Georgia fighting game scene "Growing our scene is the key "

i bought my ticket today too. i don’t know what games to sign up at NEC and FR though…
nato you gotta go to the FB group now man :confused:

Don’t worry about it neto. Things happen sir! There will be a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT ON HOLLOWEEN! Also the EARLY BIRD online special for FR15 badges will end on Holloween! Early Bird FR15 badges are only $25 compared to $40 at the door, so don’t miss out on the deal if you know you’re coming to Final Round 15. You can puchase your badge now and games later down the road. Go here for your FR15 info.

Hello, I am a new and younger member of the fighting game community. I live in Augusta, Georgia, y’all might possibly know that city. Anyways, I have been trying to find some tournaments that i might be able to go to. Any up coming tourneys happening in Georgia?

Hello Ian, There’s a scene in augusta. Drew, coocoo’s and the guys are always looking to get people together.

The last one wasn’t the same without you. (AND Juan) Glad to hear you’ll make it out to the next.

And if you read this MPR, you WILL make it out to this upcoming FR, RIGHT?

Any idea where and when it happens?

It’s a shot in the dark and I doubt I get a response but here goes.

Weekly MVC2 & 3S Sessions: Every Sun/Sat (Unless Notified Otherwise)
Where: Dragon’s Den (My Crib)
Conatact: PM me on SRK or send email to:

I’ve just moved to Forest Park. Sunday I don’t work and Saturday I get off work at 4pm.
Will be on a 36" Tube Television.
I have a PS3, PS2, and DC. 3S is on DC unless you have a PS2 version.
All I ask is that you bring an extra PS3 controller or your preferred device.
Same for PS2.
Hit me up if you want to play. Noobs are welcome, keep the drama outside, but fun and hypeness is wsup!!

No AE? :lol:

Just noticed today that Makoto’s U2 is super nasty. Make someone think your going to grab but instead bust U2 and they eat some healthy LifePoints. I got the bad deal of that today several times :frowning:

why are you playing ae nato :frowning: :sweat:

sup guys,

just wanted to introduce myself as a local ga player whose decided to level up his game seriously. im on psn so my id is my signature or just pm me for it. training for fr15.

ps if i posted in the wrong thread, redirect me lol

[Nov 19, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Nov 19, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Nov 19, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Nov 19, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Nov 19, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Nov 19, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Nov 19, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Nov 19, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Nov 19, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)
[Nov 19, 2011] Elite Zone Monthly (Fayetteville, NC)

im right there with you… yo if your serious, we are going to have a lot of fun on psn… ill send you an invite today and my gt is jennidee19… my main is akuma but ill side ibuki and fei from time to time

ben, im playing ae cause… well, its just too much fun! :lol: but 3s will always be my first, no wait its ST lol

we are just 3 days away from GVegasbeatdown and the preregistration is ending in 2 days at 8pm. Preregister now to save on the venue fee. The turnout is looking big again,

wanna get some games in yo?

Thanks for the add man!! I really need matchup knowledge concerning those characters so I know how to escape the crazy vortex…btw just wanted to make sure that this is you been watching all the old final round videos and came across it

Ahh, Neto bodying LordOfUltima. I remember that.

Hey guys. for anyone who knows me can I get a ride with you to G-vegas?

Yes sir! I usually get on in the wee hours like 7 am to 10am cause I work night shift. Occasionally I will get on in the afternoon :frowning:

wow, that was a long time ago… brings back memories

Ok I understand. I just came off of late night shift so I understand what you go through to play people.

Hey I just moved to Warner Robins, GA and was wondering if there is a scene near by?