Georgia fighting game scene "Growing our scene is the key "

whens the next revival?

Kappa? Kappacino? Nah that makes me hyper.

So whats up with the KOF 13 on the Atlanta front? Is there a decent scene coming up or is it still mainly umvs3 and sf4? I’m trying to take KOF 13 serious. I want to compete in FR so I’m looking for folks who want to play. The online isn’t as good as I’d hoped even with folks who live in the same area so if there is a scene let me know and I’ll see if I can make it out.

This will be the last tournament I host before I go to basic training. The Elite Zone tournament series will still carry on without me, it will just be under new management. Hope y’all can make it out.

[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)

Just to clarify does that mean there is no GTech gathering this week?

Hey guys, just a reminder that some of us Alabama guys are hosting a tournament on Dec 10 in Madison, AL. I hope some of GA’s finest can make it out. Here’s a link to the tournament: [Dec 10, 2011] ROCKET CITY RIOTS :: DEC. 10; HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA (Madison, Alabama)

You prob got kicked because you weren’t active. Come to gatherings, tournaments, and actually be a part of the community

what part of GA do you live in?

I’m in the southeast region of atl decatur stn moutnain are the two closest areas to me.

Oh ha! You are from DC, I think you posted in one of my threads there. Im pretty sure there are some KOF players in that area. Myself and another guy in Athens are on it pretty hard but that’s a pretty far drive from Decatur. Try joining our GA FGC facebook page and setting up some games from there. Most people don’t check this thread really

Yep that is me!! I found the group facebook but it looks like they might not let me in. I’ve heard there kicking people out because no one is really showing up. Its been a minute since I’ve sent my request.

Well, people that have joined the group and weren’t active were kicked. As long as people get to know you it shouldn’t be something to worry about. What’s your name? I’ll make sure one of the admins let you in.

Hey guys, I’m new on SRK and new to fighting games in general. I’m from Suwanee and I’m getting into UMvC3 and considering SSF4. If any of you guys live around here and wouldn’t mind helping me get into the scene at tourneys and stuff, that’d be awesome. And I already joined the FB page.

battle and brew should be done on fridays… when i dont have to work that night :slight_smile: … btw, any gatherings or anything like that happening for ssf4 and kof13… havent played kof13 but just seen some footage on it and it looks sweet… seriously though, its FR training time and PSN can get a bit boring sometime… if anyone is hosting a serious training camp… pm me

Hey guys. If you can’t find the FB group, look me up on there and let me know that you want in. My name is Isaac Greene.

I think we are gonna have a session on Sunday up here in Athens with Kof13 if you don’t mind the drive

i sent a request like half a month ago to join and still no reply :frowning:

Sunday is no good, my work week starts sunday and ends thursday o.O who knows why lol

                                                                                                                                                                                           Dude, I apologize for that. If you aren't in yet let me know and I'll hook you up.

Sup Nato!!!

This will be the last tournament I host before I go to basic training for the Navy. The Elite Zone tournament series will still carry on without me, it will just be under new management. Hope y’all can make it out.

[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Dec 17, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)

Whats up!! im making a facebook account just for the facebook group so look for a message from me in ur inbox :slight_smile: