That’s true, but I heard if you have a separate HDD you can capture while you’re playing with no lag.
Hmm, I’m using my main SSD drive for GGPO and using my Raid 0 HDD’s for FRAPS capture but still getting lag problems. I have a new, insanely fast system so I’m not sure why its giving lag issues.
Then what are the other options? A capture card like Dazzle? I wonder what djfrijoles uses.
Yea, I guess there are plenty of capture options if you split the video signal. Does DJ capture his own vids while playing or just while observing other people? There prolly is an easy way to do it using FRAPS or someother software, I just haven’t had luck trying it myself.
I record other peoples matchs with the input record option. then I play them back and run fraps to capture it with out lag with the proper blitter and resolution settings. then once its converted to .wmv I use windows media encoder 9 series to compress it. Maybe tonight Ill havesomedrinks after work and make a tutorial for everyone.
pretty sure you can spectate yourself, then hit record on the spectator GGPO window. I haven’t tried it since the latest build but it should work still
there are some problems though like the audio. The spectator window will always be slightly behind. If you can play without sound, I suggest turning the sound off on your speakers but leave the audio on for GGPO. I believe this gives you the ability to have that play back with sound.
hope it helps
Yes we know how to do this. We are trying to figure out the best way to record one’s own matches while playing.
When I tried this method it still desynced. I even tried different accounts with different PC’s on the same internet connection and still got desyned.
wow, never had that happened to me before. I had recorded a long set between me and some good Japanese players and it never fucked up on me.
let me try it right now and see if it works still.
one to many quotes
so I just tried the spectator trick in the vampire savior room and it still works. Recorded 4 games, watched the play back for all 4 just to make sure it didn’t do anything wacky and it played back just fine. Not to mention that it didn’t desync or anything. Only thing I saw a bit of was a smidge of slow down because I was playing and spectating but if your computer is better than which it should easily be, I doubt you would even notice anything.
if you guys are having trouble in the super turbo room, it could be because of other problems. The trick still works just fine Doesn’t ST on ggpo take 2 groups of rom sets to work? could that be the problem? If you guys are running through a router while trying to play\spectate, could that be the problem? I’m playing on a direct connection to the internet to get rid of the port forward shit.
I could upload the matches if you guys want but I’m sure you’ll take my word for it. Its really easy to see that you did a spectator record because it won’t show the player names. It only records the players inputs rather than capturing the screen.
I’ve done this trick probably over 50 times over the years on ggpo and not one time did it desync on me. How many games are you guys playing on average before it desyncs on you?
I think its a router issue for me, because using 2 accounts on 2 different PC’s worked for a while and now it doesn’t. I’ll just have to mess with it some more until I get it working.
I would try getting rid of the router and then trying self spectate again. is djfirjoles playing through a router too?
the self spectate is really good for recording yourself because of how much less CPU it takes. Having ggpo running, then a capture program that’s recording your screen is going to slow your shit down pretty bad unless you have a beastly PC. I have a POS PC and it actually worked pretty well. Was still able to play fine and everything.
good luck though, hope you get it working. If they brought back the GGPO dojo, it wouldn’t be a problem!!! =p
I finally figured out how to save replays. I tried the spectating method of saving replays before, but I didn’t like the fact that I couldn’t mute the sound of the other window. Well I tried Alt Ctrl - and it works, and when the replay is watched later the sound is not muted. The replay is saved in 4:3 format and I couldn’t find a way to make it widescreen the way I like it, but that’s fine. It also doesn’t display the player names, but that’s fine too.
For those who don’t know how to do it:
-start a GGPO match
-click on spectate yourself vs whoever
-you now have 2 windows open, the playing window and the spectating window
-in the spectating window hold down Alt Ctrl - to mute the sound
-in the spectating window click on Game/Record Input
-after you name the file it will be saved in the GGPO recordings folder as a .fr file
-start playing!
As for lag, I find that if the connection was already good, it doesn’t add any more lag. But if the connection was already a little laggy, then it will be slightly more laggy, especially if other spectators join. But if the connection was good to begin with, then other spectators don’t lag it up either (unless you get a huge crowd or something but that’s normal).
All of this can be done in the character select screen, with a little bit of time left over to select your character if you’re fast enough. The replays are great and don’t have any desynchs or other problems. I’ve watched three different replays and they’re all good. You can fast forward with F1 and pause with Pause Break. If you want to get rid of the red indicator on the top right of the replay window, click on Misc, and uncheck “Display mode indicator”.
If anybody figures out how to change the 4:3 format, let us know.
thats the way ST must be, always, ggpo should only allow 4:3 n thats it
Ok can someone help me with my situation? I downloaded Adobe AIR 1.5 to make ggpo work. I started it and I got to the main lobby. But the problem is that I can’t chat, can’t spectate, can’t challenge, can’t change rooms, and I have no flag. Does anyone know how to fix this problem. According to my port forward program, my ports are forwarded correctly. I hope this problem can be corrected…
I am unsure of how much this old Adobe Air version thing may help. I say that because I have never had problems with it in Windows XP. Hence, I wonder if Win7 versions are buggy, or Win7 itself has some major flaw.
My Adobe Air version is Works fine.
I’m on Win7 and GGPO won’t work with the new adobe air, has to be the old one.
I also figured out how to watch replays in widescreen. If you don’t like 4:3, click on ggpofba.exe, go to Game/Replay Input, and then choose your replay file. As a benefit, the images are sharper if you do it this way.
I’m still trying to figure out how to record the replay to an AVI / MPEG format so I can upload to youtube. Fraps only records active game sessions, it doesn’t record ggpo replays. I’m trying other software, but none of them are any good. Any help would be appreciated.
Fraps doesn’t care if it is a replay or not. Change your blitter to DX9 and fraps will record FBA.
Fraps doesn’t have a hook for DirectX7 (the default blitter) which is why it won’t record. At least older versions of fraps.
It works now, thanks.