Ga Thread: Step your game up!

You’ll have to wait SF4.4 then cause now Makoto is going to be out damaging you and she’s what? 7?

SF storyline is broken.

That would mean Sakura would lose her trade into ultra too. :slight_smile:

And the combo I use on most characters does 424 damage, and that uses no meter. And that combo does even more damage in AE. :slight_smile:

Cardell and I were talking about a meet up between East Point and Carrollton Crew. How does Georgia feel about meeting up in Newnan on some Friday or Saturday (maybe next week) and getting some casuals in?

Anyone wanna trade me your PS3 SF for my 360 SF? I have both vanilla and super. I live in Norcross.

This weeks Battle and Brew is Starcraft 2.

Ryu’s cr.MK being shortened is a huge unnecessary nerf, imo.

  1. That nerf makes him easier to play against in footsies. 2 less active frames means it is easier to counter poke or whiff punish the move in footsies. Chun will have a much easier time. Rose/Ken/Gief/Fei/Yun/Yang will eat him alive.

  2. Going under moves (Burning Kick, Rush/EX Punches for example) with cr.MK is either harder or next to impossible now. If you combine the fact that LP uppercut trades again with the fact that there is no surefire way to get out of the corner, that means Ryu is MUCH more prone to getting locked down; MUCH more. This property makes some matchups that much more difficult (Akuma, Viper come to mind)

In my opinion, the reason they made LP DP trade in AE is that Ryu had a unintended escape option in Super. If you tried to cross-up Ryu on wakeup, Ryu could simply reversal LP DP and air reset himself. Now, you would think that this doesn’t mean anything, but if you take into account that Ryu has 2 bars a good percentage of the time, it makes for a viable option of escape. A lot of the meaty setups on Ryu in Super involve making the DP WHIFF, not beating it out.

LP DP trade isn’t really a buff; if it’s anything like Super, you will HAVE to anticipate and uppercut SUPER early. Any later than that, you will eat a jump-in guaranteed.

Being able to occupy the space that cr. MK covers is a huge deal; it forms the basis for many mixups and forces opponents to deal with the next option (fireball, jump, fake, walk back, f+FP). Now that cr.MK doesn’t occupy that space as long, Ryu’s going to get outfootsied and overtaken, quickly. Fireballs do an admirable job of covering this space well (very dominant poke at or outside cr.MK range, EX version even more so), but they pose much more risk and don’t have the utility that cr.MK has. or used to have.

I guess they needed to do it; was the best poke in the game by far. But Ryu’s game is going to suffer big time.

On another note, Why didn’t they nerf Ken? His cr.MK is unchanged :annoy:

That sounds like a cool idea. I’d show up.

i’m in there


  • Far version s.MP is now special cancel-able
  • Near version s.MK’s damage increased
  • Near version s.HK now has more frame advantage. They mentioned it’s possible to link s.HK -> SRK
  • Less active frames on c.MK
  • F+HP damage decreased
  • Jump arc changed on his diagonal jump tatsu. They say it’s harder to run away with the tatsu, but also says that its cross-up will be more ambiguous when jumping in
  • Did something about EX air tatsu whiffing the last few kicks on hit

Seems to me that they knew occupying that space was going to be rough, thus they have made the options that he does have up close better. No more fighting at or outside sweep distance on a consistent basis. They know people will get in easier and have given buffs to some of his up close normals to help him. I’m not saying he’s better or anything, but you have to look at the things they buff sometimes too. Capcom usually sneaks in a way to accommodate a nerf by buffing something else.

Ryu seems to almost have the same issues as Sagat now when it comes to footsies, but not AS bad. Ryu, as with the Thai Cyclops, will have to rely more on fireball for pressure, pushing, and punish.

“This discussion is awesome, keep it coming.”

A lot of the characters you mentioned can out poke Ryu at that range already, and some of them can go straight over with a longer reaching normal. I can’t really comment on Burning Kicks, but ex PUNCH (I assume you are talking about Rog) can be beaten on reaction with c.hp xx srk or xx srk in Super. Even if for some reason those normals can no longer do that in AE, he has the ability to cancel far standing mp into srk now, so that should work if the others for some random reason do not work. Noraml Rush is slow as shit on startup, and will still get beaten out at the ranges that you can do it at in Super. Whiff punish is still probably just as easy on though.

If you were talking about Rekkas, well, the move still has a 5 frame startup, so if you guys somehow find yourselves performing your moves at the same time, you will beat it out, and if you whiff, well, 1: you didn’t know your ranges, and 2: you would get punished in Super as well as AE, just that it is a little bit harder for any character to do that this time around. Just by a pinch.

I definitely agree with the lockdown though. Zangief is worrisome in the fact that the only way you can get out of the corner in AE will be a combo ending in hk.tatsu, and you will still be close. At least he can’t get a GUARANTEED knockdown with ex.hand anymore.

As far as trade ultra not being a buff, well, it is. You still have mp.srk if you don’t want to go for it, but if you want to take the risk you can go for trade ultra for a great big chunk of life and keep your meter for safe wakeup.

I’m a little confused though on what you mean about them occupying the space that covers. The hitbox is still the same, just 2 frames less. If they are in it’s actual hitbox range, they get hit or at the very least block, and if they are not, you would get whiffed punished just like you would in Suoer as long as your opponent is on point. Could you elaborate?

Richard, if you haven’t, check out that vid I posted on Jorge a few post back. It really shows that Ryu is still Ryu in AE, we are just going to have to adjust and embrace the positives of his changes.

I’m so excited for MK9 my balls are going to explode.

I watched the story yesterday. They went all out on it and I loved it.

He said it wouldn’t control the space for as long as in Super. Meaning it will be easier to counter-poke you if you whiff it in footsies either expecting them to run into it or to scare them to not walk into it’s range.

On Fei-Long: In AE he gets cancelable c.MK so if you whiff, he now can more effectively tag your c.MK and get a Rekka chain because his poke range has been extended and the quality of your poke has been reduced. All hail the new footsie king.

If that is what he meant, then in the Jorge vid. It still counters walkins very effectively. As far as Fei Long, that is a bull shit buff, and would be just as effective in Super as it is in AE. Either way, in AE he is still going to have to be on point since the move is a tad bit quicker on the recovery side of things.

Seriously though, if anyone doubts Ryu in AE, check out that vid. is still absolutely amazing.

MK9: I just finished the story on youtube. Here is a song that sums it up:

Latif and I are in winners’ finals atm. lucianheat on

And now we’re waiting in grand finals.

c.MK will always be great, in AE it will be slightly weaker than in Super. Can you agree with that statement?

We’ll have to see when I get my hands on AE. At the moment, I am just willing to say that it still looks great, and will most likely have to be used slightly differently.

c.MK will not be easier to whiff punish because it still has the same amount of recovery frames meaning you still have the same time frame to counter it.

Actually, they just cut out the two active frames at the end, so if anything it will be slightly harder to whiff punish considering that it will end in 20 frames instead of 22.

That is true, you will have to react faster, so I believe that is a true statement.