Ga Thread: Step your game up!

Yeah, I figured as much. This’ll be my first gathering in a long time. Hopefully we can keep it up on a weekly basis.

Yeah for sure, I would love to keep it up every week.

medium bomb setup, good stuff. Also when you say command throw you mean back FP-BP-FP-BP (cyber breakdown) or AA throw?


also i am going to try to make it to tech tonight (might run a bit late) so i can play some real humans in AH3.
right now i’m trying to learn nazuna/ plant and/or fiona/love. it looks like nazuna is proving better though… we’ll see.

Plant nazuna is similar to plant akane, you get rid of the difficulty in combos and you gain high damage from pretty much any touch but you sacrifice oki.

So i was looking at Petra combos and they’re like pretty damn hard to, then i realize A,B,C, Super does like 8K when most characters have to spend the same amount of meter to do less damage.

i think that would be an ok trade off given that nazuna feel like a keep away and wouldn’t benifit from the extra pressure, but i’ve only been play for half a day now so we’ll see haha. this game is like pokemon with all the arcanas

Watch vinc play time nazuna so you can see some of the stuff you have to do for damage w/o plant and the reward you get.

paul: abc isn’t a common string with petra but yea, it does good damage. you can’t midrange c-super and have it combo which is kinda weak. she has some awesome stuff in fenrir though.

in nearly 3 decades of gaming, nothing has made me happier than the ending of portal2.
5/5 :pleased:

^This right here

Make sure all ya’ll I haven’t met (Yuna, JDash, Ate Bit, Drew511) come say hey to me tonight. I love meeting new people.

Yo Marty if you’re coming tonight, I’m bringing my PSP we can get on that Dissdia012 action.

For you guys I don’t know, I’ll be the white guy wearing colored bands on my wrists playing Guile/Dante,?,?/Nightwolf/Petra,Saki

Don’t be stealing my colored bands. I have a lockdown on wearing colored bands.

I am here now, someone get here.

I would be there already but, some of our regulars fail at keeping track of time so o gotta wait on them for their setups.

So I’m in another online tournament. Da Knut on atm: gamersvid on

That’s what you do DB… You rape Dhalsim’s and ish??

I’m going to assume you didn’t see what happened at final round lol.

Yo, good shit to everybody who played me at GA Tech tonight. I get mad salty when I play fighters, I need to work on that shit.

Cyber breakdown. AA throw sucks dicks.

GG’s to that strong reptile player at the gathering tonight, I learned a lot about how to handle that match-up. and GG’s to everyone I screwed around on the game with at the end :rofl:

Yep ggs to everyone there. If anyone there still has questions about AH3 or didn’t have your questions answered, feel free to post it up and either karapalm or myself will do what we can to make sure you get that info.

ggs. If you are interested in the game try it out. It’s fun. A little bummed no 3s but it was great to see everyone again especially marty, jason, joel, juan, joe and kent. It’s been awhile guys.
Drew - sorry I didn’t specifically say Hi, I had a lingering idea that you might’ve been the guy in the baseball cap and I think you were standing behind me for awhile ! I was talking to Joel when you were playing some but Vinc told me he did try to teach you the nazuna basics so that’s what’s important :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t want to see the game completely die when I leave the scene for a little while so keep it up guys. Yeah, the visual theme is hard to get around but it’s a fun game with where all characters have answers to situations and the creativity in a fighting game that you can use is pretty rewarding.