As someone who plays Oro and Yang seriously, I’ll throw some basic stuff out about the Oro match up.
avoid air attacks vs Oro. Its to easy for him to parry some jump in or straight up jump attack and then Yang loses his life bar. same goes for dive kicks. and if the Oro player is able to anticipate a whiffed dive kick, will launch you before you can hit the ground to block. Whiffing dive kicks offer little reward for Yang since cannot be punished by ex.mantis (I am not 100% on that, but fairly sure) and the risk is alot. Of course distanced whiffed lk dive kick is safe.
Oro has good ground pokes. However, he is short. he has very little to often no punishment for attacks outside right next to him (aka range). Yang’s ground game, especially his low normals, really take advantage of this. Oro’s best distance poke is and it will beat Yang’s low normals. bait or punish if Oro is throwing it out to keep off of him. Yangs c.short comes out a little bit faster than Oro’s. Oro however can cancel EX drill off of his c.short causing major stun. You also don’t need to be to close to Oro. textbook range is the best vs Oro.
-Oro will run to build bar, take this time to establish position (carefully) and put him in the corner quickly. When you have cornered Oro he has 2 real scenarios he wants. Oro will want to score a back throw putting Yang in the corner and activate regular Tengu. Yang does not do well vs this. Or Oro will simply jump or dash out of the corner, continuing to turtle and build bar. Keep a distance on Oro and pressure.
Yangs teleport, while risky, opens some holes in Oros annoying double jumps. use them if you can predict double jumps to score some free damage and usually a trip to the corner for Oro.
Oro’s throws do not reset forward and usually must throw backward for damage. Throwing is not an optimal setup for Oro if he corners you. Blocking low is safe (watch for his s.hp), parrying is very risky so use it at your own risk. Also if Oro is jumping at you when you are knocked down in the corner, there is large chance they will try to land a very late air chicken. stand block and do not attack as this attack is extremely meaty. this move is incredibly difficult and risky to parry because depending on their timing, the second hit could come out or not. It is easily punishable on block.
Oro may be short, but his crouch box is extremely wide, UOH combos can be a good option vs a turtling oro as it is fairly easy to land on him. same goes for dive kicks.
Yang can not be fully chicken comboed mid screen. It prevents Oro from building bar fast, but the damage is still high as he combos into his uppercut instead.
Oro has alot of stun on his normals and also is at the same time, very difficult to stun. You may opt for SA3 for this match up to add more pressure to Oro and give you some relief from stun if your getting hit.
Overall, Yang can win this match up fairly painlessly if he does not get hit my He can accomplish this by keeping a solid ground pressure game, and stuffing Oro’s attempts to defend or escape. Keep your distance from Oro because he runs around with a short cannon. Oro has little answer to Ex.mantis or Yangs pressure.
Sometimes I find my self frustrated against jump happy kens. I don’t like giving my pressure and position away because I can’t seem to win in the air. Of course the ocassional air parry helps, but yangs air pokes lose to j.rh everytime. I guess I am looking for more inventive ways to dealing with air happy players who are looking to beat out dive kick whiffs and pressure. I can’t really walk under kens cross up either. Thanks.
I used to have the same problem with people who jump around a lot because Yang doesn’t really have much moves that he can punishes people with while they jump in. I read somewhere on this forum where some guy asked about Yang’s AA and I read a reply where some guy said that you can walk under your attacker’s jump and do medium kick, after the medium kick you can jump up and do hardpunch or whatever because when you kick the guy up with mk you can link another hit with it.
It takes sometime getting used to walking under people and doing mk, but I’ve been trying very hard at the arcade to do that move on purpose to get into the comfortzone of doing it. I don’t really try to use a jumping attack to counter other people’s jump ins, so this movie is useful.
I can’t really say much about Yang’s air pokes, but this move really helps.
somehow i randomly thought this was the yang everything thread, but like I was saying, I can’t walk under Ken. If I was able to walk under ken and evade mk, Kens cross up means you cant walk under. There is to much risk trying to poke before he lands. But I find that even whiffed lk dive at mid screen. basically I would like to know how to gain the upper hand on a smart ken player who isn’t going to shoryu at whiffed dive kicks. throwing random slashes can equal cross up to GGPO. How can I keep ken grounded and in the corner. This seems to be the one match up I can’t hold control over.
If Ken is jumping at you in an attempt to cross you up, you have to look at the distance. Most of the time if he’s far enough, you can simply walk back and low forward xx slash. This works on almost every Ken that tries to psychically jump rh your dive kick attempts. If they smarten up and empty jump, then obviously you can’t mindlessly do that. Just back up and mix up what you’re going to do when he lands.
If you’re on the ground and he’s at the start of his jump [about to cross you up], you can always jump back fierce the attempt. If you beat his attack out or if you get hit by the jumping forward, its is better for you than having to block it on the ground.
ok… this might have been brought up already… but ive been trying to do yangs jumping medium kick into dive kick… and i cant find out how to do it >.< i jus started him… so thanks for whoever answers my mind boggling question. over and out.
On the topic of walking under ken, Ive always wondered something.
For those of you who know what Im talking about… when Yang walks under Ken’s crossup, is it considered a glitch that he can block it forward? Can Yun do this to?
Mod, what Ive always done was hold forwards walk when I see ken do a crossup and if I think they are too far for a mixup…I usually get punished lol. You probably already know about the walking under blocking “glitch” thing if its a glitch. I never had many troubles with it, maybe your playing more skilled people than me.
thanks deadpool… i got it now… now another question… i see sometimes yang can do a command grab and then a launch kick right after… how do you connect that crap… haha.
it’s character specific. you can do it on chun, makoto, Q, and if you time it correctly, you can walk up a bit and s. mk Dudley after the command grab.