The only reasonable way I know to get 1 hit of the j.MP is off of back throw. You jump towards them and do it kind of late and you’ll only get the second hit (fyi: You can only juggle off of the second hit by itself to get the full ultra). From there you can follow up with:
(after landing)
MK Tatsu
c.HP xx Demon Flip or LP Hadouken
A couple neato things for this who want to know:
If your opponent has his back to the corner and you counter them, you can FADC in to anything. They’re in a fully juggleable state. Stuff I like to do:
Opponent’s back to the corner and Counter xx FADC…
…HK Tatsu
…MP Hadouken, c.HP xx Demon Flip or LP Hadouken
…HP Palm (if you’re feeling lazy I guess)
Edit: Forgot to add that midscreen you can counter FADC LP Palm from anywhere. It’s about 300 damage, 350 stun total.
OK. Wow. Full stock corner j.hp c.hp xx lp fireball xx fadc xx s.hp xx ex palm ex fireball ultra kicks ass hardcore. 647(CH-670)- 810(CH-860) stun replace with hk tatsu and you get 569(CH-593) and 890(CH-940) stun damage. That’s just stupid crazy. I’m never going to play another character again.
I started playing Gouken yesterday, he’s a badass character and I’m starting to get the hang of him. However I have yet to find a good crossup. I’m currently using crossup w/lk, c.HP, lp gohadoken.
Granted I could easily go into EX palm after c.hp followed by FADC Ultra but what’s a recomended Crossup that doesn’t take up any bars?
j.MK is one of the best crossups I’ve seen in the game.
j.MK c.HP xx EX Palm, MP Palm (or dash HK tatsu, but tatsu whiffs on small characters).
Really no reason to FADC Ultra. It does shit for damage, FADC is -20% damage for everything after the FADC. The combo posted above does like 350-400 damage, which is roughly 30-40% of someones lifebar, only costs one EX, and leaves you with Ultra in case you get a back throw or they do something stupid.
Countered the second LP of Gouki’s ultra, ultra launched before counter, but Gouki died in counter.
I was cornering Ryu but he knocked me to ground and hadoukened me on wakeup. But too late, I EXcountered hadouken launching him on the air and, because he was on the corner, I ultraed his jaw out of his face.
Haha Gouken’s dragon punch renders Ryu, Ken and Akuma’s dragon punches about as offensive as flipping the bird.
I love countering their dragon punches on block with YOUR Shin Shoryuken. Its as if Gouken chuckles to himself and says “Yes, yes. Cute. Now check THIS Dragon punch out.”
And proceeds to remove jaws from faces as you described
Does shin shoryu hit consistently this way? I tested it in training mode with ken and I went underneath a lot so I stopped doing it and instead mostly c.hp xx ex-palm now…
Yes, super (non ultra) shin shoryu hits consistently after a counter, or a palm, if you cancel them by “mashing” qcf,qcf p just when you hit.
You can do c.hp xx mp palm xx shin shoryu too
I LOVE when i jump to them, and they FA, i hit hp on air (their FA absorbs my j.hp) and i do counter, so i counter their non-fully-charged FA, the action freezes with the FA hitting my counter, it actually freezes for about a whole second or so, and then the counter hit them, AND THEN I SHIN SHORYUKEN THEM !!!
Ooer - by ‘counter’ I was referring to punishing them as they fall back to the ground after a blocked SRK. Perhaps the wrong choice of words. i.e. - they SRK, you block, when they land, Shin shoryuken.
As Moucho has said though, you can tag a sucessfully landed counter with your Super without any problems. Just get your mash on and it’ll come out.
Can be kinda risky to do your super/ultra on reaction to an opponent’s dragon punch. Gouken’s super/ultra take a million years to come out, like double the time it takes for his back throw to come out, so if you’re at all pressed for time, it’s better to do back throw into super/ultra, even if it takes a few frames for you to get into position to do it.
I have found punishing SRK with back throw is iffy on the Internet. Sometimes if they try to SRK again after landing, it inexplicitly comes out. Further, if you throw the back throw to early, it whiffs. It might just be my crap timing but I have a lot more success with c.hp than any other punish starter against SRK. I get finicky with s.hp because I know its startup frames are so slow that I tend to hit them while they are still in the air :*(
I accidentally pulled this out tonight - a Focus attack dashed forward into a demon flip (would you call that a FADC? Hm…)
It worked out well. I didn’t try to replicate it…yet…but I was wondering if anyone else stumbled upon this/uses it? Again, just a plain ol’ focus attack, canceled by dash before it’s completed, into the demon flip. Anyone use it?
So what did you do with your flip? Dive kick, s.fp > combo?
After a Focus Attack I dash in and let rip with a combo beginning with standing fierce and launch into the standard stuff - i.e. s.fp, ex palm, dash, hk tatsumaki. Perhaps you could lk demon flip, dive kick, s.fp > . . . ?
I’ll assume he means charge focus, dash before the attack comes out, and demon flip as a form of mixup/mindgame? I don’t see the logical reason to demon flip should your FA successfully hit unless you land FA1 which allows for no followup that I know of.
FA dash back demon flip might work if you have someone who likes to punish random FA attempts (Boxer using armor breaking moves). Dashing forward doesn’t seem like a good idea. I highly doubt this is overly useful unless they like to charge and release their attack on reaction to you starting to FA.
FA1 (hit), DC demon flip seems usless because they should recover around the same time your dash completes, if not before. Perhaps useful if you recover before they do and do EX demon if say, Zangief is trying to mash out a command throw (why would zangief do this when he can just backdash and punish or whatever else he does all I know is he’s big and russian and I try to stay as far far away from him as possible and there is no way I would dash forward off of an FA1).
FA2 (hit) DC demon flip is useless. Why? You can standing/crouching FP xx EX palm, dash c.FP (on most people) xx demon flip if you really want the mixup. this gives you gauranteed damage and a mixup.
FA3 is the same, and is also unblockable/breaks gaurd.
I dunno, perhaps midrange doing FA and letting it charge a decent amount, the backdash demon flip might be a good mixup, but I highly highly doubt it. I can’t think of what someone could do that would recover after you demon flipping but hey maybe I’m mistaken.
This conversation belongs under the strategy section as it’s not a combo by the way.
I was about midscreen, and the opponent ( I think a Ryu) wasn’t doing much. I hit FA for shits and giggles, dashed forward and, by complete accident, managed to throw out a medium range demon flip. I ended up suprising myself and only swept the person.
The FA did NOT come out. I dashed forward before that happened. From what I can tell, it’s a mix up game aspect that hasn’t been explored with Gouken. A FA dash forward to a demon flip into whatever you like. To me, it just seems like a different avenue into your typical Gouken combos. It would fall under mix up/mind games in my opinion. Rando FA attacks canceled by dashes forward and backward, and then later on cancel a FA into a dash forward to a demon flip…sounds good on paper, I suppose.
As far as this being under the strat. section, I disagree, as the FA xx dash forward xx demon flip leads to the bread and butter combos of Gouken. My opinion, but usually I’m wrong.
Regardless, I was wondering if anyone incorporates this into their game, and if so, how? Theoretically, you can FA dash into your palm dash as well. But I haven’t tried it yet.