Gouken Combos and Glitches

i was just checking the back throw into j.mp (1 hit) to ex tatsu… its actually really reliable if u get the timing down for the delay of j.mp… 250 damage off of a throw is no joke… and in the corner i believe u can get the same combo as u would get after a regular ex palm… like hp fireball > ex fireball > ex tatsu or reset…

i was actually testing this combo out too. The timing is really tight for the MP though. Do it too early and u get the 2 hits and that wun allow you to combo after that except for the special. Do it too late and u either completely miss the MP (meaning no damage done but at least u dun get punished) or ur EX tatsu will miss (which is even worse). Basically, u need the first hit of the j.MP to hit while the 2nd hit misses; ie. the falling target has to be below Gouken’s head while both are in the air.

The way i got it was the second hit connects
basically the character is just under his arm, the hit “floats” them up enough so that when you land the character is still kinda “floating” down, im not sure about the EX tatsu but thats how i get the Ultra to connect.

Did the most “returded” combo with Gouken by accident.

Corner, s.FP, EX palm, Fp FB, Lp FB, sweep. lol, meant to do hurricane kick.

I wonder …Corner, s.FP, EX palm, Fp FB, Lp FB, FK Hurricane kick…FDC on the hurricane kick into Ultra? Didn’t have time to test it.

Seems like it should work, but idk. The way I see it, once Gouken lands his EX palm in the courner it’s freestyle ass whoopin time, cause they aint coming down for a while…

If it does work, we’ll probably end up hearing about it over on the “Rage Quitious” thread. It probably won’t do quite as much damage as without the FK HK due to combo damage, but I’ve found that most people quit more out of seeing ridiculous combos on screen rather than seeing how much damage it does.

It doesn’t work, I guess it’s like when you use EX palm after they are already in the air and you can’t hit them again.

j.fierce > s.fierce > jab FB > c.fierce > jab FB > FADC > c.fierce > jab FB > c.short > rh hurricane (875 stun/500 dmg) <–ggpo seth/akuma

j.fierce > s.fierce > jab FB > c.fierce > jab FB > FADC > c.fierce > jab FB > FADC > c.fierce > jab FB > c.short > rh hurricane (925 stun/518 dmg) <–ggpo seth/akuma/guile/dhalsim/vega/gen (EDIT:damn doesn’t work on Gen, he’s too small)

I’m sure I can find some kind of modification to this combo to get 950-1000 stun.


j.fierce > s.fierce > jab FB > c.fierce > jab FB > FADC > c.fierce > EX palm > fierce FB > jab FB > rh hurricane (910 stun/545 dmg)

Can you post a video of this.

I have no idea how you’re landing that c.HP after the first initial LP GoHadoken.

same here.

the only thing i could connect after the lp fireball is a standing MP, or standing MK (which you cant link any fireball/hurricane kick/palm after that) or crouching MP (which you are too far away to link any of the above too). at best is to demon flip after cr. MP, but having said that, i’d rather from the beginning do the other combo (jump Hp, HP, ex palm, fireball, fireball, reset) cos its more dmg and just makes more sense. (or even just jump in HP, HP, palm)

do correct me.

[media=youtube]quaFvlJIlXk[/media] make sure to click on the HQ button


I should start practising.

4 ex bars, 518 damage but only if done from 100% health, only works in the corner, character specific. Way too much requirements to be useful in a real match unfortunately. Nice to know though. One of those “Whoa! Didnt know u can do that” combos. xD

hmm i was trying the combo on akuma though. does the cr.HP connect on akuma? or is it easist to do on zangief?

good job totally missing the point of the combo dude. Saying it does 518 damage only if done from 100% health is moot. All combos in the game assume 100%. Since there’s damage scaling when your opponent is under 50% health, it’s all relative.

If you don’t like character specific combos you’re in for a big surprise in SF4. There’s TONS of them. There’s too much variation in characters hitboxes to have one standard combo on all characters. It’s just like 3S.

People who say a combo isn’t useful in a real match seriously need to just STFU. If you’re so worried about doing the most damage in your combos, just learn the most damaging and do that one over and over. It’s probably something like j.fierce > s.fierce > EX palm > ultra. There’s your one combo you’ll ever do.

For those who don’t understand the application of this combo and aren’t keeping score…

Gouken has +6 frame advantage after he hits a jab FB. It allows him to connect alot of stuff after he hits with it.

hey u r the jab mashing guile video guy… ur vids on him r great… i didnt know gouken could connect cr.hp after qcf.lp… thats cool… nice video… i was wondering how much would this do? not damage but stun wise…

j.hp, s.hp, qcf.lp, cr.hp, qcf.lp, fadc, cr.hp, ex palm, qcf.hp, qcf.lp+mp, qcb.hk ender or s.hp, demon flip throw ender …how much stun for each…?

So wat do u want ppl to say? Congratulations, u are officially a pro zangief killer? Let me put things in prospective for u. First of all, no zangief player decent enough is going to let u jump in like that. Secondly, ur tactics against a zangief is questionable if u are rushing him. But most importantly, and finally, there’s an easier combo that uses 3 EX bars, works on any character, and does more damage that this combo. Go try it. J.HP -> S.HP -> EX rush palm -> EX fireball -> EX tatsu. 551 damage. The only thing ur combo has over it is more stun 925 compared to 780. Against Zangief, u can even throw another HP fireball before the EX fireball giving it a total of 566 damage and 810 stun. That 1 extra EX bar saved means u can use this combo earlier, or use the EX bar to start another combo or escape.

Nobody said ur combo sux. Its just not very practical in a real fight since it doesnt always work on every character on top of the fact that u need the s.Hp to land really near to the target. But if u want to be all retard abt it becos I critic it, then I can also show u how there are much better things to do. So really, why not just be nice and accept ppl’s comments or at least, there’s no need to use such harsh words.

j.hp, s.hp, qcf.lp, cr.hp, qcf.lp, fadc, cr.hp, ex palm, qcf.hp, qcf.lp+mp, qcb.hk - this combo does 555 dmg 930 stun. swaping the tatsu for HP will get u 524 dmg, 930 stun. Add another 150 dmg and 200 stun if u land the demon flip throw since that doesnt count as a combo.

LOL what? the strategies and tactics thread is over here


Why are you talking about stratgies with the whole “gief wont let you jump like that”? This is the “Gouken Combos and Glitches” thread not the “Gouken Combos and Glitches that are practical in a real fight” thread.

And good job trying to talk about gief strat, I only did that combo on gief cause I usually use him as the training dummy. I could have done this on anyone. I made it abundantly clear in the original post who this combo can stun.

I’m curious, when you were trying to figure out which combo is better(like it really matters which one’s better), did you take into consideration that the combo I posted allows FOR ANOTHER COMBO. See it’s a 100% stun combo on certain characters. This means that they wake up dizzy allowing you to hit them with anything you want when they get up. So the combo I posted actually does quite more than 518 damage. So while that combo you posted is good, it only does 566 damage. After the combo I posted, I can land another combo and get the TOTAL damage over 600 points of health. Not that it really matters how much damage a combo does, but like I said, you seem to be pre-occupied with damaging combos. You really only care about figuring out what one combo does the most damage and doing it over and over.

I like how you say the combo I posted isnt effective in a real fight cause there’s too many requirements on it, like it has to be done in the corner, but then yourself posts a combo that can only be done in the corner. LOL!

^^ gilley, i can’t believe you got baited by a troll. a nub troll, at that.

just put him on ignore.