Gouken Combos and Glitches

c. mp is really good yeah, and based on the nature of the move and when you use it it seems to come up as counter hit a lot so going for the DP will combo a lot of the times. DP will combo for sure up close but from a range it wont unless counter hit it seems.

ya its too risky for me since all the rush punches are unsafe :confused: Plus I have not seen the use for the rush punch outside of a combo yet, it fails to punish fireballs even anticipated ones and if its blocked…free combo. also when im in a fb war, even if I jump an obvious fb his lack of good jump in hurts, I can use his slow dive kick but on block all I can do is a s.lp after without getting reversal in the face.

yep that was goukens weakness from what i played of him. he actually relies on back throw into super/ultra and he is limited in attacking/hitconfirm options to scare someone into eating a back throw.

Ill be updating this today or tomorrow.

can anyone confirm whether or not the rush punch is safe on block from any distance at all? It seems not…

His only safe block string seems to be low fierce->fireball.

So far Gouken’s only good things seem to be throw into ultra, and his fireball recovery.

But his fireball seems to have more startup than say Ryu’s fireball… and theres so many ways around fireballs in this game… I doubt a pure hadoken strategy would work out. I think that’s his only chance of ending up good, but I dont see how he’s going to stop ppl from just getting in with EX moves all day.

So seriously is Gouken crap or am I missing something?

After I mid air parry what move should I do?

Because it seems like I mid air parry fall to the ground and get me feet swept from under me.

he’s prety bad imo

Yeah, never figured out what the XX means.

xx= cancel >>= link

He can anti-air with Supers and Ultras tho right? I tried this in training mode and it seemed to work pretty well. Shouldn’t that allow him to apply pressure, since they can’t jump at him without taking it on the chin?

there is no need to focus cancel EX senku. Gouken can simply link a forward dash into ultra/any juggle mid-screen, or just let them fall onto it in the corner.

I’ve started using Gouken online and I’m beginning to get a decent feel for him. It’s great using completely new characters as you have to come up with a play style all on your own - I love it. As soon as I heard Gouken was in the game, I was amped. I’m a Ryu player so its only natural I’d give him some serious attention :smiley:

Some in-game thoughts from playing him quite a bit over the past few days:

  • I never realised his counters (high and low) absorb the damage taken from the move countered ala a focus attack. The opponent is hurled across the screen, but you need to be careful and allow that energy to recharge.

  • Juggle opportunities are all over the place with Gouken. In the corner his EX fireball just keeps opponents airborne.

  • He has a jumping uppercut (jump+strong) like Ryu’s. I’ve managed to catch three hits in the air with it

  • His crouching forward is odd. It has its uses, but using it to poke like Ryu/Ken results in problems due to the fact that he kicks UP from the ground and has poor range with it. Substitute it with a crouching strong.

  • Ground hurricane kick surprisingly combos well from jump ins. It sucks for recovery/reversal attacks as it is easily broken and I’m yet to verify the EX version as a reversal.

  • Standing counter (reverse dragon punch) makes a great anti-air and forces people to keep their distance

  • A charged Ultra (i.e. a Shin Shoryuken) makes an amusing threat. People are super-cautious at jump ins when you have one of those badboys waiting :slight_smile:

  • Good reach on standing fierce

  • Overhead ( -> + middle punch) is handy AND fast

  • Very versatile focus with good range

  • Backwards throw is brilliant. You can juggle pretty much anything from it.

  • Dashing palm strike (dragon punch) rules. It hits hard, knocks down, passes through fireballs when timed right and combos well. The EX version sets up a painful juggle situation.

  • Fireball variations make for some cool mindgames. With good reactions you can catch jump-ins. The two-hit charge option gives him a nice edge on downed opponents. Angled fireballs are satisfying to hurl at Akuma air fireball spammers.

  • Default taunt is awesome :smiley: Akuma stomp!

  • The demon flip options add a nice array of mix-ups. Gouken has a wide range of attacks and the demon flip only adds to this. I’m yet to get the air parry thing down as rather than parry I usually just launch into an attack - such as the throw.

  • Jumping middle kick crosses up quite nicely if properly distanced

  • Leg sweep has good range

  • Air hurricane has exceptional priority. I’ve also snuffed dragon punches with it.

I’m loving Gouken. My only real beef so far is his crouching middle kick. Largely because I keep falling into my Ryu habits. Once replaced with crouching strong though, all is well. His hurricane’s poor anti air priority is a shame, but I expected this. Otherwise he’d be insanely powerful. Besides, once you have an Ultra or even a super ready, you have a more than solid anti-air weapon :smiley:

Gouken reminds me a lot of Takuma from KOF '94 :slight_smile:

Double post. Sorry.

Standing fierce can counter poke shotos ducking forward. Ducking strong is the $$ poke from what I can tell. Ducking short has great range but can only hit once. Jumping roundhouse hits all the way thru the animation so it can hit from the top of his head all the way down to the ground so it has pretty gtg air to air priority. Standing forward up close is just like the traditional shoto meaty on wakeup.
Demon flip is sweet I use the air parry almost every time. Even if someone does a 2 hit upper you take the first hit and just fall to the ground before the 2nd hit can even break the armor. So it just leaves them wipe open for whatever you want to do.

The Ultra is your best friend. Everyone knows about the back throw into the Ultra. Something I get to work quite a bit is try to tick into a throw but instead of a throw do a low counter as the other person tries to stop you from throwing.

The charged ex fireball is so funny to use because people panic and end up jumping towards you and eating 4 hits. Other then combos I still can find much of a use for the ground hurricane kicks. Still tryin to figure out if you can punish fire balls on reaction with the palm not sure if its fast enough.

So wrong its not funny - he has the same stamina as Ryu. Confirmed in training mode, his Ultra does 518 to both characters.

I’ve tried hard but I think Gouken just has too many holes, on both ends of the court.

The holes become gaping when you, as the Gouken player, realize that you have no tools strong enough to prevent any type of character from doing what they are supposed to do.

So we have…

urien ball
dash punch
90 degree dp that doesn’t anti-air
high and low counters
demon flip

What I see is a list of things which have supplemented the play styles of other characters. What I don’t see is any congruency in this move set; no emerging play style.

It’s just really hard to get an offensive, or defensive flow started when you really only have 1 move to cater to the current situation.

Haven’t seen this posted yet, works midscreen against most* characters:
after focus attack stun or jumpin, st. hp xx ex dash punch, dash, hk hurricane kick. It does a little more damage then the basic ex dash punch, dash punch, less stun though. For when you need that extra damage.

*I haven’t really tested this out against little characters

Is anyone else having problems getting the 4th combo in the “Hard” mode trial with Gouken? It’s the one where You Jumping Fierce, Crouching Fierce, EX Palm Strike, EX Fireball into the Ultra. The reason this seems overly “hard” for me is because of how they simplified some of the motions on specials and supers. 99% of the time when all I want to do is a dragon punch motion from a crouching position the super comes out. Are you seriously supposed to let the stick go neutral before doing a dragon punch motion and can this combo even be done outside of the corner? I don’t see how considering you are too far away to Ultra after the fireball hits.

He is a reactionary character, that’s why he might seem so different to you. I think you’re right in that he can’t just go into an offensive blitz at the start unless you’re playing against some really bad players, but he has many moves to punish mistakes badly. Honestly I am very glad that he’s not some super overpowered “boss” character that I would feel guilty for playing. Time will tell though if he ends up dominating specific matchups and how he fares overall, but right now he seems to be mid-high to high to me.

Umm his Ultra does 518 to everyone:confused:

I usually find myself thinking that way mid-match, ha ha ha. I’ve stopped using him in ranked matches since my bp plumetted. I’m trying to think differently, though.

For example for anti-air, I’m trying to use his kogoshin counter. I actually spend a lot of time in the training room doing nothing but countering jump ins.

There are a few pros.

First off, it’s pretty forgiving as far as timing goes. It comes out quick and hangs there for a good while.

Second, it’s more than twice as damaging as a fully charged aa gadoken.

Third, it’s a very natural motion. It’s a reverse dragon punch. Something I’m very used to using as an anti-air. It’s just about training myself to reverse the motion.

Fourth, it auto-zones for you by knocking the opponent clear across the screen, so load up an EX gadoken.

In my opinion, it’s a great psychological move. There’s just something about you standing there and knocking the opponent across the screen. It’s kinda demoralizing the way it is fighting Geese n CvS2. A buddy of mine told me although I was only partially successful nailing it, that after a while he just didn’t want to risk it.

There are a couple cons as well.

It turns into a guessing game. Do I block low or high. Most people will jump in with some attack, but after awhile they’ll change it up knowing you’re not going to offensively strike first.

Also, multi-hit leaping attacks can slip by. I haven’t had anyone try a Ryu j.mp but I suspect it’d make contact. You’d also eat a mid-air hurricane kick.

So with those two big cons, I’m thinking of it as a supplement to a c.fp or the occasional gadoken more than a complete replacement for an aa dp.