Gouken Combos and Glitches

Opps, I always screw up some mundane detail…
Sure it won’t work with 3/4 meter? :rofl:

dunno if someone already posted that one but u can s.hp, EX SRK, fadc, 2x dashes, Ultra.
timing is damn tight but u can connect the full ultra after the second dash and on top of that the combo also works midscreen.

u can also j.mk (crossup),s.hp,lp hado, fadc, s.hp, ex srk, f-dash, HK tatsu if u have enough meter to waste

Bread and Butter combo

Anyone have a bread and butter combo not in the corner?

From jump in or cross over?

If I read correctly from the beginning post, he can’t link his cr.lp’s into the following:
cr.lk/cr.mp/cr.hp xx fireball/dragonpunch

some bnb’s from ground attacks are:

c.LK>HK tatsu (has good reach. unfortunately it’s not hit-confirmable)
c.MK>HK tatsu or LP palm
c.MP>HK tatsu or LP palm
c.LP>HK tatsu

s.LP>HK tatsu
s.MP>HK tatsu or LP palm
s.MP->c.LP>HK tatsu
s.MK>HK tatsu or LP palm
s.HP>HK tatsu or HP palm
s.HP>LP or MP fireball

gouken’s got good pokes though but i don’t think any of the combos above are safe on block. reminds me a little bit of oro.

bnb’s from the air:

j.HP or HK, HP>HK tatsu
j.HP or HK, HP> HP palm

optionally you can begin those combos (and many others) with a j.MK cross-up instead of j.HP or HK

if you have 1 stock of meter:

j. HP/HK (or cross-up with MK), HP> EX palm, dash forward and immediately input HK tatsu. all hits will connect. you can’t delay the input at all between the dash and the tatsu.

i’d like to make some amendments.

cr.lk xx hk tatsu can whiff on crouching characters depending on range. I tested this on Ryu. and Chun, not that it matters. I should try it on fatter/taller characters, but know that vs medium to small chars, it can whiff.

j. HP/HK (or cross-up with MK), HP> EX palm, dash forward and immediately input HK tatsu

The MUCH easier combo is Ex palm, mp palm. you can also combo the fp palm, but timing is slightly more strict, but still MUCH easier that dash, hk tatsu. Not to mention that you could either miss it completely or only get partial hits (the last hit is most important), they can quick get up and punish you.

Block Strings

the main block strings i’ve been trying out is cr.lp x3-4, cr.mp xx demon flip. mk version will land in front of them, hk version will cross up and land right behind them. You can do your regular demon flip mixups accordingly. they can probably reveseral dp between teh cr.lp and cr.mp, so you gotta watch out for that too.

If they get wise and start jumping back attack to punish you, cancel cr.mp into mp fb to knock them out of the air.


Gouken is the only char in SF4 so far that has really good resets. Aside from the corner reset after ex palm, you can back throw midscreen, walk towards op, close st.fp as a reset. I personally like doing lk demon flip into dive kick to keep on the pressure on, though there are plenty of choices after they pop out of that position.

Things you can probably get away with:
another back throw
counter (if they like mashing)
cr.lk xx whatever/sweep
f.mp for overhead
lk demon flip to land in front (doing what ever flip mix up you want…absorb hit, dive kick, sweep, throw).
mk demon flip to land behind.
I probably wouldn’t FA in case they’re mashing jabs.

The way this mix up works it almost feels makoto-ish.

yeah i didn’t think about that. his tatsu hits very high so it’s best not to use c.LK>HK tatsu against crouchers or shorter characters. i’ll test this some more on all the characters.

the EX palm>dash>HK tatsu is risky but does good damage. better to keep it to practice mode until you can land it 99% of the time. so far i can land it like 50% and i’ve never used it in a match. it might not be a good idea to use online either since the timing has to be perfect. got to get REALLY comfortable with that combo so you don’t eat shit if you mess it up.

i checked the damage, it’s not that much different. You also end up full screen away and they can quick get up from it, so position-wise it’s not as good.

IMO the combo of choice is ex palm, fp plalm, then mp palm/demonflip to get into position and you end up very close to the opponent right when they get up (if they quick get up). Give it a shot. The tight timing for the dash tatsu finish just makes it a fancy combo for me.

Timing for ex combos are pretty easy I get the hk tatsu one alot, the leniency on inputs in this game is alot.

I’ve been testing a new back throw combo that could be useful, if properly mastered:

Back Throw, j.mp(just one hit), ground MK or EX Tatsu

You can do it also with LK tatsu, but it makes no sense that way. Also, this doesn’t work with the HK tatsu (does it has more startup frames?)

The timing of this combo is very tricky. If you hit mp button in the very moment you jump, you’re gonna hit the op two times with it, ending any juggle opportunity with the Tatsu. If you hit it too late, you don’t connect the j.mp. It’s safe if you fail the mp, but is yet to be seen if the damage difference against the more simple version (just HK or EX tatsu when op is falling from Back Throw) is worth of the risk of wasting one back throw.

quick test last night with the back throw (sorry if this has been repeated)
in corner (your back to the corner)
back throw, ex.dp, ultra
infinite supers would allow
back throw, ex.dp, dpXX super

damn that shit is nasty, maybe when you land from j.mp try like s.hp(or other normal) xx demon flip mixup?

The EX version does some nice damage but but doing it with LK tatsu does less damage than back throw, HK tatsu so unless you have some EX meter to spare its not really worth it. Still, I think I’m gonna try and mix up the EX one into my moveset.

Just tried it with HP. The s.HP won’t hit but the c.HP will, can’t do anything else with it because the c.HP resets the op.

If you cancel the c.hp into demon flip, does it put you in position for a good mixup? Or does it just jump past them?

Can anyone do this in a regular basis with a 360 controller…?? I have spent hours trying to get this move down, and 80% of the time my input for Ultra will register for another EX Palm Fist… argghh… Do all of you who can do this easily own a stick…??

if you’re getting ex palm, you’re almost there - just make sure to complete the second qcf and actually be at F before pressing ppp

Yeah, I guess you can. Just tried it (you just had to add another f@#$ing complicated button string to kill my fingers, didn’t you) and managed to come down on top of his head with the kick about the time he finished resetting. Trying to see if I can get the demon flip throw in.

GOT IT!!! cancel c.hp with lk demon flip and you can grab them as they land. It might have been mk I’m not sure I was in a match when I got it.

Yeah, there’s no point using LK tatsu on that combo, but you can use MK tatsu, which does a little more damage than Back Throw, HK Tatsu.

The problem with the combo is that is very difficult to get the timing right. I have to practice it to see if I can connect it consistently.

UPDATE: You can connect the Ultra after the j.mp (see the video on this post, it has some interesting stuff). But I’m afraid that the damage scale would make that useless.

This just got posted on another thread but since it has a bunch of combos and cancels I thought I’d drop it in here too. At the end it has that bak throw, j.mp, ultra that ioriyagami mentioned.


Isn’t that less damage than back throw, ultra?

Probably, but the other stuff on the vid looks useful.


Ok i just realized that ioriyagami already put the link to that vid on his last post so sorry for the double posting there.