Georgia fighting game scene "Growing our scene is the key "

This site is gay, take an hour for it to load wtf

Then he might get deleted if he doesn’t post enough?!?!?!?! Here you are safe for being deleted. lol :rolleyes:

Hey looking to make some new friends in my area, which is Rex, GA! I own a Taito Egret 2, a American stand up cab, and a SEGA Naomi Universal on the way. With arcade hardware and no shitty ports! Just looking for a dudes meet up to have fun playing with my nice Arcade cabs! Also getting a 60" LCD. So if you live by or near Rex GA or anywhere in GA really, hit me up.

Go here…

Hey guys. I sent a request to the Facebook group, seeing how sparingly you guys seem to post here lol

For those interested in attending the NEC Tournament but low on cash, this streamcast may be for you.
Our vans seat anywhere from 12-18 individuals, we like to keep the max at 15 so that everyone can be comfortable along the trip.
I personally provide Coupons for 4 Star Restaurants so we can make the eating as cheap as humanly possible (This is for any trip we go upon not just for NEC)
Inside the streamcast, it tells you the total amount each person would have to pay based upon the number of attendees.
The Amount per person can go as low as $25 per person but no higher then $55 per person keeping with the them of "The more that attend the cheaper it is for everyone to go"
We have two Hotel rooms reserved so far, Philly is my home town so for those interested we will be site seeing a day before the actual tournament, meeting up with a few lady friends etc.
Casuals will be on deck and we also have some money matches lined up as well

It’s not just about posting “Enough”

Facebook created it’s own rules set in regards to groups, once a group reaches 250 members, certain features are eliminated and one of the features eliminated was the Facebook Instant Chat inside the group, which is important to a lot of members because they use it while at work or at school when they cannot open up the front page to converse or follow up with conversations, also it’s a great way for people to setup quick gaming sessions, online battles etc without filling the front page up with statements or questions every time they come to mind which causes important things like tournament info to get buried and looked over.

The thing is about the “Inactive users” The group wasn’t created to be a place to just lurk or grow stale, newcomers can use SRK for that.
"A place to talk for the Georgia Fighting Game Community. Use it to see who’s online and make plans or whatever. Great idea by Joe (Wizzlecroff) realizing that a majority of our player base uses facebook as a means to communicate. Let’s work together to help each other out in any way possible on our path to improvement."
It makes no sense we’ve added 140+ people yet only the same 65 people are active, active meaning, talking PERIOD, attending gatherings, local tournaments,asking questions about gaming in the state, hell asking questions about there respective game in general.

There were 3 choices to resolved the situation:

#1 Due to tons of inactive group members, delete those who are inactive, those who cannot be accounted for, those who have not made there presence known.
Plenty of well known players were deleted cause I deleted them myself (Clint-Big Boi etc etc) why?? Because they don’t even use the internet much let alone post on forums or in our community group, those individuals have people they can use as resources for information such as Myself, Pokchop,Wing-Zero (Richard) no use holding up slots that more active people could use and that is how it should go for any and everyone, if you have one friend who is a player and more active, he invites you, you join but then don’t post or keep up for 3 months, you should be deleted and the friend who invited you should be your resource of information until you are ready to be more vocal

#2 Do not delete anyone and use the mIRC chat created by Ky Phung
Great Idea, we use the mIRC Chat for the wrestling thread BUT that’s because we have no other chat feature on SRK in general

#3 Let the individuals stay, Lose the Chat and the facebook group be flooded with posts continuously while we grow in numbers 300+ members lay dormant…

We made a group poll for everyone to vote upon, most members voted upon the mIRC chat feature but were to lazy to download mIRC or do anything outside facebook.
The regular amount of active players or conversationalists voted, there were only 5 lurkers who responded so in the end, I went with the the analogies of
"Closed mouth don’t get fed"
"Cannot fight for those who will not fight for themselves"

We are not outsing people, they are doing it themselves by not more involved

Wassup GA crew? Im new to the srk forums but i been on dustloop for awhile. just thought id introduce myself, im from Chatsworth GA way up in north GA. i was wondering if theres any players in Chats, Datlon, or Calhoun area. i been wanting to go to the gathering at tech but something always comes up that stops me from traveling down there. i could just be a lazy guy idk lol. also my psn is Pandora_Gunblade if anyone wants to play some games online. I mostly play Blazblue, Marvel, and KoF 13 now that its out. i still havent gotten a copy of UMvC3 since i got kof 13 instead so for now just BB & KoF. btw is it ok if i join the faebook page?

I just wanted to mention that I think you guys have the best thread name out of all the regional threads on SRK.

as in clayton county rex ga?

Are you still interested? Just curious.

Yes! That’s the one.

where they will remove you for no reason

You guys aren’t missing out on anything important from not being in the facebook group.

Posts are getting pretty cluttered and its getting real spammy

and who exactly are you lmao

like seriously I hope you all are not about to start bashing the facebook group when you have no leg to stand on or argument to spew

send me a pm with your number and address if you want. i work at the fire station at hwy 42 and forest parkway in ellenwood just north of you. we play umvc3 and mortal kombat sometime. i can come hang out after work at like 7:30 am or you can come by the station. i’m up for any fighting games locally. just please don’t stab and kill me haha.

If there actually is anything important or useful like tournaments or gatherings I’ll make sure to post them here. Right now all you guys are missing are irrelevant yuotube videos and what characters to pick for KoF.

So far just this week is SSF4:AE at Battle and Brew thursday.

I don’t know if you guys have seen Maximillian’s Hidden DLC find, but I’ve tried it 3 times and and I can’t get it to work…

Any of you guys find out how to do this? Can anyone help me?


Alright man, cool! Lmao that was funny, nah I’m cool laid back dude that’s just loves motorcycles, my hobbie just happen to be collecting candy cabs and playing fighting games as a “E-sport”.
