he s talking about doing EX roll kick from a teleport into the corner, he says its near immediate so cats be getting caught by it
I’ll test it out tonight against some peeps and see what’s what with it.
By the way. Deadeye I tested those things out that were in that favorite players to watch thread and ish. They do indeed work. The st. jab easily connects after EX slashes on Hugo and Q.
The second one(close st. mk x2, sj. hp/hk) is a stun only combo. I think you can hiit that on everyone, but I didn’t get the time to test that on all the characters. One thing I do know though, is that when you do close st. mk x2, sj hp/hk on Q, you have to walk forward a little bit to connect the second close st. mk on Q, which leads me to believe that this stun combo could connect on a few more characters. I’ll test this some more later.
The st. jab thing wasn’t in question, Hugo and Q get juggled by it after EX’s.
The launcher x2 -> SJC FP/RH seems to work on everyone, and isn’t stun only. The only thing that limits it is that it’s corner only. It does more damage than launch -> slash x2 -> fierce, and apparently does the same amount [slightly less, most likely] of stun. In addition, it puts you in a much better position than slash x2 fierce, which alone is reason enough to do it instead.
Well I’m not done tinkering with it yet though. Are you sure it isn’t stun only? That’s the only way I got it to connect, but like I said, I’m not done tinkering with it either, so I’m gonna mess with the timing and see if I can get it to work.
The hard part for me when I was trying it out last night was on everyone except Hugo, you have take a step forward for the second close st. mk, and then for some reason I sj’ed after them I couldn’t connect neither the sj. hp or sj. hk.
But yeah, I’ll be testing throughout the weekend and at a tourney that I’ll be attending and such.
I really like UltraYoxs Yang.
[media=youtube]ON8Xjbfo6Y4[/media] (UltraYox vs RX,and he did a pretty good job)
[media=youtube]EfGfd_XNtMo[/media] (UltraYox vs KO)
thanks for the vids. holy shit, RX with the 13 win streak :S. hes too good, and RX plays against roshi’s yang alot as well.
no boss?
boss = :hcf::hcb::db::qcf::bdp::hcf::qcb::hcb::db::r::3k:
i don’t get it… :S
Raging Storm?