shin Shoryuken
- (1-hit), EX Tatsu
- (1-hit), s.fp
- (1-hit), sweep