Gouken Combos and Glitches

hi guys, its my first time here… i would like to bring your attention to gouken’s dragon dash punch. in the right timing you can avoid ultras like chun li’s and C.viper’s. i still going to check on the rest of them… wating for your input.:bgrin:

This combo does work, but for shorter opponents, the EX dash punch->m.fb is too risky. Try using EX dp->f.hp->??? to shorter opponents.

Arkive: timed right, it beats feilongs too.

Can someone test this for me?

Opponent in corner, you cross them up by jumping into the corner.

Crossup, stand fierce, fierce rush punch. The rush punch won’t combo…but it combo’s mid screen. I lost a match where that exact situation happened and the Ryu must have been mashing ex dp and it came out after my stand fierce but before my rush punch hit… I didn’t test on more characters.

isnt working. i cant even combo the cross up midscreen with j.mk, s.hp xx hp rush. works with lp rush, mp rush, and ex rush though

I figured it out. For some reason, whether or not the fierce rush punch hits depends on how deep the jump in attack is for some reason regardless of if the stand fierce hits or not.

Try it…it’s weird but true.

It definitely possible to combo into fierce rush punch if the jump forward is deep enough. If it’s not deep enough the stand fierce still combos but not the rush punch. I’ll be using jab rush punch in combos all the time now just so I don’t mess it up with a not deep enough jump in(note the jump in is still deep enough for the stand fierce to combo though…very odd).

Its because in this game unlike most street fighters before it cross ups push you away from the person instead of pushing you towards them, so after a cross up you’ll be further away then you’d want to be. You really shouldn’t do fp dash punch anyway outside of guessing right against a fireball or after a ex rush punch. just do the mp one, the damage isn’t that different and mp always hits.

So I decided to try that reset lordpen mentionned earlier and fuck around a bit with it. This is what I found to be the two best situations for it:

The dizzy one is fucking crazy.

You can also cancel into the demon flip, using medium or the light version decides of it crosses up or not, and looks like you can combo again after it, might mean a dizzy on even harder guys.

Just tried it and it works! Dizzies even zangief. Whole thing goes like

Jumping HP, S.HP, EX dash punch, Medium fireball, Light Fireball, Fierce punch, medium demon flip, dive kick (crossup), fierce punch, ex tatsumaki.

Whole thing does like 1210 stun!

Getting the crossup from the demon flip seems really hard though, might be better to just go for the normal demon flip mixup. If your opponent is good as reversals you can ven throw the parry out there which I bet would look badass.

Anyway I think the important part is that you have alot of options after the reset, especially if you have the ultra ready.

everything only works in the corner and when you hafethe opponent there the most time its useless becouse he allready lost much health so where are is cool combos how work even without corner??

For gouken they don’t exist haha. You can’t do anything thats all that fancy outside of the corner. I mean if you wanted resets Mickey D has a video where he resets off a focus canceled hurricane. So you could do, cross up mk, cls.mp, cr.lp, hk Hurricane FADC st.hp xx demon mixups.

I haven’t read the entire thread but here’s what I’ve been doing the last 2 days with Gouken,

(FP = HP)

Non corner;
cross j.mk, s.fp, EX-Senkugoshoha, dash, FK- Tatsumaki Gorasen(or FP- Senkugoshoha when I feel my timing is off lol)
back throw, FK- Tatsumaki Gorasen (when I don’t have ultra)

(standard combo), jumpin fp, fp, EX-Senkugoshoha, EX-Gohadouken, Ultra
mp-gohadouken also works

jump in fp, fp, EX-Senkugoshoha, mp gohadouken, fp(reset) demonflip(fk for crossover)

I just found this on Eventhubs
Gonna try this out with Gouken when i come home from work, since I can’t find any good pressuring tools with Gouken that keeps me there and make them afraid of the backthrow…

a useful combo when you have no meter (in corner):

j.hp, s.hp, qcf.lp, c.lk, qcb.hk does about 400 dmg & 635 stun

s.hp, qcf.lp, c.lk doesn’t work outside of corner, but close qcf.lp, c.lk, qcb.hk works fine.

a bunch of things connect after a close j.fb in corner as well, such as mp and lp but i havent found them to be of any use

Actually it can be done anywhere, you just have to dash in to connect the ultra.

He just asked if you could do it without dash cancelling outside of the corner and you reply with “yes, you just need to dash”.

this works on ryu as well, though i haven’t tested it on the smaller characters. you can also do ex.dp, f.fb, ex.fb, rh hurricane if you dont have an ultra.

im liking that demon flip mixup after the corner combo but vs zangief hes just gonna mash PPP and smack you out of it. i dont think resets are a good idea vs him at all–just go for the combo

Couple of questions, in order of interest:

1 any tips on combos involving non-ex dps mid-screen? im having difficulty getting to the opponent mid screen after the p.dp knocks them back. best i can do is demon flip (df) to cover the distance, but theyre up and blocking when i land and timing doesnt seem to allow for a df throw. any ideas?

2 whats the best approach for dealing with being FAd when recovering; e.g., while getting up after being knocked down, ken stands over you and FAs? saridan posted in another thread ex.df gets you out of corners or when someones standing over you, but Im wondering what you do if you dont have the bars to ex.df

much appreciation to all the great posts above:lovin:

throw or if it is up to level 3 jump up land and knock the hell out of them I guess

I did not say anything about dash canceling. It can be done with a normal dash in an open area…

1 - Depending on character. If they quick getup there isn’t much you can do. Obviously it depends on who you fight. Charge up a strong hadoken, people like to try and jump over charged hadokens. Against shoto’s I like to dash and do a short kick demon flip landing in front of them out of their DP range. Some people anti-air dp on reaction. It makes them think twice about doing that opening up more offense for you. Or if you feel frisky, demon flip into their DP range and throw out a parry. I’d like to add that I was playing Sagat and Honda alot last night. If they have their Ultra up, you can bait them to use it as an anti-air. I was setting it up with a normal throw which threw them across the screen. They can’t quick getup the throw, so I would follow up with a dash to ex. demon flip dive kick. The dive kick places you slightly behind their head. It beats sagats ultra and lands behind Honda’s Ultra. Properly spaced normal demon flip gives you the same thing.

2 - You have to remember they can’t dash cancel a level 3 FA. I prefer to jump over them and then ex senku. You can backdash too which has invuln frames and will bring you out of range. The only time I’ve been really using ex demon flip to escape is against command grab people where it’s not very safe to throw out counters too much.