Just did some research looks like it’s going to be $30 looks like I’m picking up a PSN card and getting Shuma/Jill as well.
Okay, Latif and I are finally up.
Playing Ike and I on PSN. No choice!
Carrollton crew: Are there any events/tournaments coming up in your area anytime soon? I’m finding myself in the area more and more often.
Nooooo don’t do it. Trade that shit before u get addicted. Save yourself from that Assy ass game
No, that’s a straight nerf because…
-No one’s gonna jump in on Ryu anyway cause that’s dumb.
-If someone does decide to jump on the regular c.mk you can still dp them if you have decent reactions.
-That nerf defeats the true purpose of the move, which is to stick it out and buffer fireballs. The fact that it had such a long active hit box made it easier for people to walk into it and was the main basis of his poking game. Faster recovery won’t really help him much.
I’d MUCH rather have the old c.mk back than trade xx ultra anyday.
Carelessly buffering a fireball during c.mk isn’t recommended personally because if the person has played the match up enough they can (if using a shoto type character) go through the fireball with ultra or dp on block. On hit though, it’s obviously guaranteed damage.
I’d like trade ultra because this game loves BS. Footsie wise, it’s a tad lame but it isn’t a huge loss/buff.
The point isn’t to stick it out so they block it, it’s to stick it out when they are just outside it’s range. If it whiffs the fireball won’t come out and they will have to attempt a counter poke(which will more than likely whiff because his c.mk range is just that good). If they walk into it, then the fireball that comes out will hit them. A person won’t be at a range to block it unless your spacing is bad.
I guess far s.mp will have to play a small part since it can be canceled into fireball in AE. Currently, far s.mp has 4 active frames, and assuming they haven’t decreased it’s frames also, Ryu players might find a use in it. Though I would assume it can be punished much easier.
I stand corrected with c.mk, I guess most Ryu’s I play just miss time their normals or don’t do it at all.
From my experience you are misguided about c.mk. Buffer fireball is a huge risk against a ton of characters simply due to the fact that unless they just walk straight past your c.mk range, or they just fear you and let you walk in to range, you risk the chance of getting downbacked or baited out, and a lot of characters can just react with fadc in between the c.mk and the fireball from max distance, or in the case of shotos, uppercut(Oddly Rog can TAP between it). Lesser Ryu’s buffer the fireball, good Ryu’s know to hitconfirm it. Watch Daigo. You will see a ton of hit confirmed c.mk xx hados. The only thing I am worried about is how much harder the HC will be, but I haven’t played AE yet. At any rate, a quicker move means less time to whiff punish it.
And as far as jumping, well, at the moment it is still a good bait and punish move, but tends to trade on early jumps, being faster means that Ryu will have that much more time to get a clean dp. And you’d be surprised how many times Daigo, Air, Sanford uppercut TOP players that jump at Ryu.
c.mk is an amazing move that won’t be any less amazing in AE for Ryu players that are willing to use it positively. If those 2 frames were added to the recovery, I’d be inclined to agree. Unfortunately for everyone it was not. The use of the move will be changed slightly, but it is not a complete nerf like you think.
Oh, and trade ultra, man, I will still gladly take 2 less frames over two meter to get half damage.
Video evidence.
I’ve never heard of Jorge, but he shows off how to use the faster c.mk while still using it very similarly to the Super version. Mike pulls out the win, but it doesn’t really have anything to do with a nerfed c.mk
Why are you walking towards them anyway? Of course if you walk towards them obviously and stick it out your fireball will be focused(moving forward slightly is ok). Empty buffers work when they are coming towards you and trying to step in your space, plus its safe to do for the reasons i said above. You can still hit confirm your c.mk’s of course, but like i said all of that is harder to do because of the active frame decrease.
It may not be a BIG nerf, but its still a important nerf and IMO i’d still rather have the old c.mk that can help determine/influence matchups than trade xx ultra which is situational.
Chris, do you or Ike have a ps2 stick?
My roommate has accent core so if you guys wanted to mess around with it tommorow that could be kinda fun.
It’s not something that I personally do. I mostly use the move defensively, but I feel that I should be trying to use it offensively, but I just can’t bring myself to do it outside of casuals.
I do agree that the move is not the same as it was in Super and that it will be harder to use, but it is not the “Oh shit! Abandon the SS.Ryu ship!” that a lot of players are making it out to be. Not that you yourself said that, it’s just a conversation I have had a decent amount lately. As far as the ultra vs super c.mk issue, well, it’s like we’ve both been saying; Preference. Different play styles lend themselves better to different tools. I am personally looking forward to trade ultra since I feel that I am consistent in calling wakeup srks at the right time., that and the fear of the possibility will (hopefully) allow me a few more free wakeups.
I’ve heard from a few people that you play Ryu in casuals, so I can definitely respect your take on the issue. I’d really love to get in to an in depth conversation about Ryu in general at revival, or whenever the next time we meet up in person.
I do have a PS2 stick. Is accent core Guilty Gear?
I’d like trade ultra in my arsenal. Someone like Ryu can be rather frustrating to most on the ground which in turn usually baits jumping. Trading on purpose with dp is lame, but I’d take doing a ton of damage off of trade and saving two ex bars.
Push and punish whiffs more with fireballs and chill with the whoring of c.mk. Keep bar for ex fireball incase they want to focus dash through them or reflect (stupid Rose:sweat:)
Yes it is guilty gear
I’ll bring it. we’ll see what happens, I’ve never played that game before. I want to get some solid Abel and Ken in. I know Ike will hit you up in Marvel as well.
sounds good. I’m done with class really early and I’ll be back at my place around 3 so you can come as early as you like
How about Capcom makes it so you can’t ultra if you trade? Yeah, lets do that.
NAW. I’m tired of an infant baby doing more damage then Sagat:lol:
I’ll definitely try and make it happen early. I’m down for a long session.