Gouken Combos and Glitches

I’m starting to use Gouken more often now and this thread helped me learn a ton of basics with him. thanks.

i thought the air hurricane would break the armor too but i was playing a ken a couple nights ago and gouken countered the air hurricane just like a jump in. i guess the air hurricane just doesn’t have focus breaking properties.

the dp+p is not safe at all, bison c.lk xx scissors is free and easy. i havent tested anything extensive but maybe its worth using it to get in close and fadc it on block (a la ex banishing flat)?

In the corner after the ex dash punch, you can just do a regular HP fireball as opposed to the ex one, if you are trying to save meter

Hp, EX dash punch, ex fireball, hk Hurricane = 507
Hp, Ex Dash punch, HP fireball, hk Hurricane = 451

so unless you really need the kill the 50 damage difference isn’t that much.

Also Trace that combo looks hot when it work! The dash is a little tough to time but not too bad. It sucks you can’t focus cancel the kick and get a longer juggle.

I agree with this. Once you get past the back throw shenanigans he isn’t that great. I predict his future gameplay will be centered around tricks into landing the back throw.


50 damage for an EX move is BADASS the most EX do not gain so much damage^^

Quick little combo I found in Training…does a whole heap of damage

j.hk, s.hp, ex.dp, f.fb, j.fb xx forbidden shoryuken. (Disregard, training mode only AFAIK, the other combos work though)

Timing is pretty easy on it too. The j. fp bounces them just enough so that the super can connect. I did it on Ryu, and have yet to try it on anyone else, but I don’t see why it would now work.

I have not tried it with the ultra yet, as I don;t have a stick and doing any multi press combo on my sixaxis is no easy task

I also know that you can swap out the [j.fp xx forbidden shoryuken] for a heavy tatsu and it does pretty decent damage.

…how can u do the super if you used up an EX bar? Don’t you mean combo into Ultra?

sweet lord i’m an idiot…thanks for catching that

back throw->ex senku->fadc->??? works too.

Yeah, win a round on the very last hit of the hk for extra sexiness. :lovin:

Does anything work after an air-to-air j.mp other than super?

I toyed with the f.fb after the ex. dp some more, and it does some pretty cool stuff, again, playing on a pad sucks so if anyone can look more into this stuff we could find some pretty damaging combos.

Most damaging so far:
j.hk, s.fp, ex.dp, f.fb, ultra (about 3/4 damage on Ryu, essentiall a round-ender right there, if you have the bar and ultra available)

then there is
j.hk, s.fp, ex.dp, f.fb, j.fb…
After this I can connect a s.lp or s.lk (or a s.hk once, I think :confused:) but nothing after that. I am wondering if you can do s.mp into another j.fb or dp, or something.

EDIT: You can FDAC after the j.fb for more…not sure if it is really worth the half bar, but again, I need someone to try it

j.hk, s.fp, ex.dp, f.fb, ex.tatsu (or regular tatsu)

j.hk, s.fp, ex.dp, f.fb, ex.dp…
I cannot get the regular dp to connect after this, but ex works fine, HOWEVER only the first hit will connect. This tells me that you should be able to FDAC after the fist hit and do something else, but I am not sure what, exactly right now. (again, I am limited to what I can do on a Sixaxis)

The point is, I think that the f.fb gives you more options than a follow up dp in the corner, and you can chain together some pretty nasty combos (honestly, they were reminding me of really slow magneto juggles :rofl:)

Since cammy is bunk and all hell, I am really leaning towards maining Gouken, since it seems like he can put the hurt on very fast and relatively easily.

Again, if anyone could test some of the stuff I am not sure about out, it would be much appreciated. .

EDIT AGAIN: On larger characters like Sagat you can do ex.dp, f.fb, ex.fb to get them back up to mid height for more options…for instance an ultra (combo does 670 dmg plus over 1000 stun) Good lord can this old man juggle.

Once again, why are we having one conversations spread out over three fucking threads… this is silly.

Anyways, why does his kata have to be HK? They couldn’t have picked a more awkward key. Shit hurts my hand.

BTW, (corner) jump in with MK, S.HP, EX dash punch, EX fireball, ultra does… 678 ouch.

I know, he is just dirty like that. I am 100% convinced that the fireball after the dash punch. We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg here, with some FADCs I am pretty sure you can create a dizzy combo, and then it’s lights out.

In what situations do you NOT need to FADC his :dp:+:3p: to juggle into his Ultra (full 3 hits of death)? Is it at the corner only or can it be done anywhere?

corner only

istead of doing this i would insert a normal dashpunsh instead of the ex fireball and keep the ultra for a standalone anti air!

the damage is realy low after this combo from his ultra and the move is to important to wast it for 250 damage

if you can finish it with this of cours go for it but if not keep it!

Super or Ultra works unless you get only 1-hit of the j.mp (happens kinda often in my experience) then you can juggle whatever with the proper timing.

Ive been toying around with Gouken for a little bit and found a simple trick that might be useful.

In the corner do this jump in combo.
MK, S.HP, EX dash punch, Medium fireball, Light Fireball Fierce punch.

The firece punch resets them close to the ground and if they aren’t ready for it, just throw them the second they land and go for the ultra.

Going this into a full ultra is like 90% Damage. It will flat out kill lower HP characters.

Not gonna work one someone who does a reversal obviously, but its neat trick to keep in mind.

So you can’t do mp into a fireball or anything because they reset in the air, though you could go into a demon for mixup.

What I did get to work was ex dp, f.fb, j.fb, sweep, which gives you the knockdown.
So J.hk. s.fp, ex.dp mp.fb, lp.fb, sweep
Damage: 474
Stun: 700!!

Im pretty sure you can’t ever get a tatsumaki as they all seem too slow.