"Game of Death" Iron Fist Combo Thread

It’s worth notice that you probably won’t want to use the green chi unless you have Phoenix or your whole strategy is about getting Strider with 5 bars and lvl 3 x-factor. If you use the green chi the whole combo and end with a level 3, it will do LESS damage than if you go with the red chi the whole combo and finish with Fists of Fury into Spirit of the Dragon.

At the end of the combo when you do :f:+:h:, you should cancel into Red Chi then immediately cancel into Spirit of the Dragon. You will get more damage that way. Your Red Chi should have ran out by the second Hyper.

im using a ps2 controller on my xbox so doing the red chi input will take practice.
i wish there was a 360 hitbox available, id totaly buy that lol

Funny thing I play on PS3 pad too. It takes practice but it will pay off in the end.

In the corner I like to end my combo with :qcf: :h: :qcf: :m: instead of :qcf: :l: :qcf: :h: most of the time. Also, it seems that instead of using :qcf: :l: :qcb: :l: :qcf: :m: in the combo, it’s better to just do :qcf: :l: :qcf: :m: :dp: :l: and then go into the rest, for some reason it actually does more damage, even if it’s only one hit less.

Also, if you have trouble wavedashing in after a magic series mid screen, you can kara cancel st. H with :qcb: :m: for the overhead, works and is somewhat easier.

That’s actually a pretty good tip, haven’t even crossed my mind to use the kara rekka like that

As for the crumple, I also use two rekkas because it’ll leave me more time to wavedash after the crumple so I can get them to the corner even if I start the combo cornered myself. I only use 2 rekkas per chain and my BNBs with 2 hypers in the end does a little more than 1 million damage.

:m:,:h:, :f:+:h:, :qcb:+:l:, :qcf:+:l:, :qcf:+:m:, :dp:+:l:(Red Chi*)*, :l:(Red Chi) into :s: or c.:h: works. Though the timing is strict it works everywhere on the screen. You can Powerup twice during crumple!

edit: nvm. thought he would do more dmg… wtf… wasnt that the case when the game wasnt released? (

I use Spencer assist to do the following combo on standing opponents:

any hitconfirm into :qcf::m:, Red Chi, :s:, j. :m::m::h::s:, land, dash + Spencer assist, :qcb::m: OTG, :qcf::m: (delayed for the crumple), Red Chi, :s:, j. :m::m::h::s:, :qcb::m: OTG

Depending on the meter I either go into his :qcf::h: rekka into Fists of Fury into Spirit of the Dragon. Or if I have the meter I use the wallbounce after the otg to do his level 3.

I haven’t figured out a reliable way to do something on jumping opponents/after a sweep yet. If I’m close enough to the corner I can go into his :qcf::h: rekka and OTG, Spencer assist, :qcf::m:. But mid screen I haven’t got a very reliable one yet.

I find instead of doing the usual “blabla” :qcb: :m:, :qcb:/:qcf: :l:, :qcf::m: to hyper or whatever variation, if you are just going for one hyper, it’s actually more damage to do :qcb: :m:, :qcb: :h:, :qcb: :s: :rdp: :atk::atk: to do the hyper though you got to leave it till the last second and do it reverse (as notated) due to the wall bounce. With :m:, :h:, :f:+:h:, P-chi, P-chi, :s:, j:m:, j:m:, j:h:, :qcb: :m:, :qcb: :h:, :qcb: :s:, :rdp: :atk::atk: that does 792, 900. I know people are doing JC combos for more etc. but I’ve not quite got the hang of them yet so for now I’m sticking with this.

Sure its

st.L, st.M, st.H, F+H into QCF L into QCF M into Strength Chi (red), cr.H, F+H, jump cancel, j.H, j.S, st.H cr.H into QCB L into QCB H into QCF H call spencer slant shot QCB M slant hits and pulls them in QCF M into Meter chi (green) cr.H into QCB L into QCF H into QCF S they wall bounce and land then QCB M into QCF H into FOF super. If you want to do SoD super just omit the QCF H after the OTG QCB M. Builds about 2.2 meters and finishing with FOF does 835ish while SoD finisher does about 850ish (I suck at mashing lol) My bad for the notation being ass I suck at that too.

ha that’s how i play too :slight_smile:

you suck at mashing but not notations :wink:

Nice, thx man.

If you used a multi-hitting assist to get in and the damage is meh after launch and/or you know your combo won’t kill, you can go for this reset (need to be kinda close to corner but BnB + dragon kick will prolly do the trick)

S, air combo, land, QCB M, QCB L, QCB S (wallbounce, you end up in corner), s.L, assist, wavedash twice.

You’ll escape the corner and while opponent tries to block assist coming from the corner holding that direction, you already switched sides. Combined with like golden Hsien Ko assist, it’s very cheap, especially against characters without much air mobility, but also works with double jumpers.

Be sure to wait until s.L finishes before trying to wavedash, as you can’t cancel s.L into dash.

Let’s say I used Shopping Cart to start the combo, can I call the shopping cart again right after the s. L reset? Because my other assist is an anti air and wouldn’t be really good for that, but the idea is pretty cool.

Yep, that’s possible.

Nice, I’ll give it a try, but he hits so hard that you can even kill Akuma or Strider starting your combo from a Shopping Cart assist lol

Can you do the same reset after Fists of Fury just so you can get a little more damage just in case the opponent escapes the reset?

The only sad part is that the more we find out about Fist, the less I think Wesker has a place in that team, I love Wesker so much :frowning:

Wesker? You have bad taste! I don’t know, can he teleport fullscreen and do OTG combo’s after IF’s dragon kick assist? Other than that, they don’t seem to have much synergy, no.

FoF works too, but I prefer to save meter to kill, especially when FoF doesn’t do very much after the hitscaling.

Maybe bit off-topic, but if you do the same (near corner) OTG QCB M, QCB L, QCB S (switches side) Snapback, you’ll probably get the classiest snapback in game :smiley: Bicycle kick right in the face, and it’s practical too.

So after landing one of IF bnb’s most ppl online decide to hold up for the rest of the matches…
I went in the lab, and so far i have 2 combo’s to deal with this.
(against mid air opponent) J.M(x2) air S, J.H, air S, land L, B+H, super.
(against mid air opponent) J.M(x2) air S,J.M(x2) air S, land M, H, B+H,QCF L, QCF H, If close to corner then dash up QCB M, QCF H, QCF M, super.
u need to delay the J.M and S so u can land and repeat it
I Hope this helps…

These combos are sick guys, keep it up!

What’s the most damaging option from an air-throw? I found a lot of air-throw setups with Dr. Strange assist, but the biggest thing i got was
QCB M, QCB H, QCB S into QCF M, Super.

After an air throw I call Shopping Cart, QCB M, QCF H, Power up Chi and then if I have two meters QCB M, QCB L, QCF H Fists of Fury, Spirit of the Dragon, or if I have one or only want to spend one QCB M, QCF H, QCF S Spirit of the Dragon.