Ga Thread: Step your game up!

AH3 was WAY too much fun last night. I haven’t been able to play the game in a long time, so it felt great being able to do so.

Ben, I think the only way I can deal with Akane consistently with Mei-Fang is with a different Arcana. Her normals beat Mei-Fang’s in most situations, making it so I can’t just play normally and rush in, so Fire is not a viable option IMO. I’ll have to experiment around to find out which, but I think I have a couple of ideas…

man, watching that stream last night makes me want ah3 soo bad!

If I don’t have a ps3 what are my options? (i have a ps2 though)

ggs to everybody on AH3 last night. Thanks for stickin’ with me and giving advice (vince and that akane player, sorry i never got your name), that game is intimidating :razzy:.
Ben- yeah, that was me (go braves;P) but i’ll be back and hopefully with more to bring to the game.
also is there an easier way to get into that building besides piggybacking off somebody who goes to tech? haha

Your options are “buy a PS3” or “don’t play Arcana Heart 3”.

Well I had never played ah before AH3, you could buy/burn the ps2 copy to play around with some of the characters but people said it was a god awful port. I gave it a shot but played it on a ps2 emulator on my computer and it ran fine. It didn’t really help because I had no idea what was going on. I’d say just chip in with a friend to get it on psn now that it’s only $30 and have some grind sessions. :frowning: xbox no love
EDIT: LOL Chnchilla I forgot for some reason, PMed with a treat.
drew: get paul’s number and we normally just send someone out real quick to let people in. I would say get mine but after next friday … I don’t nkow what’s going on ;p

oh yeah, marty: yea that’s like I said with the guy picking flower to avoid counterhits after we played some. time meifang is good though ;p once you can practice those links and make every hit turn into her big damage, it’ll be gooooood.

Good games at tech last night everyone. I didn’t really get to meet any MK players as I got on it rather late, but if I played you good games. Also good games to Marty in that Dissidia it was fun.

Savannah, GA Bi-Weekly Brawls on Stream is online now!

Here’s a tip for all you GA MK players: How to Find All Krypt Secret Treasure Chests in Mortal Kombat

about to lose to wolfkrone: - The Global Broadband Speed Test

Ugh. I literally gave him that last set 3 times.

And the finals was latif against Wolf. The best part was watching them not block their own burn kick setups. :slight_smile:

Ha! Just realized I linked to speedtest. Stay free DBJ.

Amazing. Now MK is now in my household. Here comes hours of non-stop stupidity.

2 player MK online tag is pretty fun. Plus the lobby chat system in MK makes for some funny moments after you wreck ppl :razzy:

GA MK players, check out this thread on TYM The Official Georgia Thread

I just figured out two super easy ways to confirm into EFC>Sound Super with Eko.

2A>2B>[4]6A(all 3 hits)>EFC>2C>Tone Super
2C (at least 4 hits)>EFC>5C>623E>j.A>J.E>Tone Super

The first way nets around 9.5k, and the second gets 8.5 to 9k, and they’re both retardedly easy. You can also substitute the Tone Super for a 623E if you don’t have meter. You lose like 1k-1.5k damage if you do.

Also, a neat little combo off of instant j.B

j.B>j.C>6Homing Cancel>j.E>land>5C>C Jack-in-the-box>Disneyland
Does like 9k or so. Just trying to hammer out the kinks in the timing. You can also just omit the jack-in-the-box special entirely to make it a lot easier on yourself. Does 9.7k on Time WeiB. Gross, just like me.

Nothing is as gross as you are Andrew. But those setups sound nice. Not that I’d want to, but I expect to get hit by those next time we play. That, and 12 super disneylands.

And just saying, mk is not fun to me. Roomates got it, I played it, watched it, didn’t appeal to me at all. The story mode its pretty well done though. Has a couple of neat things that add an effect that makes it seem like more than a game.

Viper online is so uuughhh. You should have counterpicked with DJ and spam upkicks. Works everytime

I started playing Sonya and Kung Lao. So far, that game controls like complete garbage, as if my character has to wade through waist high mud in order to do moves. although, mud covered Sonya wouldn’t be bad… it’d be like mud wrestling mode in Rumble Roses, which was amazing.

I will never understand why people say MK9 has bad controls. The only sucky thing to me is the huge negative edge window forcing the wrong specials to come out if they have the same directionals, but you can get around it by holding down the button. Doesn’t feel sluggish at all.

I really like the block button too. It’s weird at first but it has a lot of benefits.

That is a major flaw, it makes Cyber Sub pretty much unplayable.

That character has a shitload of problems anyway. Even if they did change the command of his bomb(which, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for), he’d still be pretty awful just from being extremely slow and weak.

it’s REALLY not hard to see. Look at MK9 comparatively to its competition right now. If you are unclear as to what its competition is atm, it would be any other 2D fighter that has come out somewhat recently. MK9’s controls are worse and more sluggish than any of those games. BlazBlue, as much as I don’t like the game, has very fluid controls, especially compared to MK9. The characters are sluggish, especially with the little hop that they do before starting to walk. The characters can’t just walk or run like SF or BB. Also, there are attacks in the air that will freeze the animation very jerkily in the air after connecting, and the jumping speed is stupidly fast in contrast to the walking speed of the game, making look even less fluid.

I understand people’s tastes differing, but I don’t understand denial. To say that MK9 controls are as fluidly as its competition and not clunky is what that is. And, simply holding down the button to alleviate the ridiculously large input buffer does not make it all right for it to be in the game. It is still poor design. Another thing people need to know is, again, just because something is better than something bad does NOT make it good. I think this game is leagues better than any other MK game that has come out. I mean, I honestly do. That still does not make it a GOOD game, but it DOES make it better than any other MK game, which really is not saying that much in terms of base design. I don’t like the block button thing, but that is simply preference, and I don’t feel that it makes the game worse than its competition in any way, I simply prefer to be able to block by pressing away from the opponent.

But, as I said, I am going to give the game a legitimate chance. I have never liked MK games, but I am able to look at things from a neutral position, and I will gladly admit I’m wrong if this game ends up being better than I think it is now. But, these flaws are just SUPER apparent right out of the box. But, regardless of everything said and every point made, you and anyone else will play it and continue to call it good or well-made, completely ignoring any apparent flaws it has. So, Eddie, Cardell, Rashid, and Jason. If you all could do me a favor and copy this stuff and post about it so that they won’t be ignored or forgotten, I would greatly appreciate it.