That is an excuse to overlook a major flaw because you want MK9 to be good.
The only thing I don’t like about MK so far is that you can basically is the combo latency thing. SRK described it best:
"The window for performing Kombo Attacks is pretty lenient when it comes to timing. In fact, there is almost no pernalty for doing Kombo Attacks too quickly. For example, Scorpion has a Kombo Attack of Forward + Back Punch into Front Punch into Back Kick. You can literally hold Forward on the controller and press all three buttons in the sequence before the first attack even connects, and the entire chain combo will execute. "
For some reason this is a problem for me cause I tend to mess up my combos even if I time them correctly. I feel like I have to put them in early or they don’t come out.
Other than that I really like this game. I’m not sure who I’ll be playing at the next tournament, but so far I like Kung Lao, Jax, Sonya, Kitana, and Nightwolf.
The hell are you talking about? I’m saying that Cyber Sub-Zero has many problems, and his inability to immediately throw after a dash is one of them. I’m not excusing fuck all. I’ve never had a problem with liking bad games before(WET, Evil Zone, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, et cetera).
I’m not gonna argue back and forth about it, but I will simply point out what your response was. When Kent posted that the input buffer was a major flaw, and his example was that it made a character unplayable, your response was that the character was bad anyway. Whether you meant it as that, that is what your statement implied. So far as liking bad games, well, if that’s your thing…lol.
Also, Kent, GGs in Dissidia, it was a lot of fun. We need to play fully leveled guys next time, though. Some characters are just awful without having access to every attack. I also don’t like the lag in Dissidia multiplayer. IMO, it makes it hard to dodge and punish.
Oh. Well, I didn’t mean to imply that. What he said was “Cyber Sub-Zero is unplayable because of the input buffering”, and I elaborated on that statement alone by saying “he’s unplayable for many reasons, that being one of them”. What I meant to say was that fixing the command for the bomb or even outright fixing the input buffering(which, again, I’m all for that) wouldn’t improve the character enough to make much of a difference. In general, I think Cyber Sub-Zero needs to be buffed in a few departments, he’s just really slow on the draw and does less damage than Quan Chi.
@ anyone who has the ah3 arcade rip
how do you set up the controls for your stick?
You need to use Xpadder or Joy2Key to map the controls. Player one side controls are arrows for the stick, Z, X, C, A, and D are A, B, C, homing and E respectively. For player two, 2,4,6,8 on the numberpad is the stick, and , . / k ; are A, B, C, homing and E.
Also, 1 is player 1’s start button, and 0 is player 2’s start button. You can also go into the system bios with F11 or 12 to turn the game on freeplay so you don’t have to worry about coins.
Just want to say whether or not Cyber Sub is good or bad doesn’t matter. Even if he’s terrible, the mechanics of the game don’t allow you to play the character to his full potential. What good is having 2 dashes but be unable to come out of them with certain normals or throws due to the buffer system? Even if his mix-ups suck it’s not justified that the game doesn’t allow you to make use of them.
I understand that, and I agree with you. I was just making an offshot comment that, in retrospect, I really didn’t have any reason to make. I guess I was bored. Sorry about that.
Shit just got real
That’s pretty funny.
You’re cool, I didn’t take offense just arguing my point.
Whhhaaaa! I don’t like games that aren’t like street fighter or marvel! whhaaa! I don’t ever want games to try new things! whhhaaa! MK is stupid cause I can’t spam cr. jab to hit confirm! Whhhaaa! Thats why its not for EXPERT PLAYERS like meee! :razzy:
and this is real funny.
You sir are missing the point.
Right, except Marty wasn’t saying anything like that. If you knew anything about him, you’d know that he pretty much plays everything. I’ve played him in Virtua Fighter, NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, The King of Fighters something or other, and Melee at different points in time.
Can someone PM me some info on the AH3 arcade rip? Have a friend who really wants to try it out.
just trolling the thread fellas, no need to get excited
also go braves
Random thought:
Fighting games need to start letting you set where you and the training dummy start at in training mode. I hate having to push the dummy around to do spacing specific combos.
I was thinking the same thing today, while practicing some corner combos. I’d also like for PSN to come back up some time soon D:
I guess all my training paid off huh?
we won that mvc3 tourney yerm and I