Gouken Combos and Glitches

Hey guys sorry for more corner combo stuff but I just found this out in training mode and thought I should share.

You can actually combo ex-senku into another ex-senku and pop them into the air again. The timing is tricky but the basic idea is to do the next ex-senku so the first hit whiffs and they fall right on the second that launches them.

Ok back from more training mode.

Something weird happens after I connect the second ex-senku launcher… I can’t seem to combo them anymore on their way down with the exception of ultra/super which scores hits, but can’t seem to land the full version of either. Can anyone explain that?

hey not sure if some1 already post this but…ex dp,mp Fb, ex tatsu… corner combo

stil tryna figure out some other corner combos cause i think gouken zonin and lookdown game can be nasty just gotta know what to do on certain chars. i have other corner combos and fb rest iam woing on for mix up…

For those of you who dont know, the 1st post of this thread gets updates.

So no comments on that double ex-senku thing? I still think it’s strange…

2 new corner combos added.

The ex version sets up a juggle, which is the second hit. When you juggle again the 1st hit will hit and the second misses because the second hit has no juggle potential. Now if you somehow can time the first hit to miss and the second to hit, you should be able to juggle again.

See that’s just what I’m doing… on the second juggle the first hit goes into the wall and Gouken sort of pops backwards just in time for the second hit to land and juggle them again… the timing is strict but it definitely works.

I was doing dp motions for 2 hours yesterday to try and get the timing down. I wish that I had some way to take a video of this.

don’t know if it’s been posted yet but here’s a combo you can do anywhere on the stage.

j. HP(or HK)>s.HP>EX Palm>FADC, j.HK>reset into Ultra

the combo does 333 damage and the reset does 490, so that’s 823 damage total


goddamn it. i didn’t have the dummy on block and i just found out it’s not a true reset. i guess you could go for a throw instead of the ultra

To be honest, all these corner combos are fun, but they’re pretty impractical. Frankly, you’re just not going to be able to corner someone unless you play agressively and that’s just not Gouken’s strengths.

Has anyone come up with a bread & butter combo?

I find cr.lk xx fireball.lp or cr.mp xx fireball.lp has too much delay in between to be an effective combo. This is frustrating when playing footsies with other shotos.

I get his corners combos sometimes, whether practical or not you need to know them for punishment situations.

EX Palm into Palm juggle lets you get people into corners so easily… same with back throw into Hurricane kick then Demon Somersaulting at them with parry to throw them again and do the same thing :wink:

As a Gouken player as well as someone who frequently plays against Gouken as other characters…it’s definitely NOT hard to get out of the corner against him. For the short term these might work until more people wise up, but these are even more situational than other, more complex combos that can be done anywhere. The combo you really should be trying to learn is the tatsu>FADC, Ultra.

I managed to get j.HK, HP, EX palm, FADC, QCB+HK to work in the middle of the area. (you have to FADC the second hit of the EX palm instead of the first) It did about 463 dmg. Trying to get the Ultra instead of the hurricane kick but my fingers apparently arn’t nimble enough.


Just got it with the Ultra instead of the QCB+HK, it did 639 dmg. Gotta watch the timing or he’ll just do the weaker version of the ultra.


This is probably common knowledge but I just noticed. How much damage it does also depends on what character you are up against. (and yes the health bars were full both times.) The 639 dmg was against Akuma, I did it against Zangief and it only did 629. Not a really huge difference but worth noting.

Don’t blow FADC for Heli. You can do it by just dashing normally after the EX Senku

(Could be this has been adressed, but since you keep the first post updated…)

Just an fyi (I’m new to the SF series so maybe this is common sense), unless you’re literally on top of them, the heavy and medium hurricanes will whiff due to the pushback of the close s. fp. With the light version - strangely - you can stand at the limit of the “close” s. fp (eg the double palm version) and the hurricane kick will still hit…

Similarly, cr.fp xx qcb+hk and cr.fp xx qcb+mk will always whiff, while cr.fp xx qcb+lk will never whiff, although at the limit of the cr.fp only the first hit of the qcb+lk will connect. At least you’re not risking VERTICAL HURRICANE KICK WHIFF RAPE.

I tried it your way but I could only get the first kick of the heli to connect.

I tried reading through all of the combos posted here and didn’t see this…

Midscreen: j.fp, s.fp, fdf+pp, fdf+fp, dfdf+ppp

In case you prefer the icons or my notation isn’t quite mainstream, here’s the same…
:uf::hp:, :hp:, :dp::2p:, :dp::hp:, :qcf: :qcf::3p:

Essentially, EX palm launch, fierce palm juggle into super
Super needs to happen right as the fierce palm is hitting
yatta yatta go try it, this hits hard!

please confirm, comment, expand… :china:

Were you in training? Because I think you were doing the super move and not the ultra move as depicted in your notation. If thats the case then it’s impossible to do in a match because the EX palm eats up part of your super meter.

It connects full. Roundhouse Heli. Timing is kinda tight, but it definitely hits full.