"Game of Death" Iron Fist Combo Thread

you are both probably doing the 5h or the power up too late, if they slump down really far in their crumple animation the 6h after 2h will whiff.

I’m talking about the 2H, 6H at the end of the combo just before the second super. If your talking about that too then I always hit them as early as possible after the crumple.

Got a wall-to-wall combo that involves his Level 3 Hyper:

:dp:+:l:(Power Chi), st:m:, st:h:, :f:+:h:, :qcf:+:l:, :qcb:+:l:, :qcf:+:m:, :dp:+:l:(Power Chi), st:m:, st:h:, :f:+:h:, :qcf:+:l:, :qcb:+:h:, :qcb:+:s:(Wall Bounce), :b::b:, :qcb:+:h:, :qcb:+:m:xx:dp:+:l:(Power Chi)xx:qcb:+:atk::atk:

1,051,100 damage!


What’s with all these 6H and 2H about.

We are talking about the combo justin posted. I can’t get the cr.H, F+H to connect just before the second super.

Ah, I have a video of the whole combo, I just missed the last Hyper. [S]Would it be fine to upload and show?[/S]

Edit; I just uploaded it anyway.


Yeah, that’s fine.
edit: I found my problem. I usually replace the second qcf+M with qcf+H.

err what the heck am i doing wrong then :frowning:
although you do everything a lot faster then i do it, that may be it but i don’t see why that would effect hsd

It’s alright, Those last 2-3 inputs are also the toughest for me.

For being a pad player, I am actually terrible at DP motions. So at the time I was trying to be as fast as I can.(I kept getting Chi Power Ups a lot when I messed up the QCF motions & vice versa.) I really don’t know how to muscle memory learn it.

Putting it simply, speed doesn’t matter on the main part, it has no effect on HSD. Just work on timing cr.H-f.H after the QCF+AtkAtk super in the corner for practice.

yeah that’s the weird thing i can do it if i just do a raw hyper and go for the 2h, 6h but not with the combo i must be doing something extra and have not figured out what it is yet.

Corner combo i have found.
St.M - St.H - F.H - QCFL - QCFM - DPL(Power Chi) - St.H - Cr.H - QCBL - QCBH - QCBS - Dash under - B.H - QCBL - QCBH - QCFH - QCBM(OTG) - QCFH - DPMH(Dragon Breathe Hyper)
700k+ Combo

This combo can be done mid-screen, depending if you wavedash in. However in the corner its only somewhat annoying to dash under and catch the 4H so it can be tricky.
Also you cannot get a 2 hypers in this combo as of the wallbounce has been already used in the 214S.

I like it Anytime you get to use that dragon kick rekka I’m all for it haha.

Got another combo. I performed this one on Chris. The reason I said this is because in order for it to work the opponent has to be in a standing position. Size may come into factor, however it should work on most of the cast. It can be done anywhere on the screen and only involves 2 meters as usual:

:dp:+:l:(Power Chi); st:m:, st:h:, :f:+:h:xx :uf: (Jump Cancel), j:h:, j:s: (Land), st:m:, st:h:, :f:+:h:, :qcb:+:l:, :qcf:+:l:, :qcf:+:m:, :dp:+:l: (Power Chi), :s: (Pursue), j:m:, j:m:, j:h:, j:s: (Land) :qcb:+:m: (OTG), :qcf:+:l:, :qcf:+:m:xx:qcf:+:atk::atk: (Wall Bounce)mash, :f:+:h:, :qcf:+:l:xx:dp:+:l: (Power Chi)xx:dp:+:atk::atk:mash

For a whooping 1,051,100 damage!

You are going to slightly delay your j:h:, j:s: to be able to connect them and land with just enough hitstun and recovery to connect the st:m:. Also, depending on where you are on the screen you may have to dash-in to connect his OTG.

I just signed up to the forums :P.(too much lurking/too lazy to sign up : /)
this is what i came up with:

:dp:+:l:(Red Chi);:m:,:h:, :f:+:h:, :qcb:+:l:, :qcf:+:l:, :qcf:+:m:, :dp:+:l:(Red Chi*)*, :s:(Soopah Jump),:m:,:m:,:h:,:s: (Land) :qcb:+:m: (OTG), :qcf:+:h:, :qcf:+:m:xx:qcf:+:atk::atk:(Mash),(Wallbounce),:d:+:h:, :f:+:h:xx :dp:+:atk::atk:(mash)
960k-ish or so, gotta recheck.

its a little uhh unrefined i guess you could say but im still working on improving it a lot more!

Yo so I came up with a 850k 1 bar combo with IF that also builds two bars I was wondering if anyone has anything better?

I haven’t seen a combo that builds two bars, the most I have gotten was 1 3/4 of a bar. plz share it.

Using the green chi? If so I think I can build two meters as well, if not I have no idea of how you did it :shy:

You know I was wondering what each chi did. I’m still not sure what blue does. Does it speed up his attacks or something?

The blue one will reduce chip damage and regular damage by 20% I think

Thanks. Now that I think about it I think Red Chi does more then just power up. I think it does more hitstun as well. Some of the combos I do sometimes don’t work unless I have Red Chi. I also had a feeling Green Chi built meter, but wasn’t to sure. Thanks for clarifying that for me.