^ no. just do qcf l qcf h or something and then go for a mixup/roll reset with another qcb m if youre close enough to the corner
something ive been doing recently for pressure/combos is starting my pressure string with M, fH instead of the usual M, H. with M, fH, if you confirm a combo, on tall characters you can do early jumpcancel H, falling S and then land and do whatever into crumple etc. If they block the fH, you get jump cancel into pressure. if they push block the fH, youre still jumping in at them.
basically, if youre playing against anyone good, they will pushblock you at your second hit in a normal blockstring (M, H, etc). therefore if you put fH first, you can get around this
I’ve been doing F+H on block and I really feel we can be easiy air thrown. No one ever does it though so imma keep running it until it fails. My current string to blow up pushblock is jab wait st.M.
I’m doing around 400k (no meter) starting with qcb:m. ill post it when i get outta class
Edit: (Facing right) :qcb::M, :qcb::L, :qcb::S, St:H, :f:+H, Air:H, Air:S, land St:M, +H,:qcf::L, :qcf::H, red chi cancel, :qcb::M (490,100)
U need to be remotely near the corner for this to work…after qcb:S wait a sec for ur opp to fall then catch them with St:h iron fist faces the wrong way but just ignore it and continue the combo. I’m landing this in matches, and even when i drop the combo it sets up a “ghetto reset” so i think its pretty good.
What are people using for anti-air combos right now? I’m realizing more and more that I have a lot of difficulty confirming off of an anti-air towardC. I tend to try to do anti-air toward C, jump cancel C, S, then try to go for the second half of his BnB after the jump loop, but I’ve never manged to make it work. Generally after the jump series they’re still too high for any other normals to connect.
Almost 2 and a half when using green after the crumple. There’s also several resets you can weave inbetween this combo that will allow you to kill 1.2 mil characters if it connects. You can also go for a snap at the very end of the combo which will which will leave you with 2 bars (If you started with 1) to deal with the next character.
That is a really nice combo. quick question, I’m having trouble after I land after j.H-> j.S (land) s.M-> s.H.-> back H-> light QCB. I can never connect the light QCB after the back H. Got any tips?
It may depend on the spacing. You shouldn’t be doing QCB L after +:h:, unless it’s a long combo where hitstun has been ramped up. Ideally you want to do QCB H because it does the most damage while letting you cancel into another rekka before knocking them down.
What character are you trying this on? I’ve noticed there’s a few characters who can’t be hit with QCB L after a +:h: if they’re airborne.
I was trying on wolverine but I understand what I can do now thanks to you. I can do +:h: xx QCB H xx QCF H xx red chi. then I do the crescent kick and stuff to finish off the combo. that would only work in the corner though so I would have to wave dash after the crumple. would that work?
The whole combo takes you from corner to corner so you don’t need to wavedash. In the vid I posted earlier, at 26 seconds you can see it work from the corner.
Just remembered something I do when comboing with Iron Fist lol.
I was having trouble with getting the pink party volcano instead of fists of fury at the end of combos, and I found the easiest remedy for this was to literally spin the stick in almost a 360 motion. If you go :f::db::qcf: you eliminate any chance of getting volcanic roar. Just a little tid-bit I thought I’d share for anyone who had similar annoyances.
So um yeah? Best solo corner to corner carry combo? My sub team with spencer and iron fist is just amazing but solo 750 - 800k is nothing to laugh at. For corner I’m doing the jwong combo that starts with , :h: , cr.:h:,fd.:h: instead of the regular starter. It’s a lot easier to land in real matches and the damage isn’t that much worse.
I pretty much do that same BnB all the time. On block you’re always throwing in a low move which later opens them up for an overhead rekka through conditioning, and it also gives you a jump cancel on block which allows further pressure. I say that because I usually don’t have assists to back him up lol.
Sank ju. Very nice IF pic I thought I took the cake for most ballin picture. I feel so bad because I was gonna drop IF but that mask less outfit is so boss. How are all you IF players liking it? In the win scenes he looks sorta cross eyed and it’s so goddamn funny.