Gouken Combos and Glitches

I actually wasn’t being mean. I really DID try and read it and understand what was going on.

It’s either cuz there are so many lines or that theres no breakup between the moves. I’m confused what motions go with what buttons etc…

I’m old and my eyes are blurry =(

Some VIDEOS I would love to see PLEASE!!! Isn’t this a Gouken video thread, some videos would help alot. I won’t lie i’m learning alot from the constant posters in the Gouken forum and i did download videos of them from this video thread (youtube) so why can’t everyone else try to post a video with all the crap they’re posting so i can see it.

One question, what combo do you use after a focus attack? I can only do properly single moves like tatsu, ultra etc, but ex palm throws them too far and can’t link apparently if you’re not close to a corner, any suggestions?

You have to use a standing normal 2in1 into anything else.

If I don’t have EX, I do stand fierce xx RH tatsu.

If I have EX, I do (stand fierce xx EX Senku -> Strong Senku) Online

If offline or player matches, I do (stand fierce xx EX Senku -> Dash RH tatsu)

Hello new bread and butter jump-in combo:

Demon Flip Dive Kick, stands them up on hit (thanks Gilley)

Also, Dive kick cr. fierce is hit-confirmable obviously pretty easily.

If you have an ultra:

Demon flip Dive kick, cr. fierce xx RH tatsu -> FADC -> Ultra

Cr. fierce pushes back further than stand fierce which lets you get the Ultra REALLY easily. Stand fierce it whiffs sometimes.

547 damage on a full ultra meter…

I’m going to test more, but this is pretty freaking huge damage. The key is of course that the dive kick STANDS them on hit.

So close to getting:

Demon Flip dive kick, stand fierce, jab FB, FADC, cr. strong, RH tatsu, FADC, Ultra

I have to go soon, but if someone else can get that combo and list the damage I keep fat fingering the FADC on the RH tatsu. That will work though. I tried cr. fierce instead of cr. strong and the RH tatsu whiffs.

I’m testing on Ryu btw.

Edit: Just got the full combo, I didn’t record the stun though.

8 hits for 539 damage.

So the first combo is more worth it since it’s less meter and 8 more damage.

Edit again: Just got the stun. 510 stun for the 2 FADC combo.


Demon Flip dive kick, stand fierce, jab FB, FADC, cr. strong, RH tatsu, FADC, Ultra is 539 damage for 510 stun. Eats Ultra and full super

Demon flip Dive kick, cr. fierce xx RH tatsu -> FADC -> Ultra is 547 damage and 380 stun. Eats Ultra and 2 ex stocks.

Last spam from me I swear!

This opens up crazy mid screen mixup.

With no ultra:

Demon Flip Dive kick, Cr. fierce, RH tatsu, FADC, stand fierce, jab demon flip grab.

The thing is, the damage is ok. I think if everything hits, it’s about 470 I think. too lazy to do the math and look at the numbers since I have errands to run.

But, altogether it’s about 720 stun if the grab hits.

I played around with the range and the timing. This is the best setup. Your timing on the grab has to be REALLY REALLY REALLY tight. You literally grab Ryu the moment he recovers on the ground. If you fuck it up, you get the slide. That also means its more difficult for them to reversal it since the only thing they can really do to get away is reversal invincibility move like uppercut.

Is it me or does this miss certain characters after a FA? I’m positive i’ve missed vega and c.viper before but hit the likes of balrog. Just to make sure the tatsu hits, I tend to use c.MP as that would work for every1. I think c.HP might work too?

jump in HK xx HP xx HK Tatsu xx FADC xx Ultra does 572 damage. only uses two stocks of EX meter. you can also link a crouching jab after the HP but i believe it’s a 1 frame link so you’d have to practice that a lot. don’t know how much more it would add to damage points but it might just increase damage scaling so i’ll practice that one some more so i can post my findings.

The point of the demon flip divekick is that it stands them up. If you hit them with jump hk while crouching the tatsu will whiff. Which is why this has me so excited for actual matches.

After FA I use dash->fp->EX palm or dash->c.fp->tatsu

that’s great an all but i wasn’t trying to dispute your combo. i’m just looking for higher damage numbers.

**how many of you would use back throw, hk Tatsu > Super for brownie points?!
(d, f, hcb+k, hcf+p) 110-355 dmg / 100 stun

I messed around with some mid screen combos. These don’t do much damage, but they sure look nice!
close to corner combos:
j.hk, s.hp,ex palm, ex palm (2nd hit only), FADC, Ultra (447 dmg/ 550 stun)
j.hk, s.hp,ex palm, ex palm (2nd hit only), Ultra (540 dmg/ 555 stun)
j.hk, s.hp,ex palm, ex palm (2nd hit only), ex tasu (405/ 585 stun)

The combos below only work on:
c. viper
fei long

FA2, back throw, ex palm, FADC, dash, Ultra (dmg varies)
FA2, back throw, ex palm, FADC, dash, l.tasu (255 dmg / 306 stun)
FA2, back throw, ex palm, FADC, dash, EX tasu (297 dmg / 340 stun)

they don’t work on

chun li
e. honda
el fuerte

I might be wrong here, but IIRC wouldnt a jump MP (1 hit) > super do more damage than that? Lesser stun probably.

don’t know if this has been mentioned by someone else, but it seems like gouken has some character specific mid screen ultra combos.

I tested j.mk, st/cr.fp xx ex palm, regular dash, ultra.

I got the ultra to do full hits (3 hit version) on abel and sim easily, managed to get it once on chun. multi-hit version on basically the rest of the cast, and for some reason vs elf and blanka the ultra whiffs completely.

on abel this does 629, on sim it does 622. I didn’t pay attention to the one time i hit it on chun, and have yet to reproduce it.

^ Couldn’t you kara s.rh into ultra to eek out that little bit extra range? :stuck_out_tongue:

This sounds really promising… the ultra goes to waste all to often! Saves 2 EX! Thanks!

What combo should I be doing off crumple stun?

You have a few options

Ultra (or backthrow ultra, whichever way you want the oppoennt to end up)
HP xx EX Palm -> whatever
HP xx HP Palm
HP xx HK Tatsu

I dunno, I cannot pull this off consistently at all. Can you?