Getting lost in the beat: Dee Jay Video Thread (front page updated 1/16/12)

Lol I agree. Oni and E.Ryu look awsome but they seem out of place. Maybe SFV or some kind of amime crossover

You make DeeJay look broken

My main rival in my local scene mains Makoto. I’ve beaten him clean every time with DeeJay but over christmas he read up on the DeeJay matchup.

I have been working on my spacing but I generally like to keep my distance vs this guy until I force a knockdown. My main mistake was jumping in when he was in a standing position as he focused me most times. Won’t happen again.

All comments on the video very welcome. I’m particulary interested in ideas on how to negate her wakeup pressure-see round 1 of match 3 at 5.59. Our scene uses tvs which lag and so neither of us were trying anything fancy.

Your block strings are too predictable. Throw in a, or cr.hp to throw off his crouch tech timing. If you catch him mashing a few times, then you can tick throw him more often.

I make the same mistake of not mixing up my strings enough. Need to work on that a bit more!

One thing you can try to get into the habbit of doing is when your opponent is blocking your string, end it with a AS for safe® chip. What I like to do is throw out a couple jabs, delay (just for a fraction of a second) then cr. mp (or cr. lk)> air slasher. Sometimes that little delay on the cr. mp will catch them (especially if they’re mashing crouch tech!)

To add to what Da Knut said…

@ 2:14 when you got the ex mgu off in the corner, I’d use mk upkicks followed by another mk upkicks (3 hits). More damage as well as not having to burn any meter! :slight_smile:

I noticed you really like ending your combos with cr. mk. One thing to throw into the mix would be ending with HP mgu, especially if you’re hit confirming off of the cr. jabs. You get a bit more damage that way :wink:

Last, I’d say just work on execution (which I still need a little work on.) I noticed a few times, you were dropping combos - like @ 2:52.

You’re definitely on your way!

Yeah I noticed that. he is very good with tech throws and I should have mixed it up. I didn’t attempt a thro until the second game lol. I need to get him guessing early. Thanks!

Oh didnt realised you could hit a second mk upkicks. Training room for me!

Regardin ending combos in, well spotted. When I play online, I end with ex.mgu quite alot. The tv we were playing on was a bit laggy and I was going for safe option.

I’m spending most of my ssf4 time in training room so hopefully there will be an improvement!

Thanks for advice!

I did this on Bourne during the casuals we met at.

It may have been hard to spot what with how hard I was being wrecked.

I played the infamous laggy srk live stream today. I had a little streak going. - Shoryuken Live on XBL - SRKLive 24/7- Open Lobby It starts at 1:53 and continues on
the next block - Shoryuken Live on XBL - SRKLive 24/7- Open Lobby

And when I lose… I lose bad lol

Here’s some AE matches against a really good Dhalsim player. Trying to figure this match out. Getting in is pretty hard. St. MK sometimes trades. I need to get them in the corner and the game is mine. Some tips/critique my gameplay.

[media=youtube]DKkSNQRhu5s&feature=related]YouTube - [Arcade Edition[/media]

[media=youtube]otrTqsr3Fow&feature=feedu]YouTube - [Arcade Edition[/media]

vs. Makoto ( We play each other frequently. Games usually go 50/50 Makoto once she gets in is brutal. )

[media=youtube]5UyjtdhG1ZE&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL]YouTube - [Arcade Edition[/media]

I’ll try to post more but I am not the one recording.

Light Sobat can go over limbs, correct?

Over low limbs. Chris mixes it up a lot between standing and crouching jabs and shorts to keep me out. Good reactions to jump ins. I haven’t hit training mode if there’s a sweet spot to knee shot or cross up mk where he has to decide which AA to use yet.

ew, I jumped in that lobby once and INSTANTLY regretted it. lol

i should just ghetto record my online matches now that Im playing a bit more. been having a LOT of good sets.

Yea, it can go over b st. LK, b cr. LK, b cr. MK, maybe even b cr. LP, not sure about the f cr. LP. It can lose to his b st. MK. I don’t know his normals so well. After his slides on block or hit you can mash cr. LP and it will beat/trade with w/e he does including throw. And when you’re close I’m pretty sure mashed/reversal timed cr. LP/cr. MK can trade with his stuff.

It’s a shame about no more throw invulnerability on LK sobat. I had some good stuff I used to do back in super to beat throws and teleports on his wakeup.

sorry to derail the thread, but i would give most of deejay’s changes back for throw invincible lk sobat.

if viper has lk burk kick why can’t we have something similar.

^^ hell no. Buffed slide is so safe on block.

honestly idc about that. its still not like ST. i’ll probably go back to ST and just get raped by the people who never stopped playing it.

i’ll just have to adapt or sink lower amongst the current deejay players.

throw inv isnt a big deal. Teching is SF4 101, wo why is this an issue at all?

[media=youtube]aFB_tq-rD2c&feature=feedu]YouTube - GuliverZzz [DeeJay] vs kanadeen [Cammy[/media]

Dude is solid like always

Match starts around 5:00

  1. U2 should be used in this matchup. U1 is completely useless against Sim. U2 can punish Sim’s limbs .
  2. If you are not in Sim face or across the other side of the screen, Then you are in no mans land. He will poke and CH you to death.
  3. Patience