It seems that howard and rambo’s weekly stream attracted some new players to this game but they have no idea how to setup and play. So I make an idiot’s guide to setting up ggpo.
Feel free to refer new players to this post
- Register a ggpo account (you need an email address to receive confirmation to activate your account) • User Control Panel • Register
- Download and install adobe air 1.5 (latest version is buggy)
Download Adobe Air - Download -
- Download ggpo client
unzip ggpo to the following location
C:\Program Files\GGPO\
(note if you have old ggpo version installed previously, first delete everything inside C:\Program Files\GGPO\ except the “roms” folder)
Create a subdirectory “roms”
Google search
you should be able to find the links easily. Download and save the files to
C:\Program Files\GGPO\roms\
ggpo is different than XBL/PSN HDR. There is only a single room and everyone playing ST is in that room.
In order to start a game, you need to initiate a challenge to others (or accept other’s challenge).
In the first scenario you need port forwarding while the latter does not. So if step 6 is a bit overwhelming for you. skip it now, you can still play by accepting challenge (just ask other people in the chat room to challenge you).
- If you are connecting to the internet with a router, you need to configure your port forwarding to initiate a challenge.
You need to forward UDP ports 6000-6009 to your computer.
Just go to this website and select your router?s brand and model, and it will walk you through how to configure it - Port Forwarding Guides Listed by Manufacturer and Model
Connect your pad or stick to your pc and go to control panel > game controllers > properties to verify that your pad / stick is working.
Start ggpo. Login with the username and password you created with step 1
If windows ask whether you want to allow ggpo access the internet (windows firewall), click ?allow?.
On the left menu click on super street fighter ii turbo
On the right menu, the list of player available is at the top. Click on the name and click the ?challenge? button at the top.
When the server is busy, it usually takes more than one challenge to connect. In that case, just click cancel challenge and click challenge again and repeat. It will send multiple challenges to the other guy.
If you are on the receiving side of the challenges, just accept one by one and see if you can get at least one connection established.
- The first time you get it going, you need to configure your buttons first
Click on the game menu and click on map input
Go through all the input and double click on the ?mapped to? column, trigger your joystick/pad?s corresponding button for each input.
How to fix input lag
If you are on windows 7 or vista, you might experience dreaded input delay.
Method 1
Control Panel > Performance Information and Tools > Adjust Visual Effects > Adjust for best performance
Method 2 (courtesy of cigarbob)
Right click on your desktop and select Personalize
Change your theme to the Windows Classic version under Basic High Contrast Themes.
Now you?re done and can start playing.
**Advanced stuff: **
- If your video card is decent, you should enable enhanced blitter, it makes ST looks very pretty.
I suspect a player is using turbo, how do I know for sure?
Use a program called input watcher to see what buttons he’s pressing.
GGPO known issues and quirks
When you challenge a user and receive a error message “User is not registered”, you need to tell the other guy to exit ggpo and re-login.
- If you really hate the chat room in ggpo and just want to play, you can disable the chatroom by setting the text color same as the background color
Go to option > appearance > text color and set it to #EDF1F2