Ggpo help and questions

Hey papasi. Thank you very much for your help so far for me trying to hop on GGPO. You can probably tell how bad I want to get online and play by now and with all these questions. haha

I took your advice like you told me to do so and tried messaging Ponder for registration. One week later, he hasn’t messaged me back. I waited like 6 days, and then messaged him again, still no response. =(

So i was wondering if there was any other way I can successfully log in and get on the network besides messaging him. Is there anything else I can do or anyone else I can message so i can activate my account?

Again, I really appreciate the help. Hopefully you can give me more advice though, since that original plan didn’t work. Thank you!

Hi TiGGeR EuGeNiE,

I created a new user and I also did not receive the confirmation.

There is a page for resending the confirmation email • User Control Panel • Send activation e-mail

But somehow it is not working.

Although I’d love to help but I really have no idea. Ponder might be very busy and it seems like ggpo is not a priority for now. Only he can tell.

Another way to get a hold of him is via efnet irc #capcom channel.

If anyone can still create new account successfully, please post here.

[ EDIT : apparently Trigger-Eugenie solved his problem ]

Hey Papasi. Thanks again for the all the help! I’m having a lot of fun on my first day here (and getting my ass kicked by everyone. LOL I guess I’ve been playing too much SSFIV =/). But yeah. Like we were talking about, I was able to get on thanks to djfrijoles. I owe you guys for all the help. But yeah, im gonna be on here a lot. SSFIIT is crack haha But yeah hopefully that lag spike we were talking about goes away eventually or i figure out something to do about it. :confused: But thank you for all the information you gave me about that too.

So thank you very much to papasi and djfrijoles for the help. <3 I really appreciate it you guys helping me out when ponder and whoever was supposed to email me back from ggpo couldn’t (life happens though so I’m not mad and I respect it). Let me know if you guys need help w/ anything tho i probably won’t be able to do much. haha Oh yeah and sf2>sf4 all day. :slight_smile:

newegg I accidently deleted your mesage. Send me your username you want and password

Thanks to djfrijoles for helping me creating an account on ggpo.

I suspect that a lot of email addresses are not accepted by ggpo server, but it won’t tell you.

But djfrijoles helped me create a new hotmail account and it worked fine.

So if any of you have problem receiving confirmation email, trying create a new dummy hotmail address.

What’s up Frijoles?
Hey thanks Papasi, I’ll try this: Method 1
Control Panel > Performance Information and Tools > Adjust Visual Effects > Adjust for best performance

Lets hope it fixes my dropped inputs.

Oh well someone banned me on forum so I can’t update the guide anymore.


  1. I found some keyboard shortcuts that are quite helpful if you are spectating multiple games and want to adjust the sound volume for each windows.

Ctrl Alt -
Ctrl Alt +
Alt -
Alt +

  1. If you roms are located in a different directory and dont want to copy them to C:\Program Files\GGPO\Roms, you change modify

C:\Program Files\GGPO\config\ggpofba.ini

and add something like this:

szAppRomPaths[0] C:\Roms

  1. And if any of you are using Adobe AIR 1.5 for ggpo, and hate the update prompt from AIR startup, save the following content to a file called “disable-adobe-update.reg” and then double click on it. It will prevent the auto update.

Is GGPO down? I’ve tried to make a new account and I’m still not able to log in.

It looks like. I could not enter, too. 1818 UTC, now.

1818 UTC? What does UTC stand for??

^Google is your friend UTC GMT Conversion
Well, lets hope that is just temporary, damn i cant live without ST. I couldn’t get a single set in supercade without lag yet.
Do anyone knows whats happening ?

So if I want to use my xbox fight stick on my mac what do I have to do?

Antonio, it is wrong to use Macs for gaming! Well, I heard Macs now use a Unix clone OS, like Linux, so this might work.

BTW, I was thinking of using a Windows XP on a USB stick, if that is possible and someone can help me out, please. I only really boot into Windows, nowadays, due to GGPO and Supercade (not that anyone else uses it, though, which is sad).

Edit: I’ve also found this and this.

Does the record replay function in GGPO not work? I’m trying to record my matches in GGPO to watch later in fba emulator but the replays look weird (the characters are out of sync, doesn’t look like the same match I just played).

When the match starts, I click on Game/Record Input, and it saves the file in the Recordings folder as a .fr file, but when I try to watch it later it doesn’t work. Am I saving the replays correctly? I heard about a replay bug for GGPO, maybe this is it.

You can’t record and play GGPO matches at the same time using that feature, it will desync. You have to have a friend observe and recorded it that way. If you have 2 GGPO accounts you can try observing and recording using another computer (laptop/whatever). This sometimes works for me, but often desyncs using this method also for reasons I don’t understand.

you cant record your own matches

Cool, thanks guys. I thought that might be the bug I heard about. I will have to use FRAPS then.

Is there a way to run GGPO on a virtual machine running windows xp?, because ggpo won’t run on a virtual matchine, i’m using VMware, i really hate how GGPO runs on W7.

I’m running VMware 4.0 on my iMac with a Boot Camp partition setup with Windows 7 and it runs near perfectly. I turn on Unity mode and leave the GGPO window open while I do the rest of my work within Lion.

FRAPS isn’t going to be much help either. Using Fraps while playing on GGPO causes lag and other problems. Fraps is only good if you already have the FBA record file saved and then play it back while using FRAPS.