Georgia fighting game scene "Growing our scene is the key "

hell nah 5 years later and killa fox still talking trash haha anyways looking for an arcade stick for the ps3 i use to make them and don’t come at me with high prices. looking to buy for dirty cheap or make it from a board i have everything else. so many random noobs in here now, if only they knew what use to go down back in the day. lames and to the old crew where is it at now a days?
this is madara itachi aka salt


I created a website and facebook page that will help everyone with finding tournaments here in Georgia. Long story short, I will keep an up to date list of ALL the tournaments in Georgia (not just fighting games) that I find and I will add them to both the website and FB page. If you guys can help me by letting me know anytime there is an announcement for a new tournament in Georgia (via PM, Email, Phone,…whatever) I’d really appreciate it.

Hopefully this will help tournament organizers so they stop scheduling tournaments on the same day <_<. Any questions or suggestions are welcome :slight_smile:

I have 3 links for you guys. 1st is the website (under construction…and technically actually it’s just a blog right now). The 2nd link is the FB event page (I’d appreciate if you go ahead and “like” the page ^_^). The 3rd link is a link to the calender I will keep up to date with every tournament I find (starting with April, 2012).

Here you go. New ranbats in the ATL. FINALROUNDBATS!.

Yeah this thread is definitely dead because we would have shat through two threads by now, everyone needs to start getting back on here, FB group is over saturated with members that don’t show up to events or tournaments for “X” excuse(s), at least with SRK, we see them once & never have to see them for another year or never.

Yea the facebook group is counter productive to new people or the lurkers in our community because they get in the FB group and they are inactive. This leads to them getting booted out of the FB group. This could lead to people not wanting to be a part of the GA community if we keep booting them. So let’s use this forum again. It’s bad when other states have 3 threads and we ain’t even halfway done with this thread yet.

We all grown we don’t need to baby sit, if you want to be active you will find resources and do so not take up space then complain because no one will acknowledge your existence.
We welcome all newcomers but if you do not make your presence known what can we do…
People spend hours beyond hours on facebook,posting there day to day life drama on there facebook statuses but they can’t post occasionally in the community group they so vehemently claim to want to be apart of???
There are still Tournaments posted on this website do they attend…
There friends and associates still give them updated information in regards to what’s new, combo videos,top talent and what they are doing but do they come to gatherings…
post up…
attend local tournaments…
out of state tournaments…

***Onto Different matters, Shinblanka apparently someone gave you some half assed information about a post I made on the FGC Community group about a week in a half ago so let me clear the air… ***
My post was typed in anger about a totally different subject, nothing immediately to do with you and I or haywood henry, I used what has transpired and where we are TODAY as an example and in no way was I trying to Dredge up old dirt and restart the drama BUT BUT BUT let me get something perfectly clear as you read this…
Old wombs have still not healed because we have NEVER spoken about what REALLY went down, Why I was/am so heated in regards to the situation, I was and still am interested in clearing the air because it betters the future of our community the community we have spent years growing.
***I am on 360 Today we can private chat there, you can call via cell etc ***

KillaFox… The Impact Players and I destroyed your community like a nuc bomb on a sunday, it took until the birth of Street Fighter 4 for the so called Carrolton United to resurface (Whole new Crew by the Way 2008) With the exception of Zach and Andrew, the individuals who actually respect me, our community and what we stood for you all tasted defeat by my hands and the hands of The Impact Players (T.I.P.), You talked a bookoo amount of shit knowing full well you were shipping off to the Air Force after issuing challenge after challenge and losing BADLY, now you’ve returned for some attention…
So i’ll be your huckleberry for the time being, anytime you ready young buck we can squab, I don’t even train in anything seriously outside KoF13 & UMvC3, occasionally Street Fighter x Tekken so those three games are your choices, 1st to 7 lets say $500 or higher young sir??
Kinniku Buster hey guess what… now your a somebody scrub cause I said your name weeeeeeeeee

Free Dead or Alive 5 demo Tournament
at Gamers Xperience in Lithonia

Saturday, April 14th at 4pm

  • You must register before April 14th to compete
    You can register online (click here) or In-store at Gamers Xperience

To register and for More info: Website / FB event

Added to GGT…

Ok tray we can talk yo. I have no problem with that at all. I don’t have your #, but i’ll hit you up on 360.

I’m looking for anyone in the Albany area that’s interested in having occasional local gatherings. We gotta get something started up down here as well. Every major city in Ga. Has some type of community except Albany. Hit me up guys and let’s do this!!! Since I was kicked from the Facebook group, can someone spread the news there as well. This city seems like a FGC ghost town, but I know they are all just hiding behind gamertags and playing online only.

Why don’t you rejoin? Lol. They kick people who aren’t active in the group… Anyways, Albany is really far south… I don’t know anyone there.

I’m not king of anything, but I think the Facebook group is a bad idea. SRK is known for being the the main place to go to for info. A closed group away from SRK doesn’t help new people like myself.

Hi all – I don’t really post on forums too much but am pretty surprised that there is such a large community of people that play fighting games. I’ve attended Evo and Final Round last year and found it as an exciting experience. I didn’t do as well as I hoped so I’m looking to “level up”. I will be attending Evo this year as well so I’m wondering if there is any one that lives around the Vinings area who wants to get together and play some live games? I live about 5 minutes from Cumberland Mall (285/75) and have plenty of space so let me know!
I play a lot online but the lag really throws off my timing when i play live so just trying to get better (without lag). Sorry if I sound selfish for this request but I hope I can help whomever get better as well!
Oh yeah, I play SF4 and MvC mainly. Thanks in advance!

You think it’s a bad idea and that is your opinion but I personally didn’t see you post.
How is SRK known for being the main place for ANYTHING to a newcomer??
Or are you just riding the newcomer theme so you can lurk??

The Facebook group was made for multiple reasons and all of them support our “Current” and “Growing” scene.
I’ve said this numerous times, if you want to join, join, but be supportive, ask questions, post up, engage the community.
Like, I’ve scrolled back pages and pages here on SRK and you haven’t posted more then 5 times so why are you here really??

The type of conversations we have inside the Facebook group we cannot have here but you wouldn’t know that anyways because you do not post or show activity, that’s why you were deleted out, the Facebook group offers a 250 person slot, which is more then enough people, why are we always lingering near 242 members when only 65 people are actually responsive, active inside our total community and there own smaller communities, active means a lot of things, local gatherings in there local city,county etc.
We all understand everyone has lives and things can throw a monkey wrench in your plans so activity could be slowed BUT we as the mods have deleted people with 3 months or more non-activity and we ONLY delete people when the 250 max is about to be reached because once the max is reached certain features we all like and love are taken away due to the massive quantity of non-active members.

If you aren’t a people’s person, you not interested in engaging in conversations, asking questions about you respective games, getting to know your community etc, then SRK is the place for you, tons of members join, watch the thread, post 2 a year, the Facebook group wouldn’t and isn’t your cup of tea and that goes for any and everybody reading this, The facebook is more active then the SRK Thread for reasons I sometimes cannot type here and you would only know/understand if you care enough to be more then just “Someone who watches a video or two on SRK and think that top player names are the end all be all of the fighting game scene”

I’ve posted multiple times On the Facebook page and engaged in the chat for multiple hours on more than one ocassion. I had a period of no activity due to work related issues and I was kicked. I had the exact experience that Shinblanka referenced. As for this thread, It’s for regional matchmaking and each time I post, it’s to look for people in my area periodically. Check my posts in other threads and u will see that I ask questions a lot and provide info when and where I can. I’ve also purchased items from members in the trading section.I’m far from a lurker.As for SRK being the main place for info, that’s what’s advertised on streams constantly. They say “Go to The main source of info in the FGC.” So that’s what I do.

The Facebook Group has nothing to do with SRK so your activity here doesn’t equate to your activity there and we are in no way telling you you have to decide between the 2 but I’ve given good reason why we have the facebook group.

You say you’ve posted numerous times but I scrolled back and counted 5 posts… this thread has been “Dead” for over 6 months.
In regards to you’re “Inactivity” people who get booted always say they were active, Wizzlecroft, Myself and other Mods do not want to actually delete anyone, in the past I was the only person to do so and I went threw extreme measures to keep people, to the point of posting all these people’s names in one post, so it would tag them on there notification block and force them to answer but they didn’t so after 6 weeks I deleted them.

As far as what “They” say in streams… since when do “They” represent Ga’s scene??
I’ve never heard FunkyP’s stream continuously direct people to SRK in order to be apart of the “Ga” gaming scene, we are only speaking for “Ga’s” gaming scene, not for individuals trying to latch onto what they saw top names do on a stream and be like/get like them. You want to be apart of the Fighting Game Community… By all means but in order to do so you have to start somewhere right…and often it’s in your local area so if you are following what iplaywinner streams and spooky streams are saying you will fail because they are not promoting us or doing anything directly reflecting us, which brings me back to my original post… “If you want to be apart of Ga’s Fighting Game Scene, do what is needed in order to do so,not complain about how we have things setup to better suit our community of gamers”

I guess I should move to Florida. I’m not trying to join the illuminati. I just wanna play some videogames.

This thread really does need to be rewoken… I love the facebook group, but sometimes there’s too much drama. This thread is very civil in comparison lol, but I think this is better suited for new people/the people that don’t post too often than the facebook group.

But anyway, back to regional matchmaking, PrinceMurphy, your best bet for matches is probably Macon, as I know quite a few people there who play AE, UMVC3, SFXT, and SCV. I’m actually part of their clan we’ve made, but I don’t know how big Albany is and how many people you know there that play fighters.