Georgia fighting game scene "Growing our scene is the key "

How often do u guys get together? Macon is about an hour and a half away and I’m on-call often at work. I could be able to come up sometimes but not often.

No one is stopping you from doing that, just stop using us as the crutch as to why you cannot get what you feel you need, have you not noticed slim to NO ONE is posting in this thread other then you and I??
We’ve been going back and forth with no real outside posts that should tell you something.

They seem to have gatherings whenever they feel like it since they all live so close to each other. I actually live about an hour and half away from them as well… We do host a tournament at the end of the year though.

If you want something more immediate tourneywise, you should go to Revival in two weeks. [Apr 28, 2012] Atlanta Revival: April 28, 2012 (Atlanta, Ga.)

Show everyone there what you’ve got and more importantly, have fun.

Just reminding everyone of ATL-Revival at the end of the month

Also, I left the GA group of my own free will so if anyone has question related to KOF XIII or possible wanting to play in the Downtown Atlanta area, shoot me a PM & we could perhaps work something out.

In response to my previous post, am I posting in the right place? I’m just looking to get some games in with some community members.

You can also look me up on Xbox too. Same gamer tag. :slight_smile:


Gamers Xperience
6981 Main St.
Lithonia, GA 30058

Save $5 on the tournament entry if you register before April 21st

  • $10 if registered before April 21st
  • $15 at the door
    **You can register/pay online (click here) or In-Store at Gamers Xperience

More Info: Webiste and Facebook Event

I don’t have an Xbox. I can ask in the facebook group for you though.

Hey, thanks! I have SSF4AE for PS3, want to play some games?

I only play SCV, haha.

Iceman blowing people up in the GA thread you say? Maybe we are experiencing a SRK revival XD

@ PrinceMurphy, Iceman is right dude. I never remember seeing anyone mention anything about Albany or starting a scene there nor do I remember seeing your tag in any of the docs we have. If you got booted from the group thats on you. Actually try to make more of an effort (playing with ga people online, coming to locals, even starting your own scene) to be part of the community.

Saying that you’ll move to Fla bc you don’t wanna join the illumunati is just childish and immature. Shitting on the same people that you supposedly want to game with? Yeah… thats pretty dumb imo

So I got my first arcade stick today and I feel like a total noob all over again. Any tips on how to transition from pad to stick?

Lots and lots of practice and training mode time. Find a grip and hand placement that work well/are the most comfortable for you. Since you play SC the transition is probably gonna be a bit easier.

But honestly, just stick with it and don’t try to take any execution shortcuts. It will start feeling natural to you soon.

Much appreciated. Thanks!

Really? Is it that serious? You guys are funny.

the same Jay from the Southern Kombat tournament that hits up Floor and Decor that i talked to a few times while working there? :stuck_out_tongue:

because of the way Facebook handles its group chat protocol, space is valuable in the group. i can relate to the situation because i was removed from the group several months ago once even though i had been attending locals and whatnot because i hadn’t really gotten my name out there. it was only after i started to make a name for myself within the community and was readily identifiable as a person who attends events and supports the scene that people knew me and knew not to remove me when the group started to get too full. i know who you are because i remember you and your awesome Scorpion from Tension Pulse; unfortunately, i highly doubt the rest of GA knows who you are as an offline player.

to answer the rhetorical question: yes, it kind of is that serious, only because space is limited. at the same time, don’t be discouraged by the group’s “illuminati” image. that really isn’t it at all. it’s more like, when an admin is scrolling through the names of members after the group reaches its peak #, you don’t want him or anyone else to look at your name and face and ask themselves, “Who the fuck is that?” and that’s really the whole thing.

Yo prince murphy,
basically if you are active in the GA facebook thread you wouldn’t be deleted, but either way we want everyone that wants to be apart of the GA FGC to contribute in some kind of way. Showing up to locals, or talking/posting on subjects in the group. I know a lot of times it seems that there are more troll post that serious post on the facebook page, but it’s a way to build friendships throughout the ga scene. We troll= we care I guess. lol If you can’t make it up to the metro atlanta area for local events then try to start get togethers in south ga. If there can be a middle point where the macon, w. robbins, albany, savannah, columbus players can meet that could be a great thing for our south Ga players. It don’t have to be tournaments either. It can be weekly get togethers.

I think the main thing is space is limited and people that are lurkers will get deleted from the ga facebook group unlike on srk. There’s no Ga illuminati. lol It’s just people that are active in our scene. They don’t have to be from this state either as we have a couple of people in the group that are from other states, but they are active in our scene in some kind of way. The main problem I think is we always get 200+ people in the Ga facebook group but only 40-70 at the most go to tournaments and actually compete against each other! How can we have over 250 in our facebook group but not have atleast 125 at our local events? We all want our scene to grow and we welcome all new comers to our scene. We just want people to be active and not just lurkers. Lurkers take up space and that what we want to avoid since space is limited. .

I haven’t gotten any responses about any people in my area who are willing to get together and play some games. Maybe there is no one around my area :’( Anywho, I would still like to play with people around my community. Does anyone want to play some SF or MvC on Xbox Live today? Thanks

Yep, I’m the same one! The tiles look great in my house by the way :wink:


Sponsorship is finalized for the DSC tournament on 07/28/12. Flyers are posted at Gamestop, Aaron’s, Planet Comics, and Draisen Edwards!

Also, we will have no worries on the number of setups! Aaron’s has agreed that they will match the need of monitors for contestants even if we have to get them from another Aaron’s location! Consoles, games, and wired controllers will be covered by Game Stop with ease! Draisen Edward’s Music Center has agreed to come and set up 2 stand alone loud speakers connected wall to wall, along with microphone and microphone stand.

On a side not, lol I tested the speakers out and you can hook up and iPod or mp3 player and play music as well… haha We can jam out. :stuck_out_tongue:

So please if you plan on going sign up at shoryuken or in the DSC event posted on facebook (add me) and specify 07/28/12 so I can know how many setups are needed!