Gouken Combos and Glitches

  1. i always liked the idea of doing another dragon punch after the combo hits to move closer a la zagief green hand. i think a hp one will put you in danger but you can def use at least the jab vers, if not a fierce vers

  2. the universal answer to this is to backdash on wakeup, if they are too close you can throw, and if youre in the corner try to do something like jump back hp, land, qcb+k. the distances are all very particular about which option to use so youll have to get used to your options based on how far away they are. ill play some more gouken tonight to see if i can figure something out

It works as anti air, but if you get too anxious on the ultra trigger you may whiff in front of them, or not get the first hit. Still should connect though.

Whats the thoughts on Rush punches FADC’ed into back throw > ultra?

I haven’t played around with him much because I didn’t have a good AA before learning about cr.HP, but it seems with the rushes ability to go through stuff and the guaranteed ultra off the grab this cancel would be pretty useful if you are having a hard time landing it.

How many hits are the LP, MP, HP, EX rushes respectively. If you fadc’ed on the ones with two hits during block stun you probably could get the grab to ultra.

IF someone is FA’ing over you, and you think they are going for the full thing and not trying to bait you with a backdash you can just reversal hurricane, it’ll break armor cause it’s a reversal. If you think they will back dash you can try wakeup dp+p, but in general backdash is probably the best option.

Rush punches do not leave enough block stun to consistently work as good setups for FA into back grab. I often get grabbed or just hit attempting this. It can work if you have someone feeling like if they keep pressing buttons they are going to get hit, but you have to work pretty hard at that.

Only the ex is two hits.

Forgot to say that on the corner combo, I actually can get st.hp xx ex palm, hp fireball, lp fireball, lk tatsumaki or EX consistently against most of the bigger characters, still need to try it on the shotos. On E.honda I got a hk tatsumaki once but haven’t been able to do it since again. If you get the timing for the fireballs right you can also reset with a st.hp into demon flip or kara throw or whatever. With a jump in hk to the hp reset this combo will full stun seth (it does 750 exactly)

hey can u explain what it means when you say “reset with a standing HP into demon flip or kara throw”? after i get that last st.HP after the hp fireball and lpfireball, thats it for the combo bit right? even if i chain a demon flip right after the st.hp, the opponent can actually find his way out of it with a shoryuken or FA am i right? and how does kara throw come in btw? is there any special command i need to input to get a “kara throw”? or is it the mere situation where the last HP pokes him back into standing position (so he may not quite expect it) and then i throw him? does this mean a kara throw?

thanks in adv.

good point, i just think his hurrcane is pretty assy so i try not to use it

a reset occurs when you hit someone while they are in the air with a move that does NOT knockdown which is almost always a normal (think ryu/ken c.hp as anti air). your oponent will get hit and “flip out” and land on their feet as opposed to landing on their ass. you can do a reset either during a juggle combo or as anti air.

when using resets for combos its to mixup your oponent immediately after they land which can potentially lead to more damage than finishing the combo, in other words, using resets in these situations can be risky and sometimes rewarding.

so your questions in order

  1. just kinda answered, the s.hp will reset your oponent and they will “flip out”
  2. yes
  3. yes
    4-whatever: there is a whole discussion on kara throws in the beginners sf4 guide and what it is and goukens kara throw is listed in another spot in this subforum…too lazy to look up all that stuff

I’m lazy…

Perhaps I’m just being a lazy s.o.b, but is there a way that we can consolidate the valid combos/glitches, sort out the b.s. and put it all on one easy-to-read -> copy -> print post?

I’d volunteer to do it,… but you know that whole lazy s.o.b thing. :rolleyes:

does gouken’s ultra have some random damage? i swear i’ve been doing the same combo over and over (in training mode with damage display) and i get random numbers at times. like one of the combos does 639 damage and doing it later on the exact same combo did 640. some are more than just 1 point difference. anybody else notice this? am i missing something? does sf4 have random damage like ST did?

well i figured it out. the numbers change depending on how big their life meter is. if you do a combo when their life meter is full, the damage data is a lot higher than if they have it only half full for example. if this is in other sf games i completely missed it

was there full life each time you did the combo? I’ll test it out.

Thats what Im gonna do hopefully this weekend, I been getting killed with work (military) so all I do is pay the little sf4 I can and sleep.

From my account on Capcom-Unity. (SpawN)

To cornertrapped opponent.

Combo: - J.HK - S.HP - EX Senkugoshoha - HP Hadouken - EX Hadouken - LP Hadouken - C.MK (Damage 528!)"

I havent verified this combo, can anyone get it to work or is it character specific. I just cant get the lp gohadouken to hit (I know it can cause you can hp after the ex)

1st post updated

I prefer this combo the most in the corner.

Only a slight difference from the stuff you have listed:

whatever combo into ex. senku, immediate fierce fireball, Ultra

I don’t like to blow an ex on a mild damage upper for ex fireball. I’ve been whoring my ex stocks for escapes and ex counters.

Also the fierce fireball makes the timing for a full animation Ultra simple, do it as soon as u can. It’s just a tool for me to get full animation ultra everytime in the corner.

I added it.

I’m not against listing corner combos, but it seems to be the main focus. And sure, it’s cool to make sure you have them down when the opportunity arises, but seriously how often do you really ever have an opponent “trapped” in the corner who aren’t simply bad players in general? Not only do you have to actually get them in the corner, you have to jump in and hope they don’t know how to block, reverse or escape an incoming air attack. About the biggest “reliable” corner combo starts off with a third screen away from the corner EX Palm or an EX Demon Flip (with them already in the corner) anyway.

These corner combos just remind me more of the “look at what I can do in training mode” combos that people would show in MvC2 combo videos.

I got some off yesterday and today

I skimmed the thread and I believe I didn’t read anyone meantion that you can dash after EX DP and still have enough time to juggle HK Hurricane. The timing might seem tight at first, but it gets easier when you realise the game is quite forgiving if you input the dash a bit too early. Is it that no one mentioned it because it does less damage than DP juggle outside the corner? I didn’t compare the numbers. Also, crossup j.mk needs to be pretty deep to combo into close HP so I’d go for c.HP which also combos to EX DP but has less strict timing.

I’m new to fighting games for the most part so feel free to correct me in any way.

I don’t know if anyone else has pointed out, but I screw around with the Tiger Knee Motion (what an MvC2 player I know told me could link Cable’s Supers) on most of the characters. It works on a few, Cammy for example, although on her it’s pretty useless. but Gouken’s seems pretty dandy.

I can’t get it to work more than like 10% of the time, probably because I’m bad. But if you pull it off correctly what should happen is you’ll do an Airborne Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (should be moving forward), just barely off the ground. Think like Ryu/Ken’s :qcb::k:

I should think if it’s reliable it could be quite usefull. Sorry if someone already pointed this out.

You have to do the motion extremely fast. Like, really fast, for it to work.

Wait, scratch that last command, I can get it to work a lot more often now. I don’t know, maybe some wires crossed in my head or something. It’s…


i think excatly the same thing who are intrested in corner combos …

honestly his gameplayis fine where it is (with his reversal move used well for ultra meter speedup specialyg) and there are so much possible combos with out corner…

Jumpin+HP+EXPalm+Palm as excample works everywhere and put the opponent in the corner

I think the main reason his corner combos are useful to know is because it’s not overly difficult to get someone in the corner with one of his palm combos. Once you’re in there, knowing combos that are setup for the the corner is just a generally good thing to have in my opinion. It’s not necessary by any means, and it’s really of secondary importance to everything else you have to learn with Gouken, but still worth learning.

I know corner combos are becoming a bit cliche in this thread but I found one I thought I should throw up. Jump in HK, S.HP, EX Dash Punch, HP Fireball, EX Fireball, Ultra. Against most characters it works fine but against some characters the timing necessary is ridiculous (especially the Ryu clones). Got about 670 damage out of it.

Damn, sry, just found this post. Oh well, the extra fireball is nice if your going for flash over function I guess.