Gouken Combos and Glitches

And Cammy.

I absolutely loved your first combo. It’s just a shame that the biggest combo is also the one where the Ultra down-scale is the most noticeable. I suppose it’s there so that it prevents one-combo KO’s. Still though, that’s some really awesome stuff right there.

first combo does more if you omit the hp hadou. In fact I bet you can get more after the stun by doing s.hp xx ex palm, maybe hp hadou (dont know if it would add or sub damage), ultra

I catch myself doing a lot of math in games lately when I have them cornered and being juggled senseless and I have an Ultra to spare. Due to the insane scaling, I tend to hold off now and then on using my Ultra so I can save it for later on in the match when I can land it without a lot of scaling, such as off a back throw or punishment when opponents render themselves really vulnerable.

Shinshoryu on its own is devastatingly powerful and I like to maximise its potential where possible. Sometimes this obviously isn’t always ideal and I’ll grab whatever damage I can, but in corners a hp fireball, lp fireball, c.fp, demon flip > grab is the ticket as it nets you more damage and more dizzy.

Shinshoryu sure as hell looks like rendered poetry at the end of a juggle combo though :slight_smile:

OK i have been playing with gouken and trying to get really good with him. I finally started to experiment with new combos. I tried searching on here to see if these are listed already but there are so many posts i figured I would post it anyway, maybe someone else can expand on it. If i get the name of the moves wrong dont pound me, you’ll know what im talking about.

demon kick > standing fierce > jab fireball > ex Cancel > forward dash > crouching medium punch > roundhouse hurricane kick > ex cancel > ultra shoryuken.

now with that, after the fireball cancel you could let the hurrican hit and it does really good damage. also, after the fireball cancel, you can cancel > forward dash > standing fierce > fierce palm strike

another favorite of mine is extremely simple, just cancel a counter strike with super shoryuken. You have to be fast but really easy punishment for crazy jumpers.

oh and by the way, none of these need the wall either, can be done anywhere which is always handy

unless it finishes your opponent, it seems like a bad idea to use 2 extra bars and an ultra to net an additional 100-200 damage.
gouken with ultra + 2 bars is a lot more effective on the board than gouken with nothing in the tank.
his meters do not just represent damage, they represent play options.

You know what? I just tested it and I was wrong. Cammy gets hit with the entire tatsu at the end of a EX Pam > dash combo.

However it only gives you 1 hit on Vega (claw).

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

After testing everybody the people it doesn’t connect everybody on are Sakura, Fuerte, Vega (claw), Dhalsim, and sometimes Guile (I have no idea why that is with Guile. It’s really inconsistent).

it does work on vega, its just slightly tighter timing. I still use it primarily vs vega

For an ex dp finisher midscreen, is anyone else using dash toward far standing jab xx demon flip? It’s worked on every opponent I’ve tried it on and it gives you a sweet little immediate mixup.

Edit: doesn’t seem to work on Honda, Fuerte, or Guile.

Have you tried dash, walk forward, c.FP xx Demon? Seems to work on everyone I’ve tried.

That worked for me on a few characters, but not most.

i found another internesting trait to gouken’s counter. Unlike the one that was previously mentioned in this thread, this one was with a normal high counter. once the counter hit he didnt hit back and it looks like he canceled into his low counter. If anyone has info on this please let me know.

check out right around 4:44


This is because the absorbing “super armor” flash can be cancelled in to other moves. This is also doable with other moves that have a the same type of absorbtion properties; Boxer’s EX Dash Punches, Zangief’s EX Running Bear Grab, etc. The counter has to be cancelled on the armor flash before the counter itself executes, it’s possible to do Ultra from there as well.

Wow cool, thanks for the info dude!

You know what annoys me? Ryu, Bison, Gouken, Rufus, and Chun Li have two hit jumping attacks. If they meet you in midair with it and both hits connect you can get…


  • Many of the hits of his EX hurricane kick (enough to do good damage)
  • All 3 hits of his EX fireball
  • Ultra (all hits)
  • Super (all hits)


  • 1 hit of his EX Scissor kick
  • 1 hit of Psycho Crusher
  • full on Ultra (which looks kinda retarded because once it starts the opponent is seen standing)

Chun Li

  • 3 (4?) head stomps
  • full Ultra animation if in the corner
  • Super (but tough to connect the last hit)
  • EX Lightning legs
  • EX Spinning Bird Kick


  • full on Ultra
  • full on super
  • 1st hit of Fatty Tornado


  • super
  • 3 hits of the Ultra (no full on animation and for piddly damage)
  • … AND THAT’S IT! :mad:

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

So to get the full tatsu to hit after the EX Palm>dash vs Vega… what do I have to do exactly? Because I can’t hit with it.

j.MP (1 hit) you can get

Ultra(full 3 hit ultra)
any of the three tatsu’s

Is there any application for this? Anyone know a timing trick on how to get the 1 hit j.MP to hit?

Yeah I know. And that makes it frustrating becuse…

… the only time I’ve had just one of those jumping mps hit is against Chun Le and Bison and that’s because they have crazy high jumping arcs.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

And yes… I’m still looking to find a way to get just one of them to hit. Throwing the controller at the screen doesn’t seem to work so I’m open to suggestions as well.

This has been THE GAMOGO saying:

Why must ‘The Invincible Swordsman’ refer to himself in the third person?



It looks like you are going to have to be above the character jumping in. thats the only way i see it happening.