Gouken Combos and Glitches

TIZOC: ^Check the post before yours :V

lololol :wink:

ā€¦but this is your first post in this thread.
ā€¦anyways, I wonder what combo options are possible after his juggling throw? Is there a juggle limit in SF4 that might limit the number of times you juggle an opponent?

Iā€™m curious about that as well because he does seem to have a lot of launching attacks. His juggling throw as well as his EX dashing palm thing. His EX Hadoken seems to be able to juggle after launching someone into the air, but Iā€™m also curious to see if normals behave the same way as well

technically your post should have been on the videos section, but i guess itā€™s fine with it being here since it has combosā€¦ :wink:

High/low counter xx super. FYI ā€¦ Havenā€™t seen it mentionedā€¦ He bleedsā€¦ Bad. You have to ply careful with him

That was awesome, tuesday and my SE fightstick canā€™t get here soon enoughā€¦ :sweat: :nunchuck:

Oh donā€™t worry I have to wait til Summer when my bro arrives with our PS3 and SF4.
Ya know what sucks most? He is not as hype as I am for this game.

ā€¦but enough of my sordid life, is Goukenā€™s super like Kenā€™s? As in can his Ultra be comboed as the opponent is falling?

Did you not see the trial mode video? there is a short combo where he throws him up in the air and uses his ultra. Then there was the last when where he nails him in the air with the ultra. Iā€™m sure you can use the super as well.

since damage reducing system HIGH damage moves on the end of a combo got a searys reduce that almost make high cambos with ultras to the end maybe more useless then a 3 hit combo + super!


Zangiefs UAB damage 600

if you combo it (possible with a dizzy/focus) with 2 FIRCE hitsā€¦ damage is reduced down to 650!! there is no sense in high combos except for style and a bit more damage sad thing after all if you go for a 3hitcombo into UAB damage is reduced to 638!! therefore more hits reduce the damage instead of gife more damage this count spezialy for Ultras!

short crisp combos are the win in SF4 and become B&B

Gouken Comboā€™s from the Guide:

-Jump in :mk:, :hp: > :lp: GoHadoken (:qcf::p:)

-jump in :hk:, :hp: > EX Shenkugoshoha (:dp::p::p:), HP Shenkugoshoha

-Tenmakujinkyako (:d::hk: when jummping) or Sakotsukudaki (:r::mp: when standing), :d::mp: xx HK Tatumaki Gorasen (:qcb::k:)

-Tenmakujinkyako (:d::hk: when jummping) or Sakotsukudaki (:r::mp: when standing), :hp: >> senkugoshoha

-jump in :mk:, :d::mk: > Tatumaki Gorasen (any)

-Focus Attack, :hp: >> sengukoshoha xx Forbidden Shoryuken (:qcf::qcf:+:p:)

  • Jump in :hp:, :hp: >> EX Senkuhoshoha xx EX Focus Cancel, Shin Shoryuken (:qcf::qcf:+:3p:)

  • jump in :hp:, :d::hp: >> EX Senkuhoshoha >> EX Gohadoken xx Shin Shoryken

  • Jump in :hp:, :mp:, :d::lp: >> Tatumaki Gorasen (any) xx EXFC, Shin Shoryuken

Also, his back throw (:l:+:lp:+:lk:) does not do damage but it sets up a lot of combo opportunities

@Tenor- Mustā€™ve forgotten about it, sorry.

Goukenā€™s challenge mode in high-def:


Some of these combos are brutal as all hell. Gouken strikes me as a heavy hitter who really needs to be used both patiently and precisely.

Iā€™m really looking forward to learning this character. Ryu is my main in all SF games, though I canā€™t help but be curious about playing as Gouken :slight_smile:

gouken is the only reason iā€™m getting this game. sucks that we still canā€™t play him right off the bat and got to unlock him first :frowning:

in corner - counter xx fadc, ultra works. you also have all day to do the fadc because of the screen freeze.

gouken stuff:

  • all versions of dp+p go through projectiles after startup
  • donā€™t know how safe dp+p is on block; ex dp+p seems to be safe actually
  • jab dp+p will combo off of a mp/mk. strong/ex dp+p will combo off of a fierce. fierce dp+p never combos off a ground normal
  • non-ex versions of dp+p donā€™t seem to have any juggle options post-fdac
  • ex dp+p is a launcher, your best options seem to be:

(no meter) dp+fierce
(2 meters) fdac -> dash -> ultra
(corner) ultra
(corner, 1 meter) late ex fireball, ultra

  • get into the habit of pressing low strong any time you would normally press low forward with a shoto
  • low strong, low fierce and sweep seem to be his only decent pokes. to be fair, low strong is pretty good though
  • low fierce is a good anti air, can be done fairly late
  • if you have enough time, short/forward hurricane kick works as anti air. it will often trade, but that lets you easily juggle an ultra (without even having to dash!) or another hurricane kick. the short and forward versions seem to have a very small amount of invul on startup
  • hurricane kick is really iffy in ground combos, often doesnā€™t reach
  • the counters are 1 frame, do a large chunk of damage, and are treated as focus attacks. that comes with a few caveats:

it builds you ultra gauge
you canā€™t do them when youā€™re low on life
you canā€™t do them against armor break moves
you canā€™t do them against any reversal special move

  • dive kicks have a ton of hitstun, you can generally combo off of them even if they hit the top of the opponentā€™s head
  • dive kicks go pretty much straight down
  • ex demon flip has invul on the way up

question, can you FADC out of the second hit of his EX Shenkugoshoha ?

If that is his dp+p move, yeah you can on the EX version.

You can cancel it on either hit.

Combo to ex dp+p fadc ultra works well.

it combos off st.fp and cr.fp.

thanks, but can you explain to me what the ā€œ>>ā€ and the ā€œxxā€ stand for? using any one of those as an example would help!

Man Iā€™ve been playin him for awhile, but he feels really limited in his methods to do damage. Like I can hold the opponent off with his basics and really good antiairs, but he has a really hard time landing combos or netting big damage, even though he has some simple ways to do half health. Any ideas on what to do?