Good yang players?

^NO do not give this guy tips

ken, never post in the yang forums ever again

i fucking hate playing vs yang

WOW every time you play against me you have a smile on your face… double standard? I think so.

:rofl: C’mon, it’s SEXUAL FUCKING INOUE; he’s gonna pwn you regardless.

why would you not wanna get a knockdown?

Im a good yang… atleast better than your scrub ass. Money match punk?
btw. Mike C sucks.

I’ve been practicing yang ever since I left WC… I’ve decided to drop yun and play this guy seriously :lovin: . can’t wait to get back home and put my efforts to the test at FFA. Ken I. let’s play when I get back… have you played my buddy peter yoon at all?

I’m still trying to get better with Yang, but No one around here hardly plays 3s though, so it’s hard.

Only time I get decent comp is when peeps from ATL come and such, or at Tournes.

Mike C: to keep the momentum going, if you knock them down, they get time to think about “oooh, maybe i should uppercut” or “shit he’s gonna throw me, i’m gonna jump” etc.
i’m trying to develop a way in which you pit the opponent in guessing games every second…something like where ken does EX hurricane and then resets with a jab to make then flip out, 'cept there throwing is a viable option and therefore the run is over :frowning:
however with yang, he has a command grab that doesn’t knock down, which is nice IMHO…i’m still trying to figure out whether positioning is as important to remember where you go in the time span of a round…too much memorization, that would be robotic, but ideally it should be based on gut instinct because of the importance of speed
something of passive longest setup ever sorta, but the idea is really simple…mobility at its finest, which means sacrificing damage for momentum…sorta like how a while back, Tiger Woods sacrificed distance on his swing for either form or some fancy shit that made him a more mature golfer (I forget what it was, but it was hella better than hitting the ball further)

trippy: yea I played peter yoon, he’s a beast…let’s play mirror match sometime, i wanna see how good your defense got
P.S. say high to KOfiend, also tell him sorry cuz i didn’t get to play him at Evo (the last time I played him was 2 yrs ago :frowning: and this year I practically spent 80% of the time with him)

wassup ken, haven t spoken with you in a minute.

the momentum game is VERY doable with yang, alot of chunky damage can come from non knockdown things, but without yang’s bread and butter(being the EX slashes; which will usually send them a good 3/4 the screen in any direction), he would end up with fights that take a decent amount of time before any results are in, which might or might not be what your looking for but maybe we can work something out right now. something off topic but when i think momentum, i think of things like, say, makoto nailing someone out the air with jumping HK and working from there on, i guess just like that, you d have to find/make mental ques to put force on them, familiar situations where you feel your in total control, as complicated or as simple as it might turn out. one thing i d like to point out is, yang has everything you need to play anyway you want, but of course, what works changes with the opponent. whether pushing them where you want but no damage or nailing those hits, theres a winnable way for every situation to be in your favor, not everything has to be hits for you to be pushing “force” on the other guy.
you ll notice, say, against ken, is, the longer the fight goes on, the less things “seem” to be in yang’s favor. defense KILLS yang, lets say an opponent that blocks/techs/jumps correctly does exactly that, if he had that much “yang resistance” at the beginning of the fight, it couldn t be getting much better towards a later stalemate’ish fight. the predictable will happen, alot of getting in each other’s face and not making many moves if any at all until you see things you can punish. an opponent looking to parry/hit things, are IMHO less harder to fight than a “block and punish” type opponent, cause now you can just play games and do the opposite of what they want. what are the chances that yang can play a PERFECT game with no risk offense that won t have accidental gaps or being predictable. nobody plays PERFECT perfect.
no joke, keeping them standing eliminates all of yang’s best comboable moves from the range he s best played at, the crouching mk distance(textbook play distance), which means your lows will combo to nothing if you don t want knockdowns. getting knockdowns with roll outs are the heart and soul of yang’s push. will an opponent be more scared of hits that leads to “near” neutral results or will they be more afraid of comboable moves that leads to damage comparible to SAs? i know you know they have to be softened up first. yang’s EXs really shine in the mid to late game when the slashes are taking larger chunks, making people more intimidated when you approach them. you can be one minded as hell and convince them your intended on 8674567 different things when they roll out, they re doing half your job already by keeping the pace fast. nobody has a endless supply of mental strength, wear them out.

hmm, i think we should discuss this in the near future, i have to start getting ready for work. i know that you know, what your looking for will “click” when it happens, hands on play time will solve that. i hope you find the formula your looking for, i m certain a player of your calibre won t take long to get what you want.

btw- here are some moves you can whore for no knockdowns:
close MK(or from commands on chun/mak/Q), standing HP, jumping Hard attacks, kick chain, standing MK, single LP slashes, far MP, crouching whatevers, crouching HP, close HP, standing Light attacks, etc. etc.

kofiend the yang encyclopedia :rofl:

i want to pick your brain from time to time if you’d let me :smile:.

Wassup kofiend :slight_smile:
That was a very interesting post. I get the idea that you are suggesting. However I have a question about it. When you knock someone down, are you so used to being able to react accordingly based on whether or not they roll? I have the most trouble with this, but I’m guessing as you say, practice over time will solve this problem. When someone doens’t roll, it sorta throws me off. It might be hard getting used to I guess. I suppose the “reaction” style of play favors characters like Elena more. I really shouldn’t be playing that way. I think I’m gonna play more like go with the flow. Not exactly gut instinct, but a little different. Although I’ve noticed that through that type of Yang, there is a similarity to Yun. Playing Yun seems so habitual (don’t know if that’s the right word). Basically, I wouldn’t want to play the way Pyro plays. The least of that type of problem would be memorization, but that’s necessary nonetheless. I really like the way you play Yang tho. I still have trouble finding some good guard strings. Oh and I really need to butch up on my execution (as I have literally none).

This has been a very interesting conversation. If possible I’d like to talk about all the matchups some time when you’re not busy? Wait a minute, this is SRK, you can post whenever you want. That’s the beauty of this place. HoHoHo!

But seriously, about matchups, I’d like to learn as much as possible. However one of the main problems we have here is that there are literally no good Yang players. The closest was Gee-O back when he was playing in the day. Only the OGs know about Yang, ie. Watson, Valle, (and Pyro cuz he been to Japan)etc.
[hmm, maybe i’ll ask Rock {but he’s Urien biased :(}]
Pretty much tho, the majority of people here don’t know a whole lot about him. I feel kinda retarded getting away with a lot of shit people don’t know how to punish. Only the above people I mentioned I can’t spam EX slashes like crazy.

Feel free to post opinions anytime. I’ll be keeping a track. Good talking to you again.

P.S. trippy, Peter Yoon’s a beast!

Sorry but going for no knockdowns is just stupid for Yang. Most damaging part of mantis knocks down and throws knock down. Wtf are you gonna do? Poke them to death or rely on random senkyutai with resets? Can’t even confirm that move so you’ll be eating combos half the time.

If you’re afraid of wakeup situations, especially AA’s and superarts on wakeup you can simply delay your wakeup attacks. I do this often against people I haven’t played to get a feel for what they habitually do in wakeup situations. After knockdown walk up to them, just out of throw range and crouch block. If they reversal they’re screwed. If they do nothing and just turtle then walk up throw, tick into or do a random jab mantis into some sort of mixup, or uoh into ex slashes if you’re in the right range.

I’m the only yang player in norcal.


rom suckssssssssss

haha is he? I haven’t seen him play in a long time. I’ve dedicated myself completely to SA3 yang, concentrating a lot on the pressure game and control you have when using it (albeit for a short period of time). Unfortunately there is no mind games to be played against the computer :sad: . The only times I get the chance to practice are when I go to the city, once in a blue moon. I did fairly well with yang during the times I’ve been there but couldn’t put in the time for practice I would have wanted to… Having to take the train sucks! :arazz:

anyways I’ll have to play you and everyone when I come back home in less than 2 weeks :party:

yay trippy homecoming!

but yea seriously, i have to buy the game now cuz my 3rd strike broke…and i need it to learn all the shit he’s got

i only use SA3 against certain matchups (and players that know how to punish slashes) like against Ken who can seriously punish yang for EX slashes or Urien because if you have him in the corner, what can you do that involves zero risk to deplete 10% of his life? SA3 is a safe way to clinch the ender and get some damage in…other matchups to note, Denjin Ryu, I would use SA2 because it goes under Denjin in the corner…any other ideas?

btw, do you know anything against Oro? I know absolutely nothing about that matchup whatsoever

P.S. Kofiend, if you could, go over the Yang vs. Yun match? I find it very difficult…Pyro hands me my ass time and time again and I seem to be getting nowhere :frowning: He is quite predictable but there’s not really much I can do and I lack the creativity at the moment (w/out the game) to figure out ways to get in safely

There’s a match with KOfiend playing against a solid Yun in there.

“btw, do you know anything against Oro? I know absolutely nothing about that matchup whatsoever”

ken, are you trying to make me mad, i’m going to kill you

hey give me a break…I’m trying to learn yang, the matchup is completely different from makoto

well, maybe i’ll take pyro’s advice and learn him too to know more about the matchup

wassup ken, let me hit you back sunday, i m really fried from work, just got home and i m beat