Georgia fighting game scene "Growing our scene is the key "

ever since vanilla SF4 we’ve had about 7 pretty legit tournaments in Augusta at the Tournament Center near the mall (which just closed down a few months ago) and a few smaller ones in Aiken and in the surrounding areas - I’m not sure if you’ve ever been to any or played 3S, Marvel 2, or CVS2 at Tilt or Adventure Crossing (Funsville back then) back before street fighter 4, but Augusta does have a handfull of SF4 players - right now as far as AE we have a good amount of players, but as far as competitive players who consistently try to travel and compete there is myself, (Drew), Heavyweight (Jacob), and Coos (Marques) in the area. GA has a facebook group that most of us post in every day which has pretty much ruled out SRK for us, but if you’re ever interested in getting together and playing or traveling to tourneys let me know and I’ll see if we can do something

This is terrific. I was trying to figure out where the Georgia fighting community was. Glad to finally find something. At least this way when special events occur I wont miss the action and be there in person.

WTF The Tournament Center Closed down??

iceman palms face

Yea man the Ga scene is big, but since we made the facebook page this has been a ghost town of a thread, hince the thread title! :lol: Anyways i’ll continue to post in here because it helps new people like yourself connect with the rest of the Ga. community. There are Monthly tournament/weekly tournament of various games and weekly get togethers. ATL has the biggest player base, but there are nice size scenes in augusta, columbus, savannah, and athens. Welcome to the GA SCENE SHAWTY!

Hey guys. This weeks Battle and Brew is Marvel right?

The early bird badge special is HALF OFF THE BADGES AT THE DOOR!!! So don’t be THAT GUY paying more for a badge at the door when you had a chance to get it 1/2 off discount online. This deal ends at the end on october!


I’ll be going, this’ll be my first tournament experience. Anything you guys think I need to know about how they run and what I should expect?

The system is PS3, make sure to bring an appropriate controller/stick and/or sync cable.
Show up on time, register before 8pm at the latest.
Report your matches immediately

$5 entry and no door fee


Unfortunately, I only have a 360 stick with no adapter in my possession. Gunnar Ohberg on Facebook said the people are good about lending their sticks, which is good to hear.

I’ll be looking into getting a adapter, this one looks good.

XCM makes some pretty terrible adapters, avoid them at all costs

Any suggestions?

sup GA we’re doing another tourney in huntsville AL dec. 10th, the saturday after NEC. We want your best in marvel for sure, another 5v5 would be great!

Sup fellas. When is the next tourney in GA? It’s tension pulse i think but when and where? If work permits, I plan on going.

Real Steel on XBLA Go Hard!!!:eek:

Live at Battle and Brew


Battle and Brew was awesome! Can’t wait for AE next week!

ya’l are killing me man I asked about the facebook grp twice!! PM at least.

Whoever organizes Tension Pulse hasn’t put up a date? Would be nice to know.

Hey, Larry. How do I buy your early bird special? Through Who doesn’t want to buy something for half the price :lol: