Wow man these are impressive matches! That mgu into super you do, care to explain? I mean do you fadc into it or just execute mgu and charge the super? At work so havent had a chance to try it yet cheers!
The opponents were pretty ehhh but nice execution and zoning. Especially the consistency with mgu. Although gief can ultra and SPD those blocked sobats, don’t fix it if it’s working. Vangief will ultra that shit everytime tho.
i see its hard to get a compliment from you lol but i’ll take what i can get. i know my opponents weren’t good. all of those matches were free as hell. a lot of the videos i post are free but i don’t play it right.
about vangief. i’m on the east and psn so i don’t have to worry about him lol
thanks for the heads up on the blocked sobats. haven’t played any good giefs in this game. I don’t abuse it against gief any way.
the same video with commentary for those that like it or care.
I’m headed to work now haha
as for mgu x super
just charge during the mgu and do the motion before the last hit comes out. if you’re charged you can actually mash it out.
I don’t compliment very easily. They lose meaning if you give out too many imo. Also, my perception of good play is really really high. I don’t even think I myself am a very solid player anymore even though i score random wins vs random top players (eric choi, 200 yen, ricky ortiz, etc.)
Are you the same Pieguy from the NoCal stream a couple of days ago? If so, you was putting in work
i can respect that. do you beat them with deejay or honda? if you beat them with honda i’m less impressed. honda is so strong in this game.
Yes that was me. Random ass play vs ricky’s chun li in winners worked :D. Although he’s won 6 of the 7 times we’ve played -_-.
Nah. I only played dee jay in winners against a balrog and guile player. Honda is my vanilla main. I tried my dee jay against ricky and he bodied me. Flip kick and c.rh is just too problematic for me rite now.
deejay against rog? how did that go? i would think honda would be a better match but then again i honestly don’t know
Both about even. I just like the fact that if you can tech vs balrog, dee jay vs rog seems a lot more solid. Just throw that max out, wait for a response, get a knockdown, milk the oki, then continue walking backwards. Rinse/repeat. You kinda have to play gimmicky with honda to beat rog consistently unless you have 95% consistency with hhs, which i don’t XD. They even laughed about it on stream how i still can’t hhs well after 1.5 years of honda.
If dee jay actually did some solid dmg, I think he’d be top tier. Just needs damage and a better slide honestly and he’s golden. Lately I’ve been messing around with ex mgu against certain rufus dive kicks and it got me thinking that dee jay is a retardedly versatile character while honda still gets fuked by chun, dhalsim (the two characters that beat me in winners), guile, sagat and rufus (more even now that rufus is less dmging).
DeeJay has always been versatile. jack of all trades.
LOL you can’t HHS? you should just use slide method. Honestly honda does so much damage that you don’t need hands. He needs a slight dmg nerf.
I love the chun dj matchup. don’t let her zone you and don’t make stupid jump-in attempts.
DeeJay vs Sim isn’t good but its possible.
shuddup :sad:
if you don’t let her zone and you don’t jump-in, wtf do you do O_o? Davis/Sac, CA no longer has chun players. /sosad
i usually walk forward and predict the fireball or turtle til they do something dumb. the only chun player in the state is 0-1 against me in tourny and he always sandbags in casuals.
lk sobat RAPES chun.
its beats and is not limited to:
cr. lk
cr. mk
cr. rh
cr. mp (i think)
if you rape her on the ground then they’ll try to take to the skies and get slapped in the face with an upkick.
i desperately need to play against good chuns.
i got some chun experience under my belt, and yeah you can essentially rush her the hell down the entire match. So much nicer than the vanilla chun/bison matchup.
for regards with sim i play the dude you see in one of my vids (the 15k BP one) every now and then and for me it seems workable when you stay in two ranges at all times:
- Outside of his c.fp range, you can throw out your own c.fp for cheap damage off trades/counterhits
- Right next to him, you see a white flash hit upkick/ he will almost always try to teleport or backdash on wakeup.
midrange is the danger zone, imo it’s more beneficial to actually back up out of range and reset the situation than trying to go forward.
also: sim’s U2 is a problem
honestly the chun player i just played against was ok but with a yellow bar i couldn’t precisely counter attack.
i’m going to take my chun theory to the matchup thread
fun fact: you can grab chun out of hazanshu before it lands.
the issue isn’t it’s priority its the fact that it is a surprise overhead. the chun is aiming to do a hazanshu when you don’t expect it, when you aren’t “ready” to counter it. If the chun telegraphs their pressure strings then of course its easy to counter (you can also get focus crumple as well)
I started thinking about that after the video but st. Fierce is really good with no charge.
here’s me getting beasted on by a sim:
and two other matches:
Good stuff.
The Rufus matchup is interesting with Deejay. In the last vid, your punish at 2:48 is exactly what Deejay should do after a blocked EX Messiah. I’m pretty sure it will beat all 3 versions of the follow-up (at least the flip kick and overhead versions).
Against Rufus, my #1 goal is to keep offensive control, and to get on that ass before he has meter. Once he gets his first bar, I can usually bait out EX Messiah by doing the following: get a knockdown, jump over him with a slightly late crossup mk. It kinda works as a safe-jump, because most Rufus players have the patience of a 6-year old, and they’ll mash out EX Messiah immediately instead of blocking the crossup. Since Deejay makes no contact with Rufus, he just lands and blocks (then you can use the punish i mentioned earlier).
But despite my best efforts, once a good Rufus gets in on me i usually just die.
Sim is another big problem for me. I liked how Threi was using knee shot at long range to change his jump arc. I gotta try that out. I always try AA slide at least once in a Sim match (against his jump-back fierce), and it NEVER works. It feels like it should sometimes, but it just doesn’t.
As for Ryu, that’s probably my easiest match at this point. Since everyone and their mother wants to be a “deadly Ryu player”, i always run into scrubby / average Ryus in ranked and endless. That Ryu in Threi’s 3rd video is a prime example of your typical pattern Ryu. They constantly jump like their life depends on it. Even after getting AA’d 4 or 5 times in a row, they still keep jumping. It almost seems like they get so angry that they want to prove to you they can land a jump kick. A couple nights ago i beat a Ryu by using nothing but AA slide. I’d knock him down with it, he’d get up and just jump again. Over and over til he was dead.