Good yang players?

Suggestions? Trying to learn yang :\

American players:


Japanese Players:


Kenzo (aka K.O.)


You should just join my YouTube group. I add all the good Yang vids I find.

Hmm i saved some more vids with Goemon in them, hes pretty good too =). I need to look through em maybe you havnt seen the vids, thier like vids of tournaments so he only plays a bit.

Whoa :wow: That’s news to me. I’ll pay more attention now. :tup:

Wow nice vids. I just think I noticed what I’m doing wrong with Yang, from watching KOfiend’s vid.

Roshihikari’s teh best yang player!

goemon and kofiend are amazing.

my favorite kofiend match.


Insane Goemon.

Holy snap that Crouching LP 3 times–>EX Mantis Slash combo was pretty cool! Though IMO doing Crouching MK–>EX Mantis Slash after the side switch is a bad idea IMO, damage isn’t really worth it.
BTW why did some of the Yang players do Standing HP (1 hit)–>Mantis Slash and not Standing MP–>Mantis?
IIRC his Standing MP does more damage.

And gives you before the EX slashes for a slight damage boost and it’s a better confirm IMO.

I haven’t watched the vid yet so I don’t know the situation but I really don’t see the point of 3x c.lp X Slashes ever, since, X Slashes does better damage and it’s a low. Aaaand better reach too.
Anyone care explaining?

EDIT: Oh, UOH cross-ups… Well, I guess it’s good for that.
Though I think crouching shorts are better there too. This is only from the top of my head, I haven’t used UOH cross-ups much in my game.

Oh if you didnt see the video than you wont understand why he does the crouching low punches at all. Hes doing a universal overhead on thier wakeup to crossup than uses that cause its like the fastest move to catch em off guard. I honestly never knew you could cross them up like that! I am a yang noob though so dont hate =(.

He does 3x Jabs after the uoh crossup because

  1. Strong -> Short -> EX link might miss on a crouching chun
  2. Crouching short x2 is easier to fuck up than 3x Jabs

Command grab into EX gives slightly more damage and more stun. If you have a lot of meter, there’s no reason not to go for it.

I have no idea why people use standing close fierce when standing close strong would obviously still hit/be better. Maybe it’s just for the times when you need to go high into slashes, but aren’t sure if you’ll get the far standing strong instead. In that case, yeah standing close fierce would be safer.

Don’t forget Boss, who was my favorite japanese Yang player before he switched to Makoto. I’ve uploaded a couple of vids of him on youtube, specifically -


I’m surprised at how well some Yang players can link the ex Mantis after the crouching jabs; I can hardly do it at all, maybe I just need to practice my timing.

It’s not a link after the cr.jabs, it’s a direct cancel…

I don’t use cr./st. jabs into ex mantis anymore cuz they’re parried high or low.

It’s 1 frame faster than cr.shorts but I still see no point to use them instead of shorts…and it’s not difficult to land once you get the link timing down.

Edit…There’s no spacing issue with the strong, link short on crouching or standing chun. It’s also possible to do 3 cr.shorts on chun, standing or crouching. Huge hit box FTL for her.

Ko Fiend Ftw

In comparison to the 3x Jabs, 2x or 3x Shorts are far easier to screw up. You can literally mash out the 3 jabs, while the shorts require timing. And no one does 2x or 3x shorts correctly all the time, I’ve seen plenty of people [including Japanese yangs/yuns] miss it several times.

Roshi > everyone else if for no other reason than that his Yang isn’t as ugly as the others.

textbook play is textbook cause it almost always works, roshi is a champ

jabs are good for keeping ppl grounded, just don t always do it at point blank, distance = time, being parried high/low don t mean beans if you can block/parry yourself, noone parries a far jab then supers.

the close fierce has the insurance of coming out even where the close mp wouldn t, especially after a air situation that leads to ground offense, plus it touches mad far. its also a decent air to ground anti air for empty jumps and fat guys like dudley, your completely safe no matter what.

crouching lks, you can do 3 against the middle line of 3s selection screen except q, haven t tested but thats what it seems like, probably more or less others.

That’s what I figured. Also, I think if your spacing is good, an anti-air crouching fierce can be pretty effective against dud.

Yeah point blank jab is bad, even noobs can option select parry/throw will destroy it which is why cr. shorts are better.

I only use jab after senkyutai or after missed or wiffed crouch tech which can be cancelled into mantis to negate rushdown, blocked or not.

…I have the most stylish Yang, I KO fools with my hair:rock:

How does one become one of the great yang players?
I’ve been working on it (for like 2 weeks, lol) and I was wondering what are the challenges that await…
I understand placing high in tournaments is a plus?
I’ve been working on that too, but unfortunately there won’t be one in my area for a while. The last tournament I went to I placed top 3, which made me happy because the past tournaments I’d entered with him, I went two and out :frowning:
One of the reasons I like playing yang is because he’s fast, has rapid fire guessing games, and there really is no “great yang player” in our area. The closest I can think of is Vic, and not only is he retired but he’s known for his Dudley (bummer).
Any ideas?

P.S. I’ve been working on a way to play in which you don’t knock the other guy down. Any tips? Longevity is something to practice I guess. I’m wondering what most people call this anyways…